
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 18. (Read 121543 times)

Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
Project Blue Beam - the greatest illusion humanity will ever know. Welcome to the show, it's only just begun...

At least we understand the purpose behind chem trails now.

I think the chemtrails have then one purpose. That may be one of the purposes.

So they're putting up a screen in front of the screen and they're going to fool the mass who've been fooled by the old screen with a new bigger higher definition I-max screen. GMO popcorn for everybody!
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
"...Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. In the words of Winston Churchill, a world order in which "the principles of justice and fair play protect the weak against the strong. . . ." A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its founders. A world in which freedom and respect for human rights find a home among all nations...."

- George H.W. Bush

“History is written by the victors.”

- Walter Benjamin

This video clearly shows how our US history has been rewritten in an attempt to control people by showing them an illusion of choice, all the while leading us down the path that has been planned for centuries. It discusses fiat currency and it's worthlessness, racism and sexism being tools of the democrats, and republicans playing the part of the bad guy, in an attempt to steer our country into giving up all it's rights.

Rigged Elections 2016 NWO GLOBAL Collapse Imminent
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
The outfit reminds me of the Darth Vader statue and also the picture from the Denver airport NWO mural...

Swedish school killer posed for this photo MIDWAY through murder spree: 'Right-wing' fanatic put arm round pupil who thought bloody sword was a prank... then carried on his rampage

"The 21-year-old man, who launched a sword attack on a school in Sweden and stabbed two teachers and two pupils, stopped to pose for pictures with students before continuing his horrific spree.

Wearing a mask and holding a sword already covered in blood, the attacker, stands next to two young students at the school, seconds before stabbing a teacher, who died at the scene.

Another teacher was rushed to hospital alongside the injured students, two boys aged 11 and 15. The 11-year-old later died from his wounds.

The MailOnline understands the suspected killer to be Anton Lundin-Petterson, from Trollhättan, north of Gothenburg...."

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Project Blue Beam - the greatest illusion humanity will ever know. Welcome to the show, it's only just begun...

At least we understand the purpose behind chem trails now.

I think the chemtrails have more then one purpose. That may be one of the purposes.
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Activity: 1470
Merit: 504
Project Blue Beam - the greatest illusion humanity will ever know. Welcome to the show, it's only just begun...

At least we understand the purpose behind chem trails now.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500

Those who are anti-Catholic Church or believe homosexuality is wrong may be categorized as a fundamentalist, or hate other words Christianity may be considered as a fundamentalist hate group.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Nestlé To Be Sued For Californian Drought Crimes, USING EXPIRED 1988 Permit to BOTTLE Forest Water!

"Water depletion? Is this some kind of environmental terrorism? When a Corporation's CEO claims he HAD TO USE WATER in period of EXTREME DROUGHT because HE HAD TO MAKE SURE CUSTOMERS would NOT buy another BRAND?? So, in fact he's confirming that he is in an Economic war which is ENDANGERING HUMANS and all life in West USA and also affecting the Health and prosperity of millions of Americans detrimentally!
California Drought DUE TO CORPORATE GREED! Nestlé To Be Sued For Californian Drought Crimes, USING EXPIRED Permit of 1988 to Drain California Forest Water! It is the Arrowhead brand - Arrowhead Water, also known as Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water, is a brand of drinking water that is sold in the western United States, particularly in Arizona, the Northwest, and in California.
2) US Forest Service Sued for Letting Nestlé Bottle California Forest Water Without Permit for 3 decades"

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: "Bitter Waters of the Dragon's Mouth": Denver Airport, 88th Ave, Revelation, Marine Lab Logo

"As i show in the video, there is a lot of weird things going on around Denver. The fact that this all comes together like this is not coincidence to me. It seems it is all laid out and hidden in plane sight! I also find it interesting how the water sits directly in the mouth of the dragon. Its parallel to DIA's Demonic Horse that sits on the other side of 88th Ave. You can find more at the links below."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
UK telecommunications corporation hacked: “Jihad From Us Is Coming”

"..."TalkTalk customer details, including addresses and bank details, have been posted online by a group of hackers that appear to be linked to Islamic extremists. The data dump, posted online early Friday (23 October) morning, is accompanied by the message “Jihad from us is coming”.

Here is the message brought by the hacker Jihadists:

“We Have adapted To The Security measures Of The Web. We Cannot Be Stopped. We Have Made Our Tracks Untraceable Through Onion Routing, Encrypted Chat Messages, Private Key Emails, Hacked Servers. We Will Teach our Children To Use The Web For Allah.. Your Hands Will Be Covered In Blood.. Judgement Day Is Soon. Our One Childrens Name Is Mohammed. Your Women Are being Taken Over By Us. Your Children are being Killed By Us For Being S**t On Earth. WE Are In The Soviet Russia And Near Place, Your Europe, WE control Asia, We Control AMERICA. Prepare, Secure Your Websites, Secure Your Borders, Secure Your Country, But Jihad From Us Is Coming.” .."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Three Chinese Warships To Dock In Florida Port

"Obama administration has not yet dispatched ships toward China, and instead has been merely weighing for weeks whether or not it will send a freedom of navigation mission within 12 nautical miles — the internationally recognized maritime border — of features in the Spratly and Paracel China has reclaimed from the sea.

It would appear that Obama was once again all talk and once China threatened to call the U.S. bluff and warned it would use force, the US desire for confrontation promptly evaporated."

The Latest on parade crash: Police release DUI suspect name

"...Oklahoma State University President Burns Hargis says OSU's game against Kansas will still be played Saturday despite a crash involving a motorist who plowed into the school's homecoming parade, killing three people and injuring 22 others.

Hargis' comments came in a news conference hours after the Saturday morning crash. Police have arrested the woman who was driving the car on a charge of driving under the influence...."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500

"'Turn the World UN Blue'

Marking the United Nations at 70

What is the Turn the World UN Blue initiative about?

To help mark the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, iconic monuments, buildings,  landscapes, museums, bridges, and other landmarks across the globe  will be lit up blue

- the official colour of the United Nations -
on UN Day, 24 October 2015.  Join us in the global celebration and choose blue on 24 October by lighting up a landmark in your country...."

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Such fakery below, but if we see things falling on the earth from the sky...  Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

I would say that if we were to have signs from the heavens on Halloween of all days, it's birthing the anti-christ, who could claim to be the Lord. Not saying he would appear at that time, only that events (like the Satanist's Holy day of Halloween) could be bringing forth the evil needed for him to do what he needs to do, before coming on the scene.

Earth is in grave danger of being hit by a catastrophic comet shower triggered by the sun, warn scientists

"Earth may be in great danger as the sun's path through the galaxy sends comet flying towards our planet, scientists have warned. 

Researchers have identified a 26 million-year cycle of meteor impacts that coincides with the timing of mass extinctions over the past 260 million years.

The doomsday events are linked to the motion of the sun and its family of planets through the dense mid-plane of the Milky Way.

Gravitational disturbance of the Oort Cloud - a shell of icy objects on the outer edge of the solar system - is believed to lead to periodic showers of comets pouring through the inner region where the Earth resides.

The last of these events is said to have occurred about 11 million years ago, roughly the same time as the Middle Miocene mass extinction...."

'Spooky' Halloween Asteroid May Actually Be a Comet

" The big asteroid that will zoom past Earth on Halloween may actually be a comet, NASA researchers say.

The roughly 1,300-foot-wide (400 meters) asteroid 2015 TB145, which some astronomers have dubbed "Spooky," will cruise within 300,000 miles (480,000 kilometers) of Earth on Halloween (Oct. 31) — just 1.3 times the average distance between our planet and the moon....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
I don't think the beast will come in the form of Darth Vadar, lol. But I thought this was interesting, putting up statues of fictional characters, and the bad guy at also emits wifi from the helmet.

Ukraine: Lenin statue given Darth Vader makeover

Revelation 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, 14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Earthquake Swarm In Oregon Hits on the Flanks of the Davis Volcanic Complex

"Many of my viewers (and readers) have contacted me about a new swarm of earthquakes which has developed in Central Oregon state, near the town of La Pine, OR. The swarm is striking directly at a volcanic complex.

Professionals in the region from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network appear to be ignorant about what is at the earthquake swarm location, specifically noticed they have NOTHING about the nearby volcanoes causing the earthquake swarm on their websites, or in any of their multiple posts on this topic.

How could they NOT know, or miss this obvious relation between earthquake swarm, and volcanic location?

This swarm of earthquakes is happening about 3-4 miles away from the nearest volcano, quite literally on the flanks of the lava flows from Davis Volcanic Complex.

Read More:
10/23/2015 — West Coast / La Pine Oregon VOLCANIC Earthquake Swarm"
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
The 5 year old fire that's heading to a nuclear waste site is in Missouri. This is a different story.

Investigators taking close look at radioactive waste dump fire

"It could be some time before officials know what caused a fire at a low-level radioactive waste dump in Nye County that shut down a 140-mile stretch of Nevada's main north-south highway for almost 24 hours.

U.S. Highway 95 reopened to traffic Monday evening after tests conducted from the air and on the ground showed no signs of radioactive contamination from the blaze that broke out Sunday afternoon at the US Ecology waste site about 110 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

In a conference call Monday night, State Fire Marshal Chief Peter Mulvihill said investigators would be taking a close and methodical look at the site "once it is safe to go down there."

He said it's still too early to know what might have sparked the fire, which was reported about 1 p.m. Sunday in one of the site's low-level radioactive waste disposal trenches and was allowed to burn itself out over the course of about 12 hours....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: 500 Days to climate Chaos-Hurricane Patricia-Jade Helm 15 See a connection?

"Could Hurricane Patricia be a planned event? Was French Foreign Minister, Fabius alluding to this event as that Climate Chaos? Was Jade Helm 15 really extended to November 15 like some sources say? If so, could Hurricane Patricia's path be the reason Jade Helm was being conducted in TEXAS??"
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Syrian war forces first-ever withdrawal from Global Seed Vault

"After armed conflict destabilized Aleppo gene bank, scientists withdraw seeds from Arctic repository in order to safeguard critical research
By Sarah Lazare | Common Dreams

The ongoing armed conflict in Syria has forced scientists—for the first time ever—to withdraw seeds from the Arctic seed vault that is tasked with safeguarding the world’s food supply, the Crop Trust which oversees the repository confirmed Monday....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: THE RETURN OF PAGANISM: Will Paganism Become The Main Religion of America?

Could paganism make a comeback? It's not as crazy as it sounds.

"We live in a post-Christian era, we're told. But being defined by what you're after doesn't tell us what you're about. Spiritual longings go deep in the human heart — the New Atheists remain much less popular than the self-consciously spiritual Oprah Winfrey — and it remains to be seen to what spiritual calling the current era will respond.

Maybe... paganism?

Every once in a while you see a trend story about pagan revivals. This time, it seems to be going on in Iceland. Ironically, the idea of time going in cycles is a venerable pagan doctrine.

So, could we go back to paganism? This is more than an idle question. Our era is still — much more than we care to admit — very much defined by Christian ideals, which — much more than we care to admit — were very much defined in opposition to pagan ideals. Looking at the pagan worldviews that once ruled Europe should give us some insight into the West today, and, perhaps, its future....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded

"A potentially catastrophic landfall is expected Friday evening as a very powerful and dangerous Hurricane Patricia moves towards Mexico's Pacific coast. Hurricane Patricia became the most powerful tropical cyclone ever measured in the Western Hemisphere on Friday morning as its maximum sustained winds reached an unprecedented 200 mph (320 kph).

The hurricane is forecast to make landfall in the Mexican state of Jalisco Friday evening as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane capable of causing widespread destruction. Residents and authorities in Mexico are rushing to prepare for what will likely be the strongest hurricane to ever make landfall on that country's Pacific coastline...."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Arctic Anomaly: Large Circular Opening Has Formed In the Middle of the Ice Pack

Arctic anomaly! Warning a circular opening has formed in the middle of the arctic ice pack! 20 october 2015

"It seems that for some unknown reason ice is melting in the middle of the Arctic.
At first i thought it might be an error or a glitch for that matter but the opening shows up on 3 different maps

    The Sea Surface Temperature map of the Arctic
    The Sea Surface Salinity map of the Arctic
    The Ice Thickness map of the Arctic

It has started to show up at the end of september.  It is still there at the moment of writing.
It has grown in size then got a bit smaller and now it is growing again in size!

I have honestly no idea as to what could be causing this sudden melt in the middle of the Arctic Ice Pack...."

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