No, they are not and we should not accept a fact that is based on nothing and that is actually false.
A good example is this:
A lot of things are not actually made in China but just assembled there.
Second and more important, if everything is made in China
- the US and the EU have an almost 30 trillion economy
- China exports just 1 trillion to these countries
Where is the rest?
If everything is made in China, why do they import 100 billion of equipment, machines, vehicles and electronics from Germany alone?
If China exports 2.2 trillion in the world and everything is "made in China" what happens with the 1.4 exported by Germany?
You can check it here
What I actually notice from that table is that
Asia has: 49,261,267 vehicles
Europe has: 21,130,694 vehicles
Taking into account that Europe has 1/7 the population I think we're doing pretty good, right?
Contrary to the myth that "everything" is made in China.