
Topic: Public STATEMENT Regarding Bitcoinica account hack at MtGox - page 20. (Read 72856 times)

hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000
It's good to see the exchanges co-operating with each other for the benefit of the community.

While it's obvious that users won't get their funds back any time soon, if at all, at least people now have a clearer idea of what really went down.  

Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
Sigh... kiba, what say you now?
Activity: 3010
Merit: 1031
RIP Mommy
Quick, someone check if that gmail account has the same pass as the API key!
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
HOLY FUGGIN SHIZ...  Well, that explains why they(reamining Bitcoinica admin) finally decided to lock out some of the access ZT said he still had just a few days ago.

WOW, just speachless.

THANK YOU a thousand times, Roberto Gutierrez and crew!!!!!

Question;  Are you able to query LR for more info on the U9236056 account?

ZT, man. For being such a highly intelligent guy, you are not so bright. And I don't mean for getting caught. I mean for assuming these people aorund here won't travel to your ass.......
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1227
Away on an extended break
Activity: 1500
Merit: 1022
I advocate the Zeitgeist Movement & Venus Project.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
Charlie 'Van Bitcoin' Shrem
We would like to make a few points:

  • I want to thank Roberto for leading the investigation on this one with Mark and myself. We pooled together our resources to connect the dots and paper trail. This just shows that even competitors can work together for the better of the Bitcoin community.
  • I can confirm that both Tihan from Bitcoinica LP and Patrick from Bitcoin Consultancy were both alerted about this investigation personally face-to-face by me. I urged them to seek legal action and request clarification from Zhou. I also requested that they decline him further access to any funds in any of the accounts.
  • Both assured me separately that action is being taken on this front and on the claims front. They assured me that the claims process will continue pending legal clarifications.
  • As you can imagine, we had to keep this information to ourselves for 10 days or so until we can completely verify all the information we presented here.

As more information comes to light and verified, we will release it to you as soon as possible.


Charlie, Bitinstant.
Activity: 608
Merit: 501
As representative of MtGox, I do confirm the following facts:

  • Upon hack of Bitcoinica's account on our platform, a large number of redeemable codes have been issued. Seeing a large volume of codes emitted by Bitcoinica didn't alert us at first as we assumed those were funds returned to Bitcoinica customers, however we were made aware it was not the case upon posting on this forum by Genjix about the account hack. We noticed that most of those codes were sent to AurumXchange.
  • Codes were all generated from IP (
  • During the investigation, AurumXchange asked us if we knew anything about email address [email protected] which was used by the hacker according to AurumXchange. We found an account under this email which had some activity back in 2011, with access from both an IP at Microsoft Singapore then an IP at Amazon EC2 and which initial funds are deposited from an account known to belong to Zhou Tong.
While we have no definitive proof at this time, there is a definitive need for a proper investigation of what happened there. We have got no reply at this time from Bitcoinica LP and its representatives/owners regarding this matter despite many requests.
Activity: 296
Merit: 250
Hash: SHA1

* On Friday, July 13 I was notified by MtGox that somebody had gain unauthorized access to Bitcoinica's MtGox account. I was also notified that most of the redeemable codes used in the heist were exchanged through AurumXchange on July 12.
* At the time I was on an extended weekend vacation with very limited internet access. I immediately notified Mark Karpeles at MtGox as well as Charlie Shrem at Bitinstant that I would take a closer examination of the situation on Tuesday upon my return.
* Upon closer examination of our database on Tuesday, I discovered that the hacker had indeed exchanged the MtGox coupons to Liberty Reserve through our instant exchange facility. The hacker had also exchanged Liberty Reserve back to MtGox presumably in an effort to conceal and/or "launder" the funds.
* Over all, the hacker exchanged a total of $61,875 USD from MtGox to Liberty Reserve, and a total of $17,500 Liberty Reserve to MtGox, for a grand total of $44,375 MtGox to Liberty Reserve. After our fees, this number amounts to approximately $40,000 USD.
* These orders were placed on our systems between 2012-07-12 11:46:48 and 2012-07-12 19:41:27 UTC.
* The IP addresses used by the hacker belong to TOR exit nodes to my understanding, and are as follows:

* The Liberty Reserve account used by the hacker is U9236056.
* The email address used by the hacker was [email protected].
* To my surprise, upon further examination of our order system, I found an order from Zhou Tong to sell Liberty Reserve to us for the amount of USD 40,000, requesting a wire to his bank account in Singapore. The amount for the order closely matches the total USD exchanged through us (after fees) using the MtGox USD codes stolen from the Bitcoinica account.
* This order was placed the next day the hacking attempts occurred. In addition, it should be noted that Zhou Tong has never dealt with us before as an exchange customer.
* This information was immediately sent to our two biggest trusted business partners: MtGox and Bitinstant in an effort to join forces to further investigate this situation.
* Mark Karpeles indicated that there was an account opened at MtGox using the email [email protected] sometime in 2011.
* Mark replied stating that there was activity on this account, that the account was opened using an IP address belonging to Microsoft Singapore, that Zhou Tong was known to have worked for said company at said location, that the email [email protected] have been verified, and that ALL activity on this account is linked to the MtGox account belonging to Zhou Tong.
* Mark has also indicated that the very first operation on the MtGox account opened with email [email protected] was the redeeming of a 10 BTC MtGox code generated from Zhou Tong's account.
* Charlie indicated that Erik Vorhees (a well known member of this community) has emails he exchanged with Zhou using the email address [email protected].

At this time, it appears that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence linking Zhou Tong personally to the Bitcoinica account hack at MtGox. Our legal department has advised us to freeze the funds for the exchange order mentioned above until further investigation by the authorities and/or legal proceedings are concluded.

Both Charlie and Mark have informed the current Bitcoinica owners of the situation and advised to start legal proceedings as soon as possible.

Posts corroborating this information from both MtGox and BitInstant will follow. I am technically on vacation until mid august with limited internet access, however, I will attempt to answer any questions the community might have as often as possible. Please understand that some information will not be released until all legal proceedings have been concluded.


Roberto Gutierrez
General Manager
The AurumXchange Company
Version: GnuPG

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