Boys getting caned... Libertarian paradise... it could only be Singapore.
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!
Should I run your slogan by the tourism marketing committee?
Singapore is far from a libertarian paradise by any metric beyond lax enforcement of child prostitution laws; and for myself, I'd consider the protection of orphans from sex-starved foreigners one of the very few
legitimate functions of a state apparatus. A loose business regulatory environment is not the only condition of a libertarian "paradise".
Hey that's libel! Human trafficking laws are strictly enforced [provided that the trafficking involves Singaporean citizens].
The 'dark and dirty' [that's a Singlish expression for citizen of a neighboring state] should not be protected and supported using our tax dollars. You bastards with your entitlements that you think justify theft. I don't know what you mean by child prostitution anyways. Such workers are called 'entertainers'. In your country I understand that entertaining in this way is prohibited. LOL statist slave!
True, our companies hire bonded labor from developing countries. True, the gov't taxes the low wages paid to foreign bonded labor at about 50%. That's not a real tax though, those are foreigners. True, bonded labor is not legally entitled to time off. Not even one day per year. True, employers of bonded labor are liable for crimes committed by their charges. True, bonded labor is prohibited from communicating with members of the oppositie sex. True, female bonded laborers are tested for pregnancy every 3 months. In case of a violation, such criminals are deported. Employers forfeit the bond they placed on workers good behavior and become responsible for hunting down any runaway. Failure to locate a runaway means additional fines. Thus, the private repatriation companies. They search for and seize absconders, and load them on to cargo planes. All very efficient and free market.
I don't see any contradiction between any of this and libertarian ideals. Look how the evils of limited liability have been corrected in our employment arrangements! How can you fail to applaud this example of voluntary exchange and freedom of contract.
My apartment is even equipped with a small, windowless compartment that locks from the outside. It can accommodate one or two third-world nationals (if you use a bunk bed, as many do)
The other day I debated with a colleague whether bonded labor deserves a bed or not. He contended that offering a bed raises expectations for working conditions which leads to poor service.
(completely serious).