Is this thread also open for questions and clarification?
I have been a one-time victim of word-spinning in the past, but I have learned from my mistake and made corrections. To avoid any future mistakes, I want to ask this question. When you talk about AI-generated text, what exactly is considered AI-generated?
I use the Grammerly app, which I installed on my PC and use for research and writing; it helps me suggest possible sentence corrections, comma punctuation marks, and all that.
Let's take, for instance, my last comment below which was autocorrected with Grammerly:
Since you are a student and you need money all the time to foot school bills and your personal expenses, if you have settled your time-pressing needs and have a little left over, that is what you are thinking of saving or investing in. You should always consider some things first before making any of these decisions: how long can you manage without those funds, and as you have said you hardly see side hustles to fetch you a small income, do you have sponsorship? If you are to invest this money, it will take some time before your investment can give you some profit, and sometimes you might be in need of funds before the exact time of your ROI. Or let's say you invested in crypto, and tomorrow when you need your capital to use it and settle some problems, you sometimes notice that the price at which you purchased it and the price at which you want to sell it are not the same, and because you are in need of money, you can sell in a hurry and record some loss instead of gain. For me, the best option here is for you to save, so you can get your hands on that cash whenever you need it to foot your bills.
My original write-up without punctuation correction.
since you are a student and you need money all the time to foot school bills and your personal expenses, if you have settle your that time pressing needs and your little left over is what you are thinking of saving or investing. you should always consider some things first before taking any of this decision, how long can you manage without those funds, and as you have said you hardly see side hustle to fetch you small income, do you have sponsorship?. If you are to invest this morning now and it's will take some thing before your investment can give you some profit, and sometimes you might be in need of fund before the exact time of you ROI. or let's say you invested in crypto and in and tomorrow when you need your capital to use and settle some problem, you sometimes notice that the price as of when you purchase and the price as of when you want to sell out is not same and because you and in need of money you can sell out of hurry and record some loss instead of gain. for me the best option here is for you to save, where you can get your hand on those cash when ever you need them to foot your bills.
I want to know if this kind of correction is considered AI generated.
Open to learning and also taking corrections thanks.