Do you believe in any of the theories? You may be on their hit list of "Extremists" that are a threat to national security. The site uses polarizing language such "looney tunes", "nuts", "kooky" to sway readers into never checking out the theories themselves and effectively believing everything they read on the website that anyone who believes in even one of these theories is a crackpot who is dangerous to our country's well being.
1. Common Core - The Plot Against Our Children
2. Military Exercises - Prelude To Martial Law
3. Agenda 21 - Conspiracy Of The Greens
4. North American Union - U.S Sovereignty On The Bank
5. Shariah Law - Coming To A Courtroom Near You
6. Gun Grab - The Coming Seizure Of Americans' Firearms
7. FEMA - America's Secret Concentration Camps
8. Money Manipulators - How The Bankers Keep Us Down
9. Secret Muslim Training Camps - The Enemy Within
10. The Homosexual Agenda - The End Of Civilization
A Rant about SPLC Article attacking Conspiracy Theories "A must read Article By SPLC attacking what the dub Conspiracy Theories. They lie and attack people who can actually see the writing on the wall! Sorry for the rant.
SPLC - Margins to the Mainstream"Margins to the Mainstream
by Mark Potok & Don Terry
Conspiracy theories originating on the extreme right have invaded American political life. And that's not good for democracy."What Hofstadter called “movements of suspicious discontent” have targeted imaginary threats ranging from the Illuminati, Freemasons and Jesuits of long ago all the way to the Communist infiltration alleged by Joseph McCarthy and the John Birch Society in the mid-20th century. And since Hofstadter’s seminal essay, the list of alleged evildoers has kept on growing, especially on the far right, where global elites are today seen as secretly laboring to build a totalitarian “New World Order.”
Although it is difficult to make valid historical comparisons, it is hard to avoid feeling that our country is drowning in an even larger ocean of conspiracy theories now than in decades or centuries past: President Obama is a Kenyan and a Marxist bent on seizing the weapons of all Americans; Common Core educational standards are part of a plot to impose communism on the U.S.; military exercises in Texas this summer are actually a first step toward martial law; and on and on and on.
One factor fertilizing such beliefs is the proliferation of alternative forms of media, from cable television and talk radio to social media and a seemingly endless number of websites. Almost any belief that a person has, no matter how far out or disconnected from the facts, has some kind of “news” source to back it up.....
What follows are 10 key conspiracy theories that have made their way from the margins of our society to often shocking levels of acceptance in the political mainstream. In addition to describing the theories, their origins and the reality of the situation, we take on some of the chief enablers of these destructive tall tales....."There are long descriptions of each theory on the page, check out the link to see them.