
Topic: Publish0x - The next Steemit? (Read 11345 times)

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June 05, 2019, 01:08:49 PM
I really like what they are creating here.

I have recently signed up and i don't know of one platform where you can earn two never mind three strong tokens that are listed on numerous exchanges and have more than a million trading volume at least.

I've just looked up their growth stats and they have almost been doubling every month and now have over 10k signups, give them a few months and they will be bigger than Steemit in regards to users and payouts.

I would recommend this platform to anyone who wants to earn crypto for free.
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June 05, 2019, 08:04:05 AM
Their growth is very impressive, pretty much month upon month they have doubled their userbase and 10,000 signups is a great achievement. Personally I like the fact that you can earn three different types of tokens on the platform, including a stablecoin, it's better for the users as it means their overall payouts are more stable and the crypto market won't impact them as much.

I would suggest to anyone who creates content about anything, especially crypto to get on this platform, it's a free way to earn crypto for simply liking articles, you can find the signup button on the article.
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June 04, 2019, 12:29:06 PM
Their growth has been amazing, and if they keep going like this till the end of the year they will be huge. Also it's great they have added another token, i really think this platform will compete and beat Steemit in regards to rewards, users, content and the overall platform.

Thanks for the share, i've signed up to it and already started earning some HYDRO and DAI!
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Merit: 0
June 03, 2019, 03:41:05 PM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


i've been using this platform for a few weeks now and it's great. They have over 10k signups, under 100k on Alexia ranking and now you can earn a stablecoin as well as two strong tokens that are on many exchanges and have a market cap of over million. I would suggest this platform to anyone who is looking to earn crypto for creating content or wants a free way to earn crypto.
full member
Activity: 212
Merit: 114
June 03, 2019, 06:25:18 AM
I don't think it is the next steemit. They are just giving a tip for the quality content where you can find many more platforms like this! Publish0x is a good platform but it is being used for the bounty0x only, if I am not wrong! It needs more adoption and promotion to become a big thing in crypto! Recently CBNT has attracted me and that seemed better than Publish0x!
brand new
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Merit: 0
June 03, 2019, 03:43:57 AM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


I've just signed up to the platform and i'm very impressed. I have already earned a decent amount of bounty0x and HYDRO tokens in one day, I will be using this platform from now on and i would recommend it to any bounty hunters, content creators or anyone who wants to simply read crypto content.
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Merit: 0
May 31, 2019, 12:10:16 PM
I've been using this platform for a few weeks now and it's great.

You can earn both Bounty0x and HYDRO which are valuable and easily exchangeable. It's another great tool, even if you are not a blogger, you can earn a decent amount of tokens from it, simply by reading great content and liking it.

They have grown massively over the last few months, and i expect it to continue over the next month, they just need to add another token to the platform.
brand new
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Merit: 0
May 31, 2019, 06:49:04 AM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


It's a great platform and i have been using it for a month or so.

It's a great way to earn some bounty0x / HYRDRO tokens, both of which are on a lot of exchanges and have a value that could grow with the market. I would recommend that anyone who is looking for a way to earn some crypto use it. You can sign up by clicking on the article and signing up on the page.
brand new
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Merit: 0
May 29, 2019, 11:28:30 AM
I've been using it for a month now and i've got a good amount of Bounty0x and HYDRO tokens for simply liking articles. It's a great way to earn some crypto. I find it better than other platforms as both the tokens that you can earn are actually worth something and you can cash out.

Also i like that they are consistently improving the platform, I've seen numerous changes while i have been using it, so they are constantly working on it. I've seen no developments on Steemit, apart from more and more adverts on the platform.

I recommend this platform to anyone who wants to earn some crypto that actually has some value, rather than doing bounties and hoping the ICOs are successful. You can sign up by clicking on the article and signing up Smiley
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 29, 2019, 07:23:38 AM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


I've only recently signed up the platform and i have to say that i am very impressed.

I've already earned some HYDRO and Bounty0x tokens for simply upvoting (liking) articles. I love the fact that i can earn two tokens that have value as well are on numerous exchanges.

I would recommend this platform to anyone who wants to earn crypto and is bored of earning tokens that have no value or that you have to wait till the ICO is finished.
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 28, 2019, 08:52:10 AM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


I've been using the platform for a while now and it's great and will become bigger than Steemit. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to earn crypto for free.

According to their stats they have over 9.4k signups and are growing very fast. I would recommend that you get onto the platform and start earning before it is too big!
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 27, 2019, 03:59:39 PM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


I've been using this platform for a while and it's great, it's a very easy way to earn crypto that is actually valuable. I'm looking forward to the next update to see what token they will be adding to the platform in the foreseeable future.

I would recommend it to anyone who wants to earn crypto.
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 24, 2019, 11:22:38 AM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


I've only recently found out about this platform, but it's great. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to earn some crypto for free that actually has some value and be traded as soon as you move it to your wallet.

It's a lot better than bounties! Give it a try, it's free!
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 23, 2019, 11:16:35 AM
I've only recently started using this platform and it's great.

I've cashed out last Monday and they pay out, and on top of that you have the ability to earn tokens that are already established on the market and are on numerous exchanges.

If they add a few more tokens to the platform in the coming months that are also valuable, then they will really take off, they already have over 8,000 users of the platform and those tokens they add will only bring the community with them. I honestly think by the end of the summer that they will overtake Steemit in users, payouts and amount of content.

I would advise everyone to get on this platform now and start earning before it gets extremely popular.
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 23, 2019, 05:17:15 AM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


I've been using the platform for a few months now and i've earned a decent amount of Bounty0x and HYDRO tokens. It's great because the tokens are on exchanges and actually have value, no need to take part in potential ICOs and hope their token will become valuable.

There are rumours that they will be adding a new token to the platform as well, with the recent grow of the userbase, they should be able to attract a more valuable token, if they manage to get a token that is in the top 200 they will blow up with users, content and will overtake Steemit. I already think they are better than Steemit in regards to the platform.
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 11, 2019, 07:03:13 PM
I've just signed up to the platform a week ago and I'm pleasantly surprised. I've already earned (quite a decent amount for the amount of effort) some HYDRO and Bounty0x tokens just for upvoting some articles that I enjoyed reading.

Right now it is quite a small community, but if they keep growing at the rate they were in March, then in 2/3 months we will see a very big platform that is producing a lot of content. I would recommend this platform to anyone who is looking to earn some crypto easily and for free.

Looking forward to writing my first article and seeing how much I can earn!
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 10, 2019, 06:21:09 AM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


I've been using this platform for a few months and i'm very happy with the platform so far. The team is very active in making UI / UX improvements to the system and they are growing very quickly in the amount of users.

They have two pretty decent tokens that you earn that are both on exchanges and on CoinMarketCap, if they add another token, they will only get bigger.

I would suggest the platform to anyone who wants to earn crypto for free, or is simply interested in crypto related content.
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 09, 2019, 12:06:14 PM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


I've never heard about this blogging platform, but the numbers and the design looks very impressive.

I have signed up and i will have a deeper look. Regardless, i think there is needs to be a revamp, i hate Steemit's platform and they haven't really evolved it for a long time, all i have seen is adverts and a downvote button.

According to their stats they are over 7k which is growing very fast, if they keep growing at this rate they will be competing with Steemit for bloggers in Summer.
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 09, 2019, 07:32:17 AM
I have only found out about this platform but after playing around with it for a few hours I love it! It's a great way to earn crypto. I honestly see this platform as taking over Steemit in regards to users and the overall platform. They will still need to add another token that can compete with the price of Steemit, but it is looking very promising!
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
May 06, 2019, 01:11:20 PM
Hello everyone,

Recently I discovered a new blogging platform called Publish0x that rewards you not just for writing content but also for tipping (upvoting / liking) articles. What is different to Steemit is that they do not have their own native token, but use a token that is already listed on CoinMarketCap.

I really like the system already. It's easier to use, cleaner and it's only in beta, has anyone used it? Are there any other big fans? If you want to read more about the platform you can click on the link below which explains the tipping system.

I think it's a great way to earn some crypto for newbies as well as experienced bloggers.


I've signed up the this platform over the weekend and so fair it's great.

The amount you can earn is still a little limited, as the best articles seem to get around 8-9 dollars in crypto, but it's not bad at all, especially if you are a content creator to start with. I've already got my hands on over 100 HYDRO tokens so i'm happy. Also the platform is easy to use and it seems they have a great community around them.

They could work on their marketing though, as a platform like this should blow up over night.

I would recommend it to anyone who writes and reads crypto content, or hunters of crypto who are looking to get hold of some decent crypto tokens for free.
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