2020 AGENDA: #ConnectTheWorld - Zuckerberg, Gates, Bono and others Building the Mark of the Beast As part of the 2030 AGENDA for global sustainability, the internet and tech gurus got involved with their 2020 agenda to get internet to every person on the planet. Mark Zuckerberg, Bill and Melinda Gates, Charlize Theron, Richard Branson, Mo Ibrahim, and Bono are just a few of the names who have signed this declaration. And while bringing the internet will probably mean improved lives for many of the poor nations of today, ultimately it is laying the groundworks, for the mark of the beast, and image of the beast as written in
Revelation 13.
ConnectTheWorldCern's logo is 666, and it's connected to many computers, connected to the internet, so we are connected to CERN. Now as a part of Agenda2030, they have Agenda2020 for everyone to be connected to the internet by the year 2020. When everyone is connected to the internet (which will probably be heavily regulated and have limits on freedom of speech), will it become the mark of the beast? Will there be no way to order food without plugging into the internet (through a microchip or an actual computer)?
This is part of Revelation with the commentary as spoken about in the video:
"4 Another great beast from the earth: the false prophet, who made signs and portents and lies before him in the sight of men; of whom he says having horns like a lamb, that is, a kind like that of the Just Man (?), speaking like a dragon: the devil full of malice. For this will happen in the sight of men, so that the dead will be seen to rise, but in the sight of men. And fire will descend from heaven, but in the sight of men, for in the sight of men, the magicians also do this through the fugitive angels, and this one will also make it so that a golden image of Antichrist might be placed in the temple of Jerusalem, and a fugitive angel might enter there; and then he will give forth voices and oracles. And he will make it that slave and free receive a mark on their foreheads or on the right hand, the number of his name, who may not buy or sell, except he who will have the mark. And of this overturning of men, the contemptible thing to God, and desecration, Daniel has spoken: And he will erect, he says, his temple among the mountains of the sea, and the two seas,c that is, Jerusalem; and then he will erect the golden image like king Nebuchadnezzar made. The Lord recalls this for all the churches of the end times; he says: When you see the contemptible thing of overturning, which was spoken of by the Prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place where it is not allowed, let him who reads unserstand.d Contemptible thing is said, when God is provoked that idols are worshipped; for overturning, that unsteady men have been overturned by false signs and portents, and seduced away from salvation."