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Laissez Faire City Founders looking for revenge?By: Simon Jester
The Laissez Faire City programmers , in essence the paid friends of James Ray Houston and his live in companions at the fake "Consulado " in San Jose, Costa Rica, are the architects and designers of DMT.
Half of all founders "grants" were funneled to the developement of DMT, that amounts to 3 grand per and none of the outside( as opposed to the "inside" group) founders were aware of this until the end, just before James Ray Houston looted the_ secure_online ATM ( also a product of LFC programmers).
J. Orlin Grabbe was known to take credit for the invention of Laissez Faire City, though it was always represented to founders as the brainchild of James Ray Houston. Under the pseudo nym of Midas Mulligan. Houston had many names, nyms and aliases.
Certainly Mr. Houston controlled the money, set up the trust with fraudulent signatures, rented the "consulado", named an employee as the trustee, made agreements to pay Ian Fraser(as well as others) a percentage of the suckers he could steer to LFC and Mr. Houston and his cocaine habit were blamed for the downfall of the
brilliantly conceived but "somehow" it just did not work out business plan.
The banking information trail says Houston and family collected the funds.
Grabbe has less and less to say about his part in LFC as it becomes more and more clear how big a scam it was.
DMT shares were SUPPOSED to be given to founders to make up for the money lost or outright stolen, and this carrot was held out to keep founders quiet. The DMT shares have "somehow" not been distributed. Just after Houston ran off with the money, the founders were told to buy DMT til it hurt, keep the value up.
I think I have copies of those posts, really funny, [yellow=red,2,300]the convoluted logic would cause holes in the space time continuum.[/glow]
Posted: 10/23/2003 11:03:09 PM
Is this OUR Johann Gevers?From:"Plus, we now have another investor supporting our project: Johann Gevers – a futurist and friend – has made an initial contribution, and is increasing his holding on a monthly basis."
Is this our financial auditor throwing around some cash?
Making investments to hit the big time? Using OUR money?
From: of a2i2,
This time:
Meet Michael,
Overview of our technical status,
Another call for additional team members.
Plus, we now have another investor supporting our project: Johann Gevers - a futurist and friend - has made an initial contribution, and is increasing his holding on a monthly basis.
Finally, we may be getting close to actually being able to use some remote, part-time help with specific aspects of our system (such as vision, sound, virtual world, etc.). Please subscribe to our tech list, if you are potentially interested in participating:
Please contact me for further details - [email protected]
Towards Increased Intelligence,
Peter VossAnybody heard of this Peter Voss?
You folks need to read the whole page in its entirety and in content, for I'm only pulling out some nuggets: - Meanwhile, the "staff" were busily consuming
pizzas, drinking in the City Club, etc. Seemingly,
doing everything except work. (my observations, I was
there). "Staff" had yet to produce any workable
16 - Well, one day, Dino apparently started looking at
the code and the "staff" decided it was a piece of
junk and had to be rewritten using their new jim-dandy
techniques that they had been reading about on the web
and their magazines.
The "staff" considered me sort of a "cowboy,
renegade, whatever".
I even heard
predictions about how Mailvault was going to put
Hotmail out of business, etc.
20 - Well, after about two of these fluff dinners, I
began asking questions (embarassing ones) of all the
"staff". Things like, does it have attachments?, are
there any filters?, are the servers really
21 - Well, this enflamed the "staff" to such a degree
that these dinners became shouting matches. JOG and
Code Crusader were there. This was before they took
over the "staff".
22 - It even became so bad at one point that I was
theoretically "fired" for voicing my opinion of
"staffs" competence.
49 - Well, one day, I get a knock on my door and there
is Trusty, looking like a wet dog. Seems he could not
cover ATM withdrawals because Rex had all the money
tied up in various bank accounts... Surprise,
Editorial comment.... You may not believe this,
but my take on the whole situation is .
a. -
The whole LFCity thing was a "half baked",
idealist idea that never really had a chance to
succeed because it was plagued with "non achievers",
glad handers, pseudo-gurus, etc.
b. -
I really do not think Rex was out to "scam"
anybody. It is just his nature to play the big time
banker, Hollywood producer, big shot, etc.
It just got out of hand and he could not cover his
Granted, he should not have been playing with ATM,
LFCity money the way he was, but he was warned many
times about it.
JOG, CC, Robert, JSE, etc. were all well aware of what
was going on, but they continued to ride the gravy
As soon as they stopped getting paid, they
screamed like stuck pigs. JOG and CC screamed
because founder positions stopped coming in. (JOG got
1/2 of every $6000 position).
c. -
The MAIN reason LFC failed is simply because
there were too many years of non-performance and
non-delivery of products to make it "real". The
train was parked at the dock, come on down, you do not
really have to do anything, just smile and slap me on
the back... etc...
SteveFUN FACT: Would it surprise you to learn that the majority of the above quoted was from a fellow Bitcoiner?