
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 14. (Read 121543 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Sex offenders including paedophiles should be allowed to adopt, Theresa May told

"Rules which bar sex offenders from working with children are ‘unfair’ and even convicted paedophiles should have the right to adopt, a leading legal academic has said.

Helen Reece, a reader in law at the London School of Economics, called on Theresa May, the Home Secretary, to relax rules which automatically ban sex offenders from caring for children, saying that this could breach their human rights...."

If you are any kind of a loser in a court battle where government was the plaintiff, file your rescission of signature off the court documents that you signed when you lost, at the same time that you file your notice of claim on top of the government case, that the plaintiff didn't appear in the case by getting on the stand and speaking into the record under oath or affirmation, the things that you did wrong.

Since government is simply paperwork, the plaintiff will never appear, because paperwork can't get on the stand and say anything. If a government attorney gets on the stand to represent the government... no can do. The attorney is not the plaintiff.

Study Karl Lentz and see how you can make a bunch of money, because when the government lost, it was because the government had filed a false claim against you. Sue the government for the false claim. Sue the government for all the problems you went through because of their false claim. Sue your court appointed attorney for not telling you about how to defend yourself. Make a fortune.

Google and Youtube search on "Karl Lentz common law," and study your heart out.

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Sex offenders including paedophiles should be allowed to adopt, Theresa May told

"Rules which bar sex offenders from working with children are ‘unfair’ and even convicted paedophiles should have the right to adopt, a leading legal academic has said.

Helen Reece, a reader in law at the London School of Economics, called on Theresa May, the Home Secretary, to relax rules which automatically ban sex offenders from caring for children, saying that this could breach their human rights...."
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: What Happens When Cops Pull over the Elite in America Vs. the Rest of Us

"Today, we live in a full-fledged, militarized police state where the average American gets nervous driving in traffic as soon as they notice a cop in the rear view mirror, even though the person hasn't done anything wrong and is simply just trying to travel freely from one place to another. Innocent people being brutalized or dying at the hands of twitchy police during traffic stops is sadly not uncommon here — we hear about it every day in the news. A thousand people have died by police so far in America just this year. Everyone knows how late the hour is...

Meanwhile, this video shows you what a traffic stop looks like when someone in the upper American echelon, such as a former Governor and Bilderberg attendee, gets stopped by a cop after breaking numerous traffic laws.

The comparison made here is not even remotely close. If a traffic stop had happened in the movie "They Live," it would look like this. "OH, I'm so SORRY, I didn't see your face, sir...""
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Proof of God is Inside You | Does God Exist?

Discussion of intelligent design and conscience as proofs of God existing.

The first Karl Lentz talkshoe shows, that show you how to go after government in court, not to get your guns back, but to get your property back. This is what works.

The following videos are rather long, but they are worth it.


Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

"Everybody’s favorite militant and oppressive- yet somehow peace-loving- cult of religious immigrants is back in the news. Last week, we reported on things getting serious in the U.K., today it’s all about Great Brit’s former colony of criminals, Australia. Yep, after escaping to Down Under and western freedom, a glut of Islamists now declare that Australia has no right to ask Muslims to sing their national anthem or value the democratic principles of western citizenship.

This, according to Islamic activist group, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which is campaigning against Australia because they believe the country is enforcing democratic values and a “disputed view” of history which contradicts Islamic beliefs.

“Requiring schoolchildren to sing the national anthem, and the citizenship pledge supporting democratic values, are a part of an oppressive campaign by Australian authorities of ‘forced assimilation’ of the Muslim community”....."
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Breaking News The UK May Experience A “Black Out”

"Energy companies are seeking more power across the UK because of “multiple plant breakdowns”. There is “no” immediate danger of a black out but this winter is a major cause for concern. However warnings have been issued...."

National Grid seeks back-up supplies

"National Grid is asking the UK power industry to provide more electricity later on Wednesday.

However, it says that there is no risk of electricity supplies being disrupted.

National Grid has issued a Notification of Inadequate System Margin (NISM) as a result of multiple energy plant breakdowns.

"This is part of our standard toolkit for balancing supply and demand," the company said.

"[It] is not an indication there is an immediate risk of disruption to supply or blackouts.

"It indicates that we would like our power held in reserve to be higher."

An additional 500 megawatts is being requested for between 16.30 and 18.30 on Wednesday.

The company last issued a NISM in February 2012, and before that in 2009.

When a notification is issued, generators with spare capacity can respond quickly, ramping up supply within the system.

The National Grid said in the event that this failed to happen it has standby contracts with some gas-fired stations.

It also has "demand side management" contracts with businesses, which allow the grid to ask them to reduce energy consumption at specified times.

Technology is now available that automatically reduces energy use at appropriate times without any human input, and without any discernable impact on the performance of the appliances using the energy.

The National Grid plans to increase significantly its use of demand side management to keep the system in balance.
Lower supplies

Last month, the National Grid said gas supplies for the winter months were "comfortable", while electricity supplies were "manageable".

It said the supply of electricity exceeded demand by 5.1%, but only after additional supplies had been secured, such as paying plants to remain on standby.

This is the lowest rate in seven years.

There have been some concerns expressed that the UK could suffer from blackouts as a result of short supplies, brought about in large part from the closure of a number of power stations that have come to the end of their natural life.

Brian Strutton from the GMB union said: "The UK government and National Grid are far too complacent about the risks of widespread power blackouts".

However, the National Grid and many experts have dismissed these concerns.

There has been one generation-related electricity outage in the past 10 years, according to a study commissioned by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit."
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Germany on the Brink of Civil War?

Migrant crisis pushing Germany towards ‘anarchy and civil war’

" Germany now is somewhere at the edge of anarchy and sliding towards civil war, or to become a "banana republic without any government," says Hansjoerg Mueller of the Alternative for Germany party.

Bavarian official Peter Dreier called German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tell her personally that if Germany welcomes a million refugees, his town of Landshut will only take in around 1,800. Any extra will be put on buses and sent to her Chancellery in Berlin....."
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Woman Who Killed Her Baby Has Conviction Overturned, Court Says Six-Day-Old Baby Isn’t a Person

"A New York court recently ruled that a Long Island woman who killed her baby in a car accident cannot be convicted because her baby was not a person yet.

The Times Union reports Jennifer Jorgensen previously was found guilty of second-degree manslaughter for causing the death of her baby daughter in a car crash. She also was indicted for driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol and endangering the welfare of a child, according to the report.

Jorgensen was in her third trimester when the car accident occurred in May 2008. Her daughter was delivered by C-section after the head-on collision and died six days later, according to the report.

In October, the New York Court of Appeals reversed Jorgensen’s conviction, ruling that she was not guilty because she fatally injured her daughter before she was born.

The court ruling compared Jorgensen’s actions to self-induced abortion and called it an offense that is “no greater than a misdemeanor.”....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Do you believe in any of the theories? You may be on their hit list of "Extremists" that are a threat to national security. The site uses polarizing language such "looney tunes", "nuts", "kooky" to sway readers into never checking out the theories themselves and effectively believing everything they read on the website that anyone who believes in even one of these theories is a crackpot who is dangerous to our country's well being.

1. Common Core - The Plot Against Our Children
2. Military Exercises - Prelude To Martial Law
3. Agenda 21 - Conspiracy Of The Greens
4. North American Union - U.S Sovereignty On The Bank
5. Shariah Law - Coming To A Courtroom Near You
6. Gun Grab - The Coming Seizure Of Americans' Firearms
7. FEMA - America's Secret Concentration Camps
8. Money Manipulators - How The Bankers Keep Us Down
9. Secret Muslim Training Camps - The  Enemy Within
10. The Homosexual Agenda - The End Of Civilization

Video: A Rant about SPLC Article attacking Conspiracy Theories

"A must read Article By SPLC attacking what the dub Conspiracy Theories. They lie and attack people who can actually see the writing on the wall! Sorry for the rant.
SPLC - Margins to the Mainstream"

Margins to the Mainstream

by Mark Potok & Don Terry

Conspiracy theories originating on the extreme right have invaded American political life. And that's not good for democracy.

"What Hofstadter called “movements of suspicious discontent” have targeted imaginary threats ranging from the Illuminati, Freemasons and Jesuits of long ago all the way to the Communist infiltration alleged by Joseph McCarthy and the John Birch Society in the mid-20th century. And since Hofstadter’s seminal essay, the list of alleged evildoers has kept on growing, especially on the far right, where global elites are today seen as secretly laboring to build a totalitarian “New World Order.”

Although it is difficult to make valid historical comparisons, it is hard to avoid feeling that our country is drowning in an even larger ocean of conspiracy theories now than in decades or centuries past: President Obama is a Kenyan and a Marxist bent on seizing the weapons of all Americans; Common Core educational standards are part of a plot to impose communism on the U.S.; military exercises in Texas this summer are actually a first step toward martial law; and on and on and on.

One factor fertilizing such beliefs is the proliferation of alternative forms of media, from cable television and talk radio to social media and a seemingly endless number of websites. Almost any belief that a person has, no matter how far out or disconnected from the facts, has some kind of “news” source to back it up.....

What follows are 10 key conspiracy theories that have made their way from the margins of our society to often shocking levels of acceptance in the political mainstream. In addition to describing the theories, their origins and the reality of the situation, we take on some of the chief enablers of these destructive tall tales....."

There are long descriptions of each theory on the page, check out the link to see them.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Russia thwarts plan for Antarctic ocean sanctuary, China on board

"SYDNEY, Australia - Russia has again thwarted attempts to create the world’s largest ocean sanctuary in Antarctica, the final country opposing the protection of a vast swathe of rich waters from fishing, after a revised international plan won support from China...."
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Record radiation at Fukushima power plant could kill person in under 1 hour – reports

"Deadly radiation levels of up to 9.4 Sieverts per hour have been recorded at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant – enough to kill a person in less than an hour if directly exposed, local media reports.

The mortal radiation reading was taken in a small room, using a remote-controlled robot, where a pipe leads to the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, JIJI Press reported, citing Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO)...."

Video: Aviation Chief Says Russian Flight 7K9268 Fell Apart While Still In The Air

Russian passenger jet crash over Sinai: Aftermath, reactions

"Search and recovery operations are underway after a passenger plane belonging to a small Russian airline, flying from the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh to St. Petersburg crashed over Sinai. There were 224 people on board.

14:36 GMT

The Russian A321 aircraft, which crashed over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on Saturday, fell apart in the air, Victor Sorochenko, executive director of Russia’s Interstate Aviation Commission, said.

“It’s too early to make any conclusions. The destruction [of the plane] happened in the air and the fragments scattered over a large area (around 20 square kilometers),” Sorochenko said.
13:50 GMT

The Russian Emergency Ministry said they had managed to get photos of the crash site from space.

“We have received photos from space in which the wreckage of the plane is clearly seen over an area of 16 sq. km,” said Aleksey Smirnov, an official from the ministry...."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Explosion rocks nuclear power plant in Belgium

" An explosion occurred overnight at a nuclear power plant in Doel, northern Belgium, local media reported, adding that the blast caused a fire. The exact damage from the incident remains unknown.

The blast happened around 11pm local time on Saturday. The fire started in Reactor 1 of the plant, but was soon extinguished by personnel.

The explosion didn’t cause any threat to nature, Els De Clercq, spokeswoman from Belgian energy corporation Electrabel that runs the plant, told Het Laatste Nieuws. There was no fuel present at the time of the incident as the reactor had been shut due to its expired operational license.

Doel Nuclear Power Station, one of the two nuclear power plants in the country, is located near the town of Doel in east Flanders. The plant employs about 800 people.

According to the Nature journal and Columbia University in New York, the plant is in the most densely populated area of all nuclear power stations in the EU. About 9 million people live within a radius of 75km of the station."
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Germany Is About to Start Up A Monster Machine That Took 19 Years to Build

Germany is about to start up a monster machine that could revolutionize the way we use energy

"For more than 60 years, scientists have dreamed of a clean, inexhaustible energy source in the form of nuclear fusion.

And they're still dreaming.

But thanks to the efforts of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, experts hope that might soon change.

Last year, after 1.1 million construction hours, the institute completed the world's largest nuclear-fusion machine of its kind, called a stellarator.

The machine, which has a diameter of 52 feet, is called the W7-X.

And after more than a year of tests, engineers are finally ready to fire up the $1.1 billion machine for the first time. It could happen before the end of this month, Science reported.
The black horse of nuclear reactors

Known in the plasma physics community as the "black horse" of reactors that use nuclear fusion, stellarators are notoriously difficult to build.

The GIF below shows the many different layers of W7-X, which took 19 years to complete......"
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Why did the asteroid that was supposed to pass by us on Halloween look like a skull? Being completely made up sounds like a more plausible reason than it actually having happened.

Boo! Halloween Asteroid Looks Just Like a Creepy Skull

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Military Scientists Spray Spider Webs With Ebola And The PLAGUE

Forget the Black Widow, these cobwebs are much more deadly! Military scientists spray spider webs with Ebola and the PLAGUE

"...Cobwebs tend to take on a particular menace at this time of year, but military scientists have been conducting research that turns them into something deadly.

Researchers working for the UK's Ministry of Defence have been spraying spider webs with diseases including Ebola and the Black Death.

The research is being conducted to test the lifespan of the bacteria and viruses that cause the diseases while in the environment...."

Makes me think of the cobwebs from chemtrails...

Fallout polymer fiber 1/3 - fluorescent cobwebs from Chemtrail sky
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Blood Moon Over The Sea Of Galilee On October 30, 2015! - Peter Michael Martinez

"Latest update from the Sea of Galilee! We have documented a blood moon over the Sea tonight on October 30, 2015!"

CERN will also be having their Halloween party tonight.
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