The chemtrails were heavy, yesterday, in some parts of the Southwest. The bees were falling out of the skies right and left.
That's so sad. We had some chemtrails yesterday too, some crazy clouds up today. We have a bright blue sky, covered in a blanket of dark clouds, in the form of a wall cloud. So, today it's either been dark and gloomy, or OMG bright sky like a perfect day, then the sun gets covered again and it's gloomy. I don't really remember seeing a 50/50 type sky like that before.
Notice that rain often accompanies following the chemtrail spraying. This is a method that nature uses to clear the skies of dangerous dust. Governments don't know how to keep the rain from happening, since it automatically reverses much of their planning.
The problem with the chemtrails being washed out of the skies is, the aluminum and barium go into the ground, are absorbed by our food crops, and get into us, causing Alzheimer's and who-knows-what-else.
Nature (God) has provided an acid inside of us to protect us from things like this. But this acid isn't made in our bodies in sufficient quantities to protect us from all this chemtrail bombardment. Its name is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, frequently known as EDTA. You can buy it in nutrition stores for cleansing from heavy metals.
Google EDTA. Study about it, and buy a supply of it. Do it now before the general populace start to get wind of it, or before government outlaws it.
Well it does often rain afterwards, but not everytime. I told you, yesterday looked different. It was over 40 degrees out, and at one point we got tiny little hail like balls coming down. If I knew someone to test them, I would have picked one up, lol. They melted, but it's easier to see how much it affects our land when you actually see them on the land. Also the animals (like my dog) stick their noses in it.
I looked up the EDTA, and found one website that says it's injected into the body. Are you talking about pills you swallow or an injection?
EDTA can be purchased in many health food stores in capsule form. My understanding is that EDTA converts to amino acid form, and then to protein in the body.
Initial EDTA reaction is often a mild body cleanse. It often starts with a bowel movement urge.
EDTA is not s respecter of "good" minerals. It is wise to head warnings, and to supplement with a wide variety of good minerals, ionic minerals, that is, minerals in their salt form... and a trace mineral supplement.
People (especially women) who have osteoporosis should definitely seek advice from a good health practitioner before taking EDTA.
I've been supplementing with vitamins recently. It seems that liquid form is better, but more expensive, and pill form is cheaper. I found one pill with some great reviews online at
VitaCost (where I get a lot of healthy non-GMO foods).
Here's one review:
"I've used this product for several years. Our doctor introduced it to us noting that it was the best oral chelation product he had come across (even carried it stock at his office).
Very good amount of EDTA included, high quality product and the price here is well below what it was at the Doc's office. I use it for 2-3 months, take a 6-8 week break and use it again. This was according to his recommendation - and it seems to work well."Nice to know a doctor is recommending it to people, lol.
I take EDTA in capsule form 2 or 3 times a week, almost always with a mineral supplement.
Minerals come from veggies and meat. But the veggies and meat are starting to have aluminum and barium in them from the chemtrails. So, you get minerals from what you eat. Then you use EDTA to take the minerals out, including the aluminum and barium. What a trip!
It's quite sick what's going on. Professor Doom did a video (
the one I linked to in the corporations thread) that talks about how how the Amish don't have the same rules as we do, because they are under common law. So they can make their own milk (from cows) that don't have added hormones. They live healthier lives, this is proven. They're probably being chemtrailed too, so some of it is the hormones we're forced to have. Also cow milk originally has GcMAF (which is what is naturally in breast milk, and gets rid of vaccine chemicals) but they get rid of it in our milk.
The Amish are free to drink their wonderfully natural milk and eat those cheeses, but if they try to sell them (to us), they get in trouble. Because we're not allowed to have it, and they lose their right to the common law by interacting with us.
We haven't lost our right to common law. We simply have made it difficult to use.
There is no law that takes or can take our common law away from us. When we interact with government in ways that are not common law, government uses our interactions to say that we have stepped out from common law. We have not. But if we aren't grounded in common law understanding, we may not know the way to prove that we are still in common law, and that it is only by contract that we have accepted a particular privilege.
Amish people don't contract with government. Because of this, it is very difficult for government to suggest that they are under civil law. The difference between us and the Amish is, it is easier for them to defend their position. That's it.
We are all - every one of us - under common law. But if we contract, even by saying that we are a citizen, we are making it very difficult to stay out of civil law.
Regarding citizenship, don't be citizen or resident. Rather be domiciled on the land. If you need citizenship for something, express your "strawman" contract as the person it is, through a UCC-1 filing, and receive the things that it gains as a citizen because it owes them to you through a debtor/creditor arrangement. listen, learn and use Karl Lentz info, the methods for standing up to government while remaining in common law. Watch at least the last of the 10 videos here -