If you can, please make this a sticky , people NEED to be warned and i need to find someone to recover 150kusd and get 75kusd for it (Relative to current BTC + BCH prices )
I got robbed of 45.8 BTC (and BCH so total = 150000$) after installing the executable from electrum-wallet.com.
I was running multisig but both on the same PC. First i ran the portable electrum.exe from electrum-wallet.com but when it did not load my wallets *NOTE : the ones that had BTC in them ,it loaded just fine any other wallet ) - I don't want to hear opinions on my stupidity
After it didn't work i downloaded last version of electrum from electrum.org
I'm wondering how the F is it possible that after 2 years of this thread no one has taken down and/or announced the US. authorities fbi etc about it.
I'm in Romania and have no wish to deal with this legally, which will probably get me nowhere.
I am willing to split the rights on the BTC with whoever is capable of recovering them via detective+legal means.
This is the transaction :
https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/tx/78d44db46445d3097996fc644c1221eeead31added5c35cf1b7938737e3b49dbAs i said , I don't want to hear opinions on my stupidity, this is mostly a warning and hopefully a way for someone to make a healthy 75000$.
thanks for the warning op. maybe ill be more carefull about what im downloading from now on. and ihope more people being read this not to ignore to be help them as a warning.
Is OP alive?
Just for his information I gathered some info that you can use to further your search for your Bitcoins.
Heres an IP of the company who owns the domain
IP Location Germany Germany Waldbrunn Ip Projects
ASN Germany AS31400 ACCELERATED-IT, DE (registered May 06, 2004)
Resolve Host xxx
Whois Server whois.ripe.net
IP Address 82.211.xxxx
Reverse IP 2 websites use this address.
Additionally, if you believe you are a victim of an Internet crime, or if you are aware of an attempted crime, you can file a complaint through Internet Crime Complaint Center at
https://complaint.ic3.gov , who are in the best position to fully investigate any such issue across any/all service providers.
And behold;
Name:Alexandr XXX
Street:ul. Gincharnaya XXX
Postal Code:101XXX
[email protected]The ball is in your hands now, OP
you did a really good job men. now op has this information to report this scammer. i hope that who did this scam got to jail more years to pay what he did to you (op). we support you in this fight against scamer.