31-Dec-2013 14:56:05 height: 411228 mint: 0.25 difficulty: 0.17353002 flags: proof-of-work
31-Dec-2013 13:58:21 height: 411229 mint: 0.25 difficulty: 0.05879355 flags: proof-of-work
31-Dec-2013 14:07:36 height: 411230 mint: 0 difficulty: 0.00024414 flags: proof-of-stake
So somehow a block which based on timestamp should have been around #411235 ended up in the blockchain at #41228. The next block was the final PoW one.
That's enough to cause the network to get stuck?
I can see the same thing happened to CDC earlier this morning.
Is this a hard fork where EVERYONE will need to update their client in order to mine, or will it be sufficient for the majority of the network to update?
About fork. Actually we have 2 options:
fork from 411227 block then only majority of miners(PoS miners mainly) need to update. After miners with updated client build longes chain (compared to stuck one) on all other(not updated) clients all blocks after 411227 will be orphaned and replaced by new chain without invalid blocks automatically. Without any soft updates.
And my first patch was this version - i just BAN (blacklist) block 411228 and rebuild blockchain - PoW mining start normal working from 411227 block.
But later I refused this option - because it creating a large number of orphan PoS blocks (which can include some real important transaction for the last 5-6 days) + this variant need a large number of PoS miners with large amounts of coins in stack to quickly generate at least 400-500 PoS blocks and overtake the current chain + this NOT prevent such bugs again in future.
In second patch i remove block ban and add simple check for negative time spacing. No need to orphan current blockchain, but all will need to update because old clients not accept blocks from new (even if it from longest chain). If not all update clients it will lead to blockchain fork to 2 parallel chains.
So it is some sort of hardfork now...