
Topic: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. - page 198. (Read 636443 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Federal Gov’t to Spend $3M to Fight Climate Change – in the Pacific Islands

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced it plans to award a $3 million grant to fight climate change in the Pacific Islands.
“Many Pacific Islands countries depend on tourism, fisheries, and agriculture as their main sources of income, foreign exchange, and economic livelihood,” the grant solicitation said.

“Climate change impacts such as beach erosion, sea level rise, warming temperatures, reduced freshwater access, bleaching of coral reefs, increased incidence of vector borne disease, and increasing storm intensities pose risks to these sectors and other economic activities,” it added.

According to its website, USAID is described as “the lead U.S. government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.”

The Pacific-American Climate Fund or PACAM is a five-year grant-making facility based in the Philippines and implemented in 12 countries throughout the Pacific: Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu.

“Well-managed ecosystems have a greater potential to adapt to climate change, resist and recover more easily from extreme weather events, and provide a wide range of benefits on which people depend, while in contrast, poorly managed, fragmented and degraded ecosystems can increase vulnerability of people and nature to the impacts of climate change,” the grant said.

Women and climate change

“All applications will be evaluated for potential impacts on women,” the grant solicitation said.

“Gender equality and female empowerment are essential for achieving USAID’s development goals. This includes empowering women and girls to participate and benefit from development, through the integration of gender in the entire project cycle – from project planning and implementation to monitoring and evaluation,” it said.

“Special consideration will be given to proposals that benefit women, either through specific adaptation interventions, or through opportunities for women’s participation in the activity. Hence, applicants should describe and address specific climate change adaptation interventions by community members that create opportunities for women’s participation,” the grant solicitation added.

The grant solicitation, which was posted on March 14, 2014, calls for concept papers to be submitted by March 5, 2015.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

We need an apartheid-style boycott to save the planet

                                                                          — Desmond Tutu

Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse. No more can it be dismissed as science fiction; we are already feeling the effects.

This is why, no matter where you live, it is appalling that the US is debating whether to approve a massive pipeline transporting 830,000 barrels of the world’s dirtiest oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Producing and transporting this quantity of oil, via the Keystone XL pipeline, could increase Canada’s carbon emissions by over 30%.

If the negative impacts of the pipeline would affect only Canada and the US, we could say good luck to them. But it will affect the whole world, our shared world, the only world we have. We don’t have much time.

This week in Berlin, scientists and public representatives have been weighing up radical options for curbing emissions contained in the third report of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The bottom line is that we have 15 years to take the necessary steps. The horse may not have bolted, but it’s well on its way through the stable door.

Who can stop it? Well, we can, you and I. And it is not just that we can stop it, we have a responsibility to do so. It is a responsibility that begins with God commanding the first human inhabitants of the garden of Eden “to till it and keep it”. To keep it; not to abuse it, not to destroy it.

The taste of “success” in our world gone mad is measured in dollars and francs and rupees and yen. Our desire to consume any and everything of perceivable value – to extract every precious stone, every ounce of metal, every drop of oil, every tuna in the ocean, every rhinoceros in the bush – knows no bounds. We live in a world dominated by greed. We have allowed the interests of capital to outweigh the interests of human beings and our Earth.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

“I’d Like Nothing Better Than If Thousands of Middle-Class White People Died In An Extreme Weather Event”…

Part of being a science communicator is hoping a natural disaster kills as many members of the audience as possible, as soon as possible, with as much media exposure as possible. As a communicator myself, I’d like nothing better than if thousands of middle-class white people died in an extreme weather event—preferably one with global warming’s fingerprints on it. Live on cable news. Tomorrow.

The hardest thing about communicating the deadliness of the climate problem is that it isn’t killing anyone. And just between us, let’s be honest: the average member of the public is a bit (how can I put it politely?) of a moron. It’s all well and good for the science to tell us global warming is more dangerous than Nazism, but Joe Q. Flyover doesn’t understand science. He wants evidence.

So we’ve probably reached the limits of what science communication can achieve. At this point only nature herself can close the consensus gap—or the fear gap.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

“Warming by two degrees Celsius is going to have major implications…. 40 percent of the arable land in Africa will be gone at two degrees Celsius; Bangkok could very well be underwater at two degrees Celsius,” he said.

The World Bank is making efforts in several areas to fight climate change, including developing carbon pricing and trading schemes, financing for renewable energy, and pressing governments to remove energy subsidies.

But Kim expressed worry that many had stopped thinking about climate change as an urgent problem.

You mean their investments might sour?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

World Bank Chief Complains People Don’t Take Global Warming Fear Mongering Seriously…

Global warming is not being taken seriously and time is running out to avoid consequences like flooded cities and dried out farmland, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said Thursday.

“We are quickly coming to the point where we are not going to be able to keep global warming below two degrees Celsius,” Kim said at the start of the IMF-World Bank spring meetings in Washington.

“Warming by two degrees Celsius is going to have major implications…. 40 percent of the arable land in Africa will be gone at two degrees Celsius; Bangkok could very well be underwater at two degrees Celsius,” he said.

The World Bank is making efforts in several areas to fight climate change, including developing carbon pricing and trading schemes, financing for renewable energy, and pressing governments to remove energy subsidies.

But Kim expressed worry that many had stopped thinking about climate change as an urgent problem.

“This is one of those things we here… we have talked ourselves out of taking it seriously,” he said.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Wilikon,  I agree that the "Global Warming" or now called "Climate Change" issue has gotten way out of hand.  It could even be said that it has been used as "brain washing" for some.

What are your thoughts on the whole evolution/creation debate?  I get so much hatred for even bringing up the discussion and just for showing the evidences that support intelligent design I get called "Stupid, ignorant, a religious fanatic" and so on.  But I think that there has been some "brain washing" going on for this topic as well.  So much so that here in the US, evolution is now taught as an undeniable fact.  At least when I was young it was called a "theory." 

Regarding the evolution/creation debate. On one corner trying to make dinosaurs walk around with Christ is like trying to put God into a very very small box a simple human brain tries to understand. Life is the ultimate creation on Earth but to have a conscience is what makes us unique from the animal kingdom. To CHOSE to do good with it is what makes us truly divine.

At the other corner, the amount of chaos one universe would need to built consciousness with atoms created from the heart of a supernova all the way to us, typing on this forum, only based on pure random steps for 14 billion years is mind boggling. I wonder why, if we are made of pure element there is a need for life to exist and then there is an energy for life to evolve. But why? Being pure gold would not matter to me. I would simply be. Why is Life working so hard to stay alive?

I was raised as a Christian. I was not raised into believing a dude with a beard was sitting on a cloud though. I am still a believer as I was one before I knew what a Bible was. But you should not take anything on a personal level on the internet. Share your views and get ready to be slapped on both cheeks. Be ready to swim like a salmon fighting the counter current. But also, be ready to drop your computer, leave this forum, turn off the internet and look around if someone is not seeking somebody to just to talk to, family members, neighbor. Right now. Your life and your strong belief should be a natural lighthouse for others. Effortless. That's how I would define being a believer. Everything else is Politic and Dogma, this thread included.

I do not want to derail my REDDIT thread anymore as I created one with the subject already Smiley

Ah yes.  I have already posted on that thread extensively.   It cannot be said that I am afraid of having my own opinions regardless of what the common belief of the majority is.  Wink

Have you read any of the threads about the threat of Yellowstone's "Super Volcano" erupting sometime?  Supposedly that would throw us into an ice age.  Would the "climate change" people shut up for a while then?   Grin

No. They will be a greater demand to tax the snow on your sidewalk and the air you breath while they will be driving around with their 4x4 "to protect the children".
What I have as an opinion is that contingency plans should be drawn up for fthe Yellowstone Blaster, Carrington Events, house sized meteor impacts, superbugs, and many other possible Destroyers.  Let's include BOTH the planet heating up and cooling down.

That hasn't been done, and the AGW religion is the primary cause of the human race refusing to face these possibly deadly realities.  In the past, these would have been called and shrugged off as "acts of God", but now that we've grown up a bit, God would like to see us handle things in something of a more mature way.

So far, not so good.

For a long time I thought the fault was based on our short journey on this planet, an average of 6 generations from the birth of an empire to its death. Looking back at monuments we have no idea how the "primitives" built them thousand of years ago. An eternal merry-go-round, centuries of amnesia.

We are in a big lab, in the biggest experiment ever known. The only experiment really. God gave us the full ability to chose. This conversation (confrontation for others?) is withing ourselves. Always has been. The killer asteroid is already on our path. There is nothing we can do. We walked on the moon in 1969. Then what? Nothing really. We got 500 TV channels, Tang and Velcro...

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Wilikon,  I agree that the "Global Warming" or now called "Climate Change" issue has gotten way out of hand.  It could even be said that it has been used as "brain washing" for some.

What are your thoughts on the whole evolution/creation debate?  I get so much hatred for even bringing up the discussion and just for showing the evidences that support intelligent design I get called "Stupid, ignorant, a religious fanatic" and so on.  But I think that there has been some "brain washing" going on for this topic as well.  So much so that here in the US, evolution is now taught as an undeniable fact.  At least when I was young it was called a "theory." 

Regarding the evolution/creation debate. On one corner trying to make dinosaurs walk around with Christ is like trying to put God into a very very small box a simple human brain tries to understand. Life is the ultimate creation on Earth but to have a conscience is what makes us unique from the animal kingdom. To CHOSE to do good with it is what makes us truly divine.

At the other corner, the amount of chaos one universe would need to built consciousness with atoms created from the heart of a supernova all the way to us, typing on this forum, only based on pure random steps for 14 billion years is mind boggling. I wonder why, if we are made of pure element there is a need for life to exist and then there is an energy for life to evolve. But why? Being pure gold would not matter to me. I would simply be. Why is Life working so hard to stay alive?

I was raised as a Christian. I was not raised into believing a dude with a beard was sitting on a cloud though. I am still a believer as I was one before I knew what a Bible was. But you should not take anything on a personal level on the internet. Share your views and get ready to be slapped on both cheeks. Be ready to swim like a salmon fighting the counter current. But also, be ready to drop your computer, leave this forum, turn off the internet and look around if someone is not seeking somebody to just to talk to, family members, neighbor. Right now. Your life and your strong belief should be a natural lighthouse for others. Effortless. That's how I would define being a believer. Everything else is Politic and Dogma, this thread included.

I do not want to derail my REDDIT thread anymore as I created one with the subject already Smiley

Ah yes.  I have already posted on that thread extensively.   It cannot be said that I am afraid of having my own opinions regardless of what the common belief of the majority is.  Wink

Have you read any of the threads about the threat of Yellowstone's "Super Volcano" erupting sometime?  Supposedly that would throw us into an ice age.  Would the "climate change" people shut up for a while then?   Grin

No. They will be a greater demand to tax the snow on your sidewalk and the air you breath while they will be driving around with their 4x4 "to protect the children".
What I have as an opinion is that contingency plans should be drawn up for fthe Yellowstone Blaster, Carrington Events, house sized meteor impacts, superbugs, and many other possible Destroyers.  Let's include BOTH the planet heating up and cooling down.

That hasn't been done, and the AGW religion is the primary cause of the human race refusing to face these possibly deadly realities.  In the past, these would have been called and shrugged off as "acts of God", but now that we've grown up a bit, God would like to see us handle things in something of a more mature way.

So far, not so good.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Wilikon,  I agree that the "Global Warming" or now called "Climate Change" issue has gotten way out of hand.  It could even be said that it has been used as "brain washing" for some.

What are your thoughts on the whole evolution/creation debate?  I get so much hatred for even bringing up the discussion and just for showing the evidences that support intelligent design I get called "Stupid, ignorant, a religious fanatic" and so on.  But I think that there has been some "brain washing" going on for this topic as well.  So much so that here in the US, evolution is now taught as an undeniable fact.  At least when I was young it was called a "theory." 

Regarding the evolution/creation debate. On one corner trying to make dinosaurs walk around with Christ is like trying to put God into a very very small box a simple human brain tries to understand. Life is the ultimate creation on Earth but to have a conscience is what makes us unique from the animal kingdom. To CHOSE to do good with it is what makes us truly divine.

At the other corner, the amount of chaos one universe would need to built consciousness with atoms created from the heart of a supernova all the way to us, typing on this forum, only based on pure random steps for 14 billion years is mind boggling. I wonder why, if we are made of pure element there is a need for life to exist and then there is an energy for life to evolve. But why? Being pure gold would not matter to me. I would simply be. Why is Life working so hard to stay alive?

I was raised as a Christian. I was not raised into believing a dude with a beard was sitting on a cloud though. I am still a believer as I was one before I knew what a Bible was. But you should not take anything on a personal level on the internet. Share your views and get ready to be slapped on both cheeks. Be ready to swim like a salmon fighting the counter current. But also, be ready to drop your computer, leave this forum, turn off the internet and look around if someone is not seeking somebody to just to talk to, family members, neighbor. Right now. Your life and your strong belief should be a natural lighthouse for others. Effortless. That's how I would define being a believer. Everything else is Politic and Dogma, this thread included.

I do not want to derail my REDDIT thread anymore as I created one with the subject already Smiley

Ah yes.  I have already posted on that thread extensively.   It cannot be said that I am afraid of having my own opinions regardless of what the common belief of the majority is.  Wink

Have you read any of the threads about the threat of Yellowstone's "Super Volcano" erupting sometime?  Supposedly that would throw us into an ice age.  Would the "climate change" people shut up for a while then?   Grin

No. They will be a greater demand to tax the snow on your sidewalk and the air you breath while they will be driving around with their 4x4 "to protect the children".
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
Wilikon,  I agree that the "Global Warming" or now called "Climate Change" issue has gotten way out of hand.  It could even be said that it has been used as "brain washing" for some.

What are your thoughts on the whole evolution/creation debate?  I get so much hatred for even bringing up the discussion and just for showing the evidences that support intelligent design I get called "Stupid, ignorant, a religious fanatic" and so on.  But I think that there has been some "brain washing" going on for this topic as well.  So much so that here in the US, evolution is now taught as an undeniable fact.  At least when I was young it was called a "theory." 

Regarding the evolution/creation debate. On one corner trying to make dinosaurs walk around with Christ is like trying to put God into a very very small box a simple human brain tries to understand. Life is the ultimate creation on Earth but to have a conscience is what makes us unique from the animal kingdom. To CHOSE to do good with it is what makes us truly divine.

At the other corner, the amount of chaos one universe would need to built consciousness with atoms created from the heart of a supernova all the way to us, typing on this forum, only based on pure random steps for 14 billion years is mind boggling. I wonder why, if we are made of pure element there is a need for life to exist and then there is an energy for life to evolve. But why? Being pure gold would not matter to me. I would simply be. Why is Life working so hard to stay alive?

I was raised as a Christian. I was not raised into believing a dude with a beard was sitting on a cloud though. I am still a believer as I was one before I knew what a Bible was. But you should not take anything on a personal level on the internet. Share your views and get ready to be slapped on both cheeks. Be ready to swim like a salmon fighting the counter current. But also, be ready to drop your computer, leave this forum, turn off the internet and look around if someone is not seeking somebody to just to talk to, family members, neighbor. Right now. Your life and your strong belief should be a natural lighthouse for others. Effortless. That's how I would define being a believer. Everything else is Politic and Dogma, this thread included.

I do not want to derail my REDDIT thread anymore as I created one with the subject already Smiley

Ah yes.  I have already posted on that thread extensively.   It cannot be said that I am afraid of having my own opinions regardless of what the common belief of the majority is.  Wink

Have you read any of the threads about the threat of Yellowstone's "Super Volcano" erupting sometime?  Supposedly that would throw us into an ice age.  Would the "climate change" people shut up for a while then?   Grin
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Wilikon,  I agree that the "Global Warming" or now called "Climate Change" issue has gotten way out of hand.  It could even be said that it has been used as "brain washing" for some.

What are your thoughts on the whole evolution/creation debate?  I get so much hatred for even bringing up the discussion and just for showing the evidences that support intelligent design I get called "Stupid, ignorant, a religious fanatic" and so on.  But I think that there has been some "brain washing" going on for this topic as well.  So much so that here in the US, evolution is now taught as an undeniable fact.  At least when I was young it was called a "theory." 

Regarding the evolution/creation debate. On one corner trying to make dinosaurs walk around with Christ is like trying to put God into a very very small box a simple human brain tries to understand. Life is the ultimate creation on Earth but to have a conscience is what makes us unique from the animal kingdom. To CHOSE to do good with it is what makes us truly divine.

At the other corner, the amount of chaos one universe would need to built consciousness with atoms created from the heart of a supernova all the way to us, typing on this forum, only based on pure random steps for 14 billion years is mind boggling. I wonder why, if we are made of pure element there is a need for life to exist and then there is an energy for life to evolve. But why? Being pure gold would not matter to me. I would simply be. Why is Life working so hard to stay alive?

I was raised as a Christian. I was not raised into believing a dude with a beard was sitting on a cloud though. I am still a believer as I was one before I knew what a Bible was. But you should not take anything on a personal level on the internet. Share your views and get ready to be slapped on both cheeks. Be ready to swim like a salmon fighting the counter current. But also, be ready to drop your computer, leave this forum, turn off the internet and look around if someone is not seeking somebody to just to talk to, family members, neighbor. Right now. Your life and your strong belief should be a natural lighthouse for others. Effortless. That's how I would define being a believer. Everything else is Politic and Dogma, this thread included.

I do not want to derail my REDDIT thread anymore as I created one with the subject already Smiley
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
Wilikon,  I agree that the "Global Warming" or now called "Climate Change" issue has gotten way out of hand.  It could even be said that it has been used as "brain washing" for some.

What are your thoughts on the whole evolution/creation debate?  I get so much hatred for even bringing up the discussion and just for showing the evidences that support intelligent design I get called "Stupid, ignorant, a religious fanatic" and so on.  But I think that there has been some "brain washing" going on for this topic as well.  So much so that here in the US, evolution is now taught as an undeniable fact.  At least when I was young it was called a "theory." 
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Permafrost may have far-reaching effects on climate change, a new study suggests.

The findings, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, offer new evidence that permafrost thawing releases large amounts of greenhouse gases, which can raise global temperatures.

"We've known for a while now that permafrost is thawing," Suzanne Hodgkins, the lead author on the paper, said in a statement. "But what we've found is that the associated changes in plant community composition in the polar regions could lead to way more carbon being released into the atmosphere as methane."

Permafrost, which is a thick layer of soil that remains frozen year-round, is usually found in the world’s polar regions. The latest study shows that as permafrost melts, it produces releases significant amounts of methane. Compared to carbon dioxide, methane is 33 times more effective as a greenhouse gas.

The study involved taking samples from soil in Sweden. Researchers found that if permafrost melts entirely, there will likely be five times as much carbon in the atmosphere than there is today.

"The world is getting warmer, and the additional release of gas would only add to our problems," said Jeff Chanton, a researcher from Florida State University.

Permafrost covers about 24 percent of all land in the northern hemisphere and stores approximately 1.5 trillion tons of carbon -- twice the amount currently found in the atmosphere. A 2012 study predicted that greenhouse gases released from melting permafrost could increase the world’s temperature by an additional 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit within the next century.

Ted Schuur, a permafrost expert at the University of Florida, conducted his own field research on permafrost and climate change in Alaska. He said that climate change and permafrost thawing are linked at the point where the melting triggers further warming.

"We're on the edge of a major transition point," Schuur told USA Today about one of his studies, which found that tundras worldwide may be releasing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than they can absorb. The resulting emissions may resemble those caused by deforestation, but they are not as harmful to the environment as emissions from power plants and cars.

The latest study is part of a larger multicontinent effort that included researchers from North America, Europe and Australia.

Permanent Frosting on my cake (tax cake for climate change that is) cannot be stopped!

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Well, that's quite interesting in some respects.

For example, it establishes a chain of causality between the expression of intent in the early 1990s (in your linked to document):

The chairman of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri has suggested that a focus on children is the top priority for bringing
about societal change, and that by ‘sensitising’ children to climate change, it will be possible to get them to ‘shame adults into taking the right steps’.

Pachauri’s ideas are echoed in UNICEF’s manual on climate change education, which, it is claimed, is about helping children to become ‘agents of change’.

....and the very existence of the ridiculous Youtube videos and advertisements attempting to influence behavior by little girls, trains, puppy dogs, teddy bears, monkeys, polar bears, and so forth.  Not to forget the drowning babies....

Climate Change Green is the new Totalitarian Socialist Red...

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

Well, that's quite interesting in some respects.

For example, it establishes a chain of causality between the expression of intent in the early 1990s (in your linked to document):

The chairman of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri has suggested that a focus on children is the top priority for bringing
about societal change, and that by ‘sensitising’ children to climate change, it will be possible to get them to ‘shame adults into taking the right steps’.

Pachauri’s ideas are echoed in UNICEF’s manual on climate change education, which, it is claimed, is about helping children to become ‘agents of change’.

....and the very existence of the ridiculous Youtube videos and advertisements attempting to influence behavior by little girls, trains, puppy dogs, teddy bears, monkeys, polar bears, and so forth.  Not to forget the drowning babies....

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

While mentioning changing peoples' behavior:

Report: British Schoolchildren Being “Brainwashed” With Global Warming Propaganda…

British schoolchildren are being brainwashed by a deep green environmental curriculum which fills their heads with “confusion, ignorance and fear”, says a new study by the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

The report, by science writer Andrew Montford and statistician John Shade, finds that “eco-activism” has been given free rein within schools for at least three decades. Children are being encouraged to become “little political activists” with a duty to “save the planet” not least by putting pressure on their parents.

This agenda can be found in teaching across the board – not just in obviously relevant subjects like science and geography but even in unrelated areas like French, Maths and English. It affects everything from field trips (often with an environmental theme, such as “sustainability”) to projects and film screenings (An Inconvenient Truth; The Age Of Stupid; The Day After Tomorrow) and even how well children perform in exams (with marks given automatically to children who “correctly” identify Carbon Dioxide as a major environmental threat).

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Saving the planet from climate change is ‘beyond our ability’ and we should stop wasting time trying to tackle global warming, a leading scientist has claimed. James Lovelock, who first detected CFCs in the atmosphere and proposed the Gaia hypotheses, claims society should retreat to ‘climate-controlled cities’ and give up on large expanses of land which will become inhabitable.


With technology advancing so much, we will be able to reverse the climate change in the near future. The idea of climate controlled cities is appalling. Who wants to live inside a cage?

Why, then, do you think there would be so much pressure to change peoples' behavior and to tax them for supposed 'pro environmental' projects at this time?
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Saving the planet from climate change is ‘beyond our ability’ and we should stop wasting time trying to tackle global warming, a leading scientist has claimed. James Lovelock, who first detected CFCs in the atmosphere and proposed the Gaia hypotheses, claims society should retreat to ‘climate-controlled cities’ and give up on large expanses of land which will become inhabitable.


With technology advancing so much, we will be able to reverse the climate change in the near future. The idea of climate controlled cities is appalling. Who wants to live inside a cage?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
hmm...yeah, that does not really do it for me, in terms of racketing up the guilt...

here...try this one...I'ts got a mean guy, a big train and a little innocent girl..

If that's not good enough, let me know.  There are some that have teddy bears and puppies and babies.  Real tear jerkers.

Well Sir, I shall see your teddy bears and raise you a suicidal pack of monkey, polar bear and locomotive loving kangaroo....

Hey, look....those monkeys and bears are like...stupid....

Here's a BABY, man.  It's like drowning, and the mom doesn't even care!  And it's your fault!

And like, look dude....<> i know you think your right, but man...just listen to this guy, maybe you'll see...maybe you'll see how really serious all this maybe wake up?  I mean, you can help save the planet too, just lay off on eating meat, driving cars and working out in the fracking fields for $115k a year...

LOL...that guy stupider than your monkeys and bears...LOL...
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