are we heading into recession?
Either we are heading towards recession
recession is just a word, dont fear it
recession does not describe the current season, nor future seasons
recession is a word used to describe how the PREVIOUS season performed
meaning when they say something is in recession they are talking about the past.. meaning its already behind you
you wont know if this season is in recession until after it has happened and then they look back and declare it
so dont worry about the word, it becomes meaningless as soon as its declared
as for your friends/colleagues "not finding a job"
most of the time people set their standards too high and only look for specific same field/role jobs that are higher income then the one they had.
they treat unemployment as a opportunity for a pay rise, and ignore many roles that dont fit their high standards
thus limiting their options based on higher expectations than they used to experience
there are jobs, just maybe not doing the exact same role for more money.
so your friends should take a harder look at their skills and knowledge and expand their prospects into different industries where they can find better pay jobs doing something slightly different
emphasis: see what skills and knowledge they have and see how it can be transferred into something else
EG if they enjoy leadership, training positions but have only experience of being a leader in IT. look for any role thats involves training/leadership, but not just in the IT sector, expand their view of the whole economic market of employment
or if money is really tight due to unemployment social security being the only income.. taking ANY job is better then the poverty line income from social security