Design & ad restrictions
Ad text may not contain lies, misrepresentation, or inappropriate language. Ads may not link directly to any NSFW page. No ICOs[1], loggable mixers[2], banks, funds, or anything that a person can be said to "invest" in; I may very rarely make exceptions if you convince me that you are ultra legit, but don't count on it. Ads may be rejected for other reasons, and I may remove ads even after they are accepted.
See the ad design rules for info on designing forum ads.
[1]: For the purposes of forum ads, an ICO is any token, altcoin, or other altcoin-like thing which meets any of the following criteria: it is primarily run/backed by a company; it is substantially, fundamentally centralized in either operation or coin distribution; or it is not yet possible for two unprivileged users of the system to send coins directly to each other in a P2P way. The intention here is to allow community efforts to advertise things like Litecoin, but not to allow ICO funding, even when the ICO is disguised in various ways.
[2]: A loggable mixer is a service marketed primarily for improving transaction privacy which accepts full custody of cryptocurrency for a time and has the technical ability to log where the cryptocurrency comes from and goes to (even if they promise not to log).
Ca fait quand même un peu parapluie pour se défausser sur l'annonceur en cas de souci je trouve, bref
Smart mixer paye 0.004/wk pour 15 posts (en fait c'est $40 donc ca varie en fonction du cours)
Le xx coins c'est 0.002btc/post/wk donc avec 20 posts ca paye pareil ou plus
Mais si la campagne arrete apres 3 semaines... a reflechir.
Legendary : 0,00020BTC/post
Hero : 0,00018BTC/post
Senior : 0,00014BTC/post
50 posts max par semaine mais les posts en local sont comptés comme l'a dit Halab