
Topic: r0ach's Cryptomarkets Watch & Scamcoin Observer - page 5. (Read 47191 times)

sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
r0ach, I thought you might like this:

Steemit's white paper explains the design intentionally tricks users into doing more work than they will be paid for:

Steem weighs payouts proportional to n​2 (n squared) the amount of Steem Power voting for a post.

The impact of this voting and payout distribution is to offer large bounties for good content while still rewarding smaller players for their long-tail contribution.

The economic effect of this is similar to a lottery where people over-estimate their probability of getting votes and thus do more work than the expected value of their reward and thereby maximize the total amount of work performed in service of the community. The fact that everyone “wins something” plays on the same psychology that casinos use to keep people gambling. In other words, small rewards help reinforce the idea that it is possible to earn bigger rewards.

Let's build a social (i.e. "feel good") network by abusing our users. Yeah that is a great idea! @dantheman you are the man Dan. Brilliant ideas! I dare say you must be a genius.

Brilliant minds congregate together:

The guy on the right is the lead developer of Storj. You can review his brilliant design in a discussion he and I had recently.

The seated guy on the left is the one Bruce Wanker talks about.
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
this is the wrong time to dissect Steem imo people will just call sour grapes, you should wait after the pump is over
Activity: 3836
Merit: 4969
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it the reason USD is and will be the standard for as long as TPTB hold that power. We can like it or not but it is an inalienable fact.

Or until TPTB decide to kill the dollar as the reverse currency to replace it with a one-world reserve currency until.

They already limit what you can hold and posses. Being found with too much is already a seizable crime unless you can prove a negative.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265 the reason USD is and will be the standard for as long as TPTB hold that power. We can like it or not but it is an inalienable fact.

Or until TPTB decide to kill the dollar as the reserve currency to replace it with a one-world reserve currency until.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 4969
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
I went and backtested Armstrong's recent talks over the last few months.  Someone asked him on camera around March what he thought metals were going to do in the near future and if he was bullish.  He said they weren't going to do much and then the price exploded upwards shortly after.  Other people have noticed after Brexit that metals (and Bitcoin) benefited more over the US dollar, so this whole conspiracy that the world is going to all-in on the dollar during financial collapse is baseless IMO.  

When a severe lack of trust forms over the competency and solvency of the EU governance, NOBODY is saying to themselves "hey, maybe I should invest in the American government run by the same banks and people."  

The real truth is the USD is backed by the words Leading Super Power and that is a fact that will not be denied and is the reason USD is and will be the standard for as long as TPTB hold that power. We can like it or not but it is an inalienable fact.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
this is the wrong time to dissect Steem imo people will just call sour grapes, you should wait after the pump is over

I like to be able to say (as was the case for r0ach and I on Ethereum Paradox thread), we told you first but you didn't listen to us.

I'm doing the research so then later others can use that, because I will likely be too busy coding or launching a new CC by then (just in time to catch the exodus out of Steemit into the next great pump, lol but I will have something worthy to offer). Except of course those who locked their Steem Power for 2 years and will be kicking themselves while the potential Bitcoin killer arrives and they can't cash out of Steemit, Lol! I want a Bruce Wanker video for this!
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
I think this is important enough to post here:

I edited my post on the prior page, because I am nearly certain I have deduced the business model plan for Steem:

The whitepaper contains perhaps a hint as to the long-term plan:

Solving the Cryptocurrency Liquidation Problem

A currency that is difficult to use or impossible to sell has little value. Someone who comes across $1.00 worth of Bitcoin will discover that it costs more than $1.00 to sell that Bitcoin. They have to create an account with an exchange, perform KYC validation, and pay fees. Small amounts of cryptocurrency are like small change that people are unwilling to bend over to pick up.

Merchants give users a way to quickly convert their cryptocurrency into tangible goods and services. Merchants need a currency pegged to their unit of account, normally dollars. Accepting a volatile currency introduces significant accounting overhead.

Merchants will accept any currency if it increases their sales. Having a large user base with a stable currency such as SMD lowers the barrier to entry for merchants. The presence of merchants improves the system by creating an off-ramp for users to exit the system without going to the trouble of using an exchange.

So it appears "Dan and Ned" (do they do anal?) want to try to amass enough users holding SP tokens (because users are forced to receive 50% of their payouts in SP tokens which require 2 years to cash out), to incentivize merchants to sell to these users.

The flaw in their plan is network effects are inhibited/retarded with a closed, persmissioned block chain and ecosystem. Network effects are enabled by permissionless, trustless systems. Currency can't be built as a corporation.

Dan is a funny kook. He believes he can build a worldwide currency enclosed inside a proof-of-stake corporation with an 80% stealth mine for the insiders.

Dan seems to like jails. To be a full participant in his proof-of-stake playjailground, you are forced to lockup your investment for two years in SP tokens.

I hope jails are nice to Dan. He seems want them all around him.

Edit: I have figured out their business plan. They obviously are hoping that the commerce which must take place in STEEM (not Steem Power) tokens will pay for the costs of rewarding content creation, via the 9X greater debasement of STEEM vs. SP. This is how they hope that investors do not end up paying for the content ongoing. So the income producing model is apparently the commerce they expect to take place on STEEM once they have a large enough userbase who have plenty of Steem Power tokens to cash out every week to STEEM tokens.

The problem I see with this model in addition to the criticism I made above, is that the commerce won't be a large proportion of the Steem Power, because users will prefer to cash out to fiat or Bitcoin because the merchant ecosystem will be too small. Again my point is there is no way Dan can scale the currency to a diverse ecosystem with it being a corporate controlled block chain (DPoS) and where his company controls all the users. Ecosystems need very diverse network effects and unlimited degrees-of-freedom in order to maximize rate of diversification and scaling.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
I went and backtested Armstrong's recent talks over the last few months.  Someone asked him on camera around March what he thought metals were going to do in the near future and if he was bullish.  He said they weren't going to do much and then the price exploded upwards shortly after.  Other people have noticed after Brexit that metals (and Bitcoin) benefited more over the US dollar, so this whole conspiracy that the world is going to all-in on the dollar during financial collapse is baseless IMO.  

When a severe lack of trust forms over the competency and solvency of the EU governance, NOBODY is saying to themselves "hey, maybe I should invest in the American government run by the same banks and people."  

A deadcat bounce would not be contrary to his expectation of an eventual $850 bottom. Let's wait and see what happens.

...which confirms our computer models, albeit a tad late.
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1045
so this whole conspiracy that the world is going to all-in on the dollar during financial collapse is baseless IMO.  

Not entirely.

Americans tend to fear scenarios like "dollar collapse" or "hyperinflation", overlooking two very important parameters:

1) Most other currencies are weaker compared to the dollar, and the dollar appears as safe haven in comparison. So when global uncertainty evolves, the citizen of country X is typically better if he has his money in USD. Some exemptions do exist however, mainly in countries that are very strong exporters and whose currency inflows are much larger than outflows (leading to relative strength of the local currency).

2) Global debt slavery of entire countries is *ensured* by the power of the dollar. If the dollar crumbled then all the external debt of countries, denominated in USD, which ties them down to debt-slavery, would be easily repayable. The Elite would not allow their control structure to crumble by letting the dollar crumble (and making USD-denominated debts easily repayable). The control structure only works as long as the dollar is hard and difficult to repay.

Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
I went and backtested Armstrong's recent talks over the last few months.  Someone asked him on camera around March what he thought metals were going to do in the near future and if he was bullish.  He said they weren't going to do much and then the price exploded upwards shortly after.  Other people have noticed after Brexit that metals (and Bitcoin) benefited more over the US dollar, so this whole conspiracy that the world is going to all-in on the dollar during financial collapse is baseless IMO.  

When a severe lack of trust forms over the competency and solvency of the EU governance, NOBODY is saying to themselves "hey, maybe I should invest in the American government run by the same banks and people."  

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"--this applies to nation states as well. My theory is that a corporate state rises from the ash heap of oligarchy by vote--it's no wonder that the tribal system has acted out with such menace--they are trying to chatter up the primal bowel of man to shake him down with images of death to shock him out of his tune-out mantra of pokemon go and universal healthcare. Their point is that no government can protect you, Capitalism's point will be "we can offer you these same service with better assurances at reduced costs.... interested? Good, now I need you to fill out these forms....."

This may seem to contradict what I said the other day about Capitalism needing a free-output for wealth recapitalization, but IT LOOKS REALLY TEMPTING to embrace a closed system like China's when, "how else do you keep your consumers from being shocked out from their Disney stupor?"

My answer, "Democracy's hard."
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
I went and backtested Armstrong's recent talks over the last few months.  Someone asked him on camera around March what he thought metals were going to do in the near future and if he was bullish.  He said they weren't going to do much and then the price exploded upwards shortly after.  Other people have noticed after Brexit that metals (and Bitcoin) benefited more over the US dollar, so this whole conspiracy that the world is going to all-in on the dollar during financial collapse is baseless IMO.  

When a severe lack of trust forms over the competency and solvency of the EU governance, NOBODY is saying to themselves "hey, maybe I should invest in the American government run by the same banks and people."  
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
There is gold in 'dem altcoin hills...

...There isn't a $100 million of liquidity in Bitcoin for even just one investor, not to mention the $trillions of millionaires. (btw, a more controversial opinion of mine, is that Bitcoin is probably going to top out < $10,000. If you want 100X gains, altcoin speculation is the ticket.) The millionaires who want to play in Bitcoin, are building mining farms and mining BTC cheaply, which another reason altcoins can do so well, because they need liquidity so they can invest this mined BTC without dumping it for fiat...
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
You need to come up from your basement sometimes and learn from a sophisticated former $2 trillion hedge fund manager:

This appeal to authority nonsense is not a valid argument.  You claim that people are trying to preserve capital and looking for safe havens to do it.  Stocks have far higher counterparty risk than Bitcoin and metals.  They can just suspend trading on the market at a whim.  Stocks are complete garbage as a "safe haven".  Stocks are more like an unsafe haven.

You say things like metals and Bitcoin can't absorb enough flight capital so they're not valid LOL.  HELLO?  That's the most bullish thing on earth you could say for the future prices of Bitcoin and metals.  Armstrong has brainwashed himself through constant repetition of playing the Jew's paper wealth shuffling game and thinks that fraudulent game will just continue forever.

r0ach you are an extreme case of a delusion tinfoil hat.

Get a grip on reality dude. The mainstream doesn't have a clue about the things that worry you. If you mentioned these points to them, they'd look at you like you've lost your mind and are babbling idiot crying "The Sky is Falling". They would think putting $million of physical gold in a vault is much more dangerous, illiquid, and volatile pricing than buying some stock certificates. Remember it is the millionaires who drive the markets, not the small investor who is always the last to the party when the millionaires are cashing out.

You also still don't seem to understand relative size and liquidity and you are too damn stubborn to realize you are a Dunning-Kruger idiot in this case.

I'll remind you about this in a few years if I am still around after USD and US stocks have done precisely what Armstrong and I have told you they will do.

I can definitely see how bond yields go lower in the US, but how low can they go and what are the repercussions for the rest of the world? I would suggest very bad for insurance industry, pensions, corp debt.

We need that to totally break the confidence in the USA after the strong USD also destroys as I mentioned in the prior posts.

This will force the private sector to AAA corporate and stocks to seek yield. Then those will bubble and peak and finally after that USD stampede bubble completes, everything will be burnt to the ground. So we can do the global monetary reset. There will be very little resistance by that time to it, because confidence will be in the abyss. TPTB are doing creative destruction now.

You're operating under the assumption that the US can militarily hold every other nation on earth hostage and prevent them from divesting from the dollar in the middle of the biggest economic crisis ever?  The US can't go to war with every nation at once.  Russia and China are nuclear powers, they don't have to listen.  Other nations will go rogue as well.  It's not possible to maintain USD monopoly through this.

Divesting from the dollar would really upset the apple cart. Not that it isn't coming in time anyway (an orderly move to SDR is likely), but seeing how intertwined the world is financially, a big, disorderly, pronounced move away from the USD would provoke massive reactions. Most developing nations have high corporate dollar denominated debt loads so who knows the ramifications there. Trade deals would be blown apart, tariffs introduced.

The rest of the world is short the dollar and the strong dollar will burn the rest of the world economy to the ground in a dollar liquidity vortex that sucks everything into the dollar, because the more the short bankrupts the rest of the world, the more capital will stampede out of the rest of the world and into the dollar.

The divestment from the dollar will come in a monetary reset agreed to by all the nations. A "Bretton Woods" accord of the G20 perhaps. It will be done with the stroke of a pen.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Taking my quotation out of context will give you your desired results--not correct, but desired.

I was making a general commentary on capitalism and how it works--and by that standard, there are limitless resources in space (as pointed out, by comparison of our current earth bound measure), now that's not saying how those resources get distributed (likely into a few hands and redistributed badly), but that doesn't make the system work differently--now whatever you're insinuating about the moon, maybe just say it instead of playing riddler (as the Gertrude told Polinius "more matter, with less art.")

Nope , it is a riddle you will only know the answer , when you see the reality of it.
Telling you directly would make no difference in your understanding of it.


Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Kiklo, the man that brought you:

buying Sterile BTC or Tokens that can not make more of themselves is Pure Speculation.

Example: It is like a farmer buying a herd of cattle that are sterile.

Proof of Stake is the only way to make money in the long run , buying Sterile BTC or Tokens that can not make more of themselves is Pure Speculation.

Example: It is like a farmer buying a herd of cattle that are sterile. He only makes money if the market is higher when he has to sell, if the market is down when he has to sell , he just wasted his Time & Money, where if he buys a herd of cattle that can produce Offspring, he is able to keep his original amount of cattle and sell off any excess , therefore giving him a
Lifetime of Revenue verses a One-time Completely Speculative Time Sensitive Investment

Sad part is you still don't get it.  Tongue

Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
Kiklo, the man that brought you:

buying Sterile BTC or Tokens that can not make more of themselves is Pure Speculation.

Example: It is like a farmer buying a herd of cattle that are sterile.

Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
, but I don't think they counted on space exploration, and compared to what we have now, infinite resources as far as imagination can see.


What percentage of the world's population has electricity?
An estimated 79 percent of the people in the Third World -- the 50 poorest nations -- have no access to electricity, despite decades of international development work.

Does the world have enough resources for all, Sure does.
Could be a Utopia.

But the evil ones always limit access to those resources to increase their own wealth.
North Korea is a good example, their people are starving but their leader is fat.
Bad Management especially considering they are next to the ocean.  Tongue


Riddle for you,
US went to the Moon & Back with 1969-1972 Technology.
Why is it , that no other country with 2016 Technology has been able to send a living man to the moon and back.
Clue : Van Allen Radiation Belt

Taking my quotation out of context will give you your desired results--not correct, but desired.

I was making a general commentary on capitalism and how it works--and by that standard, there are limitless resources in space (as pointed out, by comparison of our current earth bound measure), now that's not saying how those resources get distributed (likely into a few hands and redistributed badly), but that doesn't make the system work differently--now whatever you're insinuating about the moon, maybe just say it instead of playing riddler (as the Gertrude told Polinius "more matter, with less art.")
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
, but I don't think they counted on space exploration, and compared to what we have now, infinite resources as far as imagination can see.


What percentage of the world's population has electricity?
An estimated 79 percent of the people in the Third World -- the 50 poorest nations -- have no access to electricity, despite decades of international development work.

Does the world have enough resources for all, Sure does.
Could be a Utopia.

But the evil ones always limit access to those resources to increase their own wealth.
North Korea is a good example, their people are starving but their leader is fat.
Bad Management especially considering they are next to the ocean.  Tongue


Riddle for you,
US went to the Moon & Back with 1969-1972 Technology.
Why is it , that no other country with 2016 Technology has been able to send a living man to the moon and back.
Clue : Van Allen Radiation Belt
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
When someone finds a way to short the entire world economy, call me. It's just being moved from one hand to the other (but becoming less handy).

Gold  :Roll Eyes

BTC  Huh

The new network will need to feed all those competing for resources--not all those resources want, or even should be, easily tracked or be worth their (market manipulated) weight in gold. If cryptonight was developed by the NSA (who knows), it was with the purpose of destroying China's track-it money. Freemarkets wreak havoc on closed systems, no matter if they're hybrid capitalism or not--once you close it, the capitalistic (feed me, feed me more, more, more!) system isolates the cancer and grafts resources as best it can without letting the non-capitalist contagion grow into anything but competitive motivation. Funny that there are a group of people that think you can destroy capitalism by over-feeding it (the housing crisis showed human emotion kicks-in and reacts by limiting the damage while the machine gets more efficient and stronger), but I don't think they counted on space exploration, and compared to what we have now, infinite resources as far as imagination can see.

The machine will press on and it's just a battle for who thinks they are behind the wheel. To put it another way. If you remember the conversation we were having on whether ai can be creative, Shelby, I figured out that if you create a machine that can adjust its programming, and this is important, force it to fight for resources against other thinking machines (humans or otherwise) you get creativity (unless you want to define it in metaphysical terms and get all misty eyed over human consciousness).

Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
You need to come up from your basement sometimes and learn from a sophisticated former $2 trillion hedge fund manager:

This appeal to authority nonsense is not a valid argument.  You claim that people are trying to preserve capital and looking for safe havens to do it.  Stocks have far higher counterparty risk than Bitcoin and metals.  They can just suspend trading on the market at a whim.  Stocks are complete garbage as a "safe haven".  Stocks are more like an unsafe haven.

You say things like metals and Bitcoin can't absorb enough flight capital so they're not valid LOL.  HELLO?  That's the most bullish thing on earth you could say for the future prices of Bitcoin and metals.  Armstrong has brainwashed himself through constant repetition of playing the Jew's paper wealth shuffling game and thinks that fraudulent game will just continue forever.  

In the really old days, most people considered the stock market a giant scam.  We will likely return to those days when the value drops in half in a short duration.  The alternative would be more QE to try and prop markets up, but the effect of that is waning because EVERYONE knows it's a bubble, so things like Bitcoin and metals would benefit even more from the QE.  It's inevitable there's a rush to the exits for more sound money while the QE bubble assets collapse.

(fyi my metals history was going all in on gold at $430)
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