There is a lot of racism in the world today and indeed is a crime against humanity. Every person is the same inside, same heart, lung, soul, kidneys etc etc, just that the colour of skin varies. This colour varies from country to country and from continent to continent. You got the white, the yellow,the Asian and then you have black. It would be boring if we were all the same colour would'nt it. variety is the spice of life as the saying goes,so what if I'm a shade lighter than you, God made me like this so, take it up with him if you got an issue.
Of course not everyone is racist but there are the extreme few. In societies today we have mixed race marriages, which bring in diverse cultures. No one should be discriminated against their race, colour, creed, religion or anything for that matter,this world is meant for all of us to live equally and in peace.
I remembered a joke but theres alot of meaning behind it.
A pandas black and white and asian also,covers all the races,,,,yet we all love a furry cuddly cute panda dont we?