Too complicated. If some people think it's unfair that CCA or Foxconn get first dibs for no apparent reason, then decentralised ownership is clearly the way to go. In addition to block rewards and fees, "orphan services" should be added to the list of perks that the miners receive when discovering a block of currency units.
Brilliant! The txn fee problem can be solved by the appropriation of resources with ambiguous ownership, namely orphans. All we need to do is funnel more goods, people, etc., with no clear owner into the blockchain to assign owners and bitcoin will become sustainable.
Theft doesn't occur in libertarian environments. Therefore, living chattel will not resist rightful appropriation.
Question: Are females chattel? Can we randomly assign widows to new owners too? I haven't read the latest treatises on natural law. Please update me on the modern theory. Random assignment seems about right, but I wouldn't want to propose anything immoral.
My only reservation: Random allocation via the blockchain is at odds with the principles of our colonial ancestors. They showed support for orphan auctions through common practice. On the other hand, the founding fathers did not have access to cryptocurrency technology. Given the technology, random allocation is obviously preferable.