This ridiculous cult is force-fed to all uneducated people who do not know which primate family they belong to.
But your forgot to read the rest of the way, or to get an understanding of circumcision.
Abraham was stopped by God from killing his son. But because Abraham trusted God enough to do it, he was venerated by God, and became the father of many nations and peoples... people too numerous to count.
Actually, circumcision on the eighth day is beneficial for causing the immune system of a male child to become wildly active... far stronger than any of the claims made for vaccination by any of the medical. And there is more wonderful benefit to circumcision that I won't go into here.
So you see, as usual you speak out of ignorance, and show that your ignorance is deluding you into stupidity.
That is simply another of your wild claims.
BTW, circumcision was not started by Jews. There is physical evidence that Egyptians were practicing it well before written history.
What is next, bloodletting when you get sick to drain the demons out of you?
And we still can't duplicate many of the feats of the ancient Egyptians... at least not with the same kind of primitive methods that they seemed to be using.
Study eighth-day circumcision, and you will find many benefits of it. You speak out of ignorance.