I can't decide if this is the worst scam coin ever or if you're just
really bad at math.
Orbitcoin [ORB]:
Max coin cap = 31,000,000 mined over the next 500 years,
Block Reward = 0.25 per block, halves yearly till 0.00000001 is reached then continues to be mined till the max coin cap on 31million is made.
30 Second Block Targets
With a 30 second block target, there will be 2 × 60 × 24 × 365 = 1,051,200 blocks per year.
The reward per block will have dropped to 0.00000001 ORB after 24 years, so 1,051,200 × 0.25 × 2 = 525,600 ORB will be minted in the first 25 years.
Since you've already pre-mined
only 1,000,000 ORB, you have to wait until an additional 4,000,000 − 525,600 = 3,474,400 ORB have been minted to be able to reach your foundation's goal. At 0.00000001 ORB block reward, 1,051,200 × 0.00000001 = 0.010512 ORB will be minted each year, so this will take 3,474,400 ÷ 0.010512 = 330,517,504 = 330.5 million year if you buy all minted coins.
After 500 years, only 525,600 + (500 − 25) × 0.010512 = 525604.9932 ORB will have been mined. That means that 1,000,000 ÷ 1,525,604.9932 = 0.655477666 = 65.5 % of all ORB will come from the premine. It's also far off from the 30,000,000 ORB cap, which will be reached after (30,000,000 − 525,600) ÷ 0.010512 = 2,803,881,279 = 2.8 billion years...
I must disagree with some of the math provided by redtwitz, as I think the long term prospects of this coin are "undefined."
Here is the code for the block reward.
// miner's coin base reward based on nBits
int64 GetProofOfWorkReward(int nHeight, int64 nFees, uint256 prevHash)
int64 nSubsidy = 0.25 * COIN;
if(nHeight < 11)
nSubsidy = 100000 * COIN;
nSubsidy >>= (nHeight / 1051200);
return nSubsidy + nFees;
The math provided by redtwitz is certainly right for the first 25 full years. After that, the Block Reward will be zero (not 0.00000001). The block reward is calculated by a right shift operation. The default subsidy is 0.25, which is stored by the client as 25000000. This happens to be a 25 bit number. If you take a 25 bit number and right shift it by 25 bits (for 25 years), the result is zero. Therefore after 25 years, no ORB will be added to the money supply. The proof of stake is also 0% (no coins minted).
What gets really interesting is after 64 years. The subsidy is stored as a 64 bit number. The result of right shifting a 64 bit number by 64 bits is undefined. The windows 8 calculator gives this result for such an operation: "Result not defined." This could crash the program, or perhaps the result will be filled with garbage, which will be an arbitrarily large number (which will be larger than the MAX_MONEY). Who knows what will happen.
This coin gets funnier and funnier the more one thinks about it.