joint, cbeast, your sophomoric interpretations of human pain and suffering are so disconnected from what people with mental illness actually experience, that it's enraging if not totally isolating.
I, myself, live many of my days in agony and its not because I am so totally belligerent and stubborn that I can't do any better but because of biological and environmental factors that I have yet to quantify. Factors, that you gentlemen have yet to quantify.
Now, I have no way to prove anything to you because I am only my own perception.
You are only your own perception. No brain digging and psycho-analysis can change that. Get that through your institutionalized, college-educated skulls.
Your "education" you call a degree won't change this.
No amount of hugs and free shit is going to solve my problem or anybody elses. The human condition sometimes sucks for people and it will likely remain that way and its a beautiful thing: It encourages evolution and experimentation in our affairs.
Now, what I suffer through is quite minor. Sure things look like living hell a good amount of the time but I have met people who see and hear demons day and night. Who feel like crying themselves to death a good amount of the time. I've heard and seen people experience visions that no one should suffer through.
Now, I am talking about a close person in my life. She doesn't suffer because people have failed her or that she is failing herself: Her condition just sucks.
I fortunately came to her as a person that didn't try to fix her and control her. I accepted her as she is.
You should try the same with people.
In essence, I'm sick of your authoritarian position on my affairs and the affairs of others. I'm sick of you saying you knows whats best and that you know how to live my life.
I only know what I feel and how I live.
You are entitled to take care of your own damn self. Do that first and then try to treat others.
You're not god. You're not special. You're not a messiah. You're just another man.
You're not virtuous enough nor wise enough to control me or anybody else. That is all.