1. Set your Limits
It is very important for you as a gambler to set a limited time for yourself, you need to know when to stop and when to start, some set of people gamble from morning till evening which is very bad, one needs to set his limited time.
One also needs to set a budget and stick to it, for example one can say for today I'm only using $50 or $100 to gamble as soon as that your budget is exhausted you stop for the day it prevents you from spending too much
I agree with you on the aspect you say some guys gamble from morning till night and of course that is not a good habit. I have seen some couples of guys who does that on a physical betting shop, always with a desktop on there screen. Some even pay to control a particular desktop til the fund is exhausted. Setting a stop time is good but it depends in the gambler per say. Because most people are still struggling for years. They'v tried all methods but all to nothing avail but I Believe if he sticks to it and be more serious about it then he can overcome.
2. Avoid Chasing your Losses
This one is very important, avoid trying to win back the money you have lost, if you want to recover all the money you have lost you will keep losing and that will lead you to depression, so forget about your lose and move forward it will help you to relax with an open mind.
Chasing after loses is one of the most dangerous way of getting addicted as a gambler. It is highly uncontrollable and very hard to quit. This chasing after loses can be controls by using the first strategy of setting stop time. When a gambler have started gambling over, due to chasing after loses, there is need to stop and switch to other activities that will distract him from getting addicted.