SCAMMER ALERTSomebody by the name of slievensdrkslk. on slack is a scammer. I have posted the conversation below. I obviously was trying to get as much info as possible since I knew he was a fucktard and he fell for it. Do your homework people. Do not send any btc to him.
slievensdrkslk. [8:00 PM] hey
[8:00] still online ?
hort [8:43 PM] Yes
[8:44] Hello
----- Today October 17th, 2016 -----
slievensdrkslk. [8:39 AM] hey sorry i was afk
slievensdrkslk. [4:09 PM] hey hey
hort [5:11 PM] Hello
slievensdrkslk. [5:12 PM] Hey @hort
[5:12] How is going
hort [5:12 PM] Good
slievensdrkslk. [5:12 PM] just couple min to make coffee
[5:12] and i will back to you
hort [5:12 PM] Ok
slievensdrkslk. [5:22 PM] ok
[5:22] just back
[5:23] still around
hort [5:24 PM] You get my msg?
slievensdrkslk. [5:27 PM] what msg ?
[5:28] I see msg HELLLLOOOO
[5:28] in general chat
hort [5:40 PM] Where is ur girlfriend at?
slievensdrkslk. [5:43 PM] What you mean where is ?
[5:43] at home
[5:45] ?? hort
[5:46 PM] Ah in the UK then cool.
slievensdrkslk. [5:46 PM] why you ask me that ?
hort [5:47 PM] You were saying that she was in Germany for a while. Guess she is home now.
slievensdrkslk. [5:47 PM] Yes she is back to home
hort [5:48 PM] How long was she in Germany?
slievensdrkslk. [5:48 PM] 2 week
hort [5:49 PM] Good.
[5:50] When is new name coming out?
[5:50] What is new name?
slievensdrkslk. [5:50 PM] Still working on it
[5:50] i let you know
hort [5:52 PM] Any hints?
slievensdrkslk. [5:52 PM] shoot one
hort [5:53 PM] I wish I had a girl from Amsterdam
[5:57] What else is new?
slievensdrkslk. [5:58 PM] new things is that i bought 5 million silk from Trevor
[5:58] and now going to sell them
hort [5:59 PM] I'll buy how much?
slievensdrkslk. [5:59 PM] all 5 million ?
[6:01] You mean to buy all 5 million ,or what ?
hort [6:01 PM] How much?
slievensdrkslk. [6:01 PM] 850 satoshi for all 5 million
hort [6:03 PM] Lemme move some btc around. I'll get back to you.
[6:03] Asap
slievensdrkslk. [6:04 PM] ok
hort [6:06 PM] What is ur btc coin address?
[6:06] Just so I have it.
slievensdrkslk. [6:07 PM] 14MGDngkodAYyrdK3txQ4HbhkNWXMFiYui
[6:07] and what is yours silk address
hort [6:11 PM] Lemme get my wallet up and running. Takes awhile to sync. Want to make sure it syncs first. If not then I'll give you my weaver one
slievensdrkslk. [6:11 PM] Ok, you want to buy all 5 million,right ?
hort [6:12 PM] Yep, gotta make sure I have enough btc. It'll be close.
slievensdrkslk. [6:12 PM] 42,5 btc for all 5 million
hort [6:12 PM] Yes
slievensdrkslk. [6:12 PM] ok
hort [6:22 PM] What is the address you are sending from so I can check to make sure that you have 5 million in there?
slievensdrkslk. [6:25 PM] BB5bpjgB7aYgpm3XimMZj7TDn76n8RHx52
[6:25] and sec is separate
[6:26] BLxhmGNJrQnADu2xF9x1r69y2L2YrMNrXh
[6:27] B6n5zsUiDsTg3e5cEvh44o1LEJzv15yHYR
hort [6:28 PM] Cool ok. Gotta a late meeting here at work for an hour then I'll get home and get my btc together and send. Thanks Spence!!!!
slievensdrkslk. [6:29 PM] Ok, but you didn't post yours silk adddress
hort [6:29 PM] It is at home. I'm still at work
slievensdrkslk. [6:30 PM] Ok, for 1,5h ,right ?
hort [6:30 PM] Yes
slievensdrkslk. [6:30 PM] ok, will be around
hort [6:31 PM] Cool thanks
hort [7:39 PM] Meeting is gonna go long. Be home in no longer than 1 hour. Sorry Spence.
slievensdrkslk. [7:40 PM] It's ok ,i was prepare 5 million ,i will wait
[7:41] 1h from now
hort [7:55 PM] Cool thanks
slievensdrkslk. [8:32 PM] did you finish with meeting ?
hort [8:34 PM] Yes, I am back now. My silk address is BFhsBaGtA8NV7Y1QEpgUgBz6U3UKS2LsJN
[8:34] I will need a good faith deposit so I know you are for real. Please deposit 25k and then I'll send over the btc. Thanks.
slievensdrkslk. [8:35 PM] i was think you already send ?
hort [8:35 PM] unless you want to do a middleman, send 25k to the address and then I will send over the 42.5 btc.
slievensdrkslk. [8:36 PM] seems you don't trust me
[8:36] no problem my friend
hort [8:36 PM] 42.5 btc is a lot of btc. LOL
slievensdrkslk. [8:37 PM] ``let do this in 4 transfer
hort [8:37 PM] ok then.
slievensdrkslk. [8:37 PM] send me 10 btc i send to you 1,25 million
hort [8:38 PM] you first. I know you are the main dev so this shouldn't be a problem for you since we have talked alot before.
slievensdrkslk. [8:38 PM] yes, but i have great reputation
hort [8:38 PM] that is why I said 25k to start
[8:38] 25k is nothing
slievensdrkslk. [8:38 PM] you should start first
[8:39] send how much btc want ,let say 5 btc
[8:39] i will send 625k silk
hort [8:40 PM] we can use a middleman then. all good. I will find a good one.
slievensdrkslk. [8:40 PM] seems we can't make a deal
[8:40] never mind
hort [8:40 PM] deal is set
[8:41] 25k just to make sure is nothing to 42.5 btc.
slievensdrkslk. [8:41 PM] How to i know you have btc ?
[8:41] send me 0.5 btc just to be sure you have them
hort [8:42 PM] I have plenty. I'll set up a middle man then so we don't have to worry
slievensdrkslk. [8:42 PM] i don't know who is middleman
[8:42] need someone who is trusted
hort [8:42 PM] yes, the middleman does this thing always
[8:42] good reputation.
[8:42] trusted.
slievensdrkslk. [8:43 PM] who is middleman then ?
hort [8:43 PM] lemme find him. be back in a bit then. You can check him out on bct. I will provide link.
[8:43] it is his job.
slievensdrkslk. [8:43 PM] i find some from slack
hort [8:43 PM] done 100's of transactions
[8:43] ok that is fine
slievensdrkslk. [8:51 PM] well...i think deal is off
[8:52] nice to talk with you ,and clearly know whit who i have jobs
[8:52] :wink:
hort [8:53 PM] what. why is deal off?
slievensdrkslk. [8:54 PM] because you don't trust me
hort [8:54 PM] I don't trust my own mother to just send her 25,000 dollars no questions asked.
[8:54] who in the fuck would do that?
slievensdrkslk. [8:55 PM] did i say 25k usd at once ?
[8:55] start with 1btc
hort [8:56 PM] you are the dev with a reputation so why don't you send me 10k then? I have given you all my contact information many times. are a not really spencer.
[8:56] hmmmmm
slievensdrkslk. [8:56 PM] because rules is rules
hort [8:56 PM] call me on my phone then. You have my number
slievensdrkslk. [8:57 PM] dev never send first to no one
hort [8:57 PM] call me.
[8:57] call me and I will send the 42.5 btc right now.