I am a user of electricity powered by nuclear energy and coal everyday. By paying their bill every month I contribute to this industrial waste and pollution. I am also a tablet and a smart phone user, products that contain rare earth elements. Those elements were extracted without much oversight, destroying part of the Chinese ecosystem and surely some little fish no one cared about. I am also a satellite subscriber. Those things zipping up into space are needed for me to watch Game of Thrones and the Walking Dead among other things. Whatever happens to those things up in space when I will be upgrading my LED TV to 4K resolution is not my problem, as long I can see every hair and rotten teeth on that zombie......
You ain't with the program so here is some educating.
Talk down on the nuclear, and only whisper in low, scary tones about the coal. Never, ever talk about the movement of dirty work and pollution to China. Praise the Noodle Light. Pepper your conversation with, always, four of five of (sustainable, renewable, Exxon, Koch, Earth friendly, nature, environment, flooding, drought, climate change, fossil fuel, carbon, etc).
Then ask for vegan beer.
Hmm... At least it seems I got the parchment made out of goatskin right...
Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Now, you want to root out the Deniers? Remember, they don't usually come right out and blurt to the rooftops they are Deniers. They use code words, too. To find their own kind. They pepper their conversation with four or five of (cold, climategate, global warming, computer models, scientific fraud, hockey stick, Navier Stokes equations, tree rings, laws of thermodynamics, ice cores, Medieval Warming Period, Little Ice Age, nuclear power).
I have heard some of them talking about the "Sun" maybe having some influences or something. The word "Sun" could be added to the list. Better use a wider net of suspicious words... Just in case.
Oh yea, Sun. Add to that, CERN, clouds, water vapor, urban heat island, soot, Asian brown cloud, and many other suspicious phrases. Keep your cell phone close, and be ready to call them in when you find someone using these words.
By the way, here is a climate skeptic that lays out some rather good criticisms.
http://www.climate-skeptic.com/Now don't misunderstand me. You don't need - I'd rather you didn't - actually READ his drivel (Pssst - you or someone might fall for those tricky logical arguments). Just glance over it fast for key words and phrases - like, for example "It's the SUN"...
THEN go over to one of those good websites, you know, the ones where the guys are paid to write stuff ,like grist, or skepticalscience.com. Plug the DENIER phrase you found into the search function and SHAZAAM! Just cut and paste the blurbs you find there, and you can go battle a denier. Now, really, this is the safe and secure way. Don't think you can use your own brain to argue with a DENIER. They may be really very clever in a knuckle dragging lowbrow type of way. Their brains have highly infectious memes, so play it safe and you'll do fine. Remember, the sciency is settled, and the real scientists have figured this all out and you should just repeat what we tell you too.
Just repeat the things we tell you to, and you'll do fine. Look, don't misunderstand me - it's okay to be different. Just be different in conventional ways. Get a tattoo or a nose ring. But don't go down any really dangerous lane, like, thinking or something.