And this is only the beginning...Wow. Just wow. People have no idea what they've fallen for and what the future brings, society and life as we knew it will never be the same.
Yeah, it's pretty crazy. To be fair it isn't sold as a dildo, it's sold as something that can let the 4 year old girl be able to pee through it standing up. It's just going to mess with their brains before they even get to puberty.
I was posting this to someone else on another site, but I figured I could put it in this thread too.
Saying you're against any sin, is repenting. Otherwise it's passive agreement that it is who you are and you were born with it. I strongly believe we were not born with these temptations. Before the Nephilim were around, I don't know that people were as sinful. Because humans were taught how to make weapons and how to make mirrors/makeup, so they would have pride, and lust with their eyes and hurt people. The Nephilim were killed, but their spirits are the evil spirits/demons we deal with. I believe they're the ones tempting people.
Obviously people are the ones sinning, and when they sin, they give the demons more ability to tempt them. If you watch this video:
Alfred Kinsey - Sexual revolution - you can see how one perverted man's lies have led to sex/porn being pumped out into porn mags/vids/internet and have sexualized children, just within the last 100 years or so. I don't believe people were nearly as tempted into sexual sin before this point. I do believe there were always people struggling with sexual sin, but it blew up exponentially since the Kinsey books.
Though the documentary is long, it's well worth the watch. The porn is mind control. This may sound silly to you just stumbling onto this thread, but it's literally true. Porn pumps images into your brain, and wherever you go, those images can be brought back up. It's like the demon is just sitting there wanting to egg you on, and has an empty gun, but you keep giving it bullets. When you watch or look at porn, now you've given it a couple of images it can pop into your head whenever it wants to. So you may be on a nice date with someone, trying to take it slow, and a nasty image pops into your head and all of a sudden you're filled with lust wanting to go fast, it's your temptation, that you have already given it the ammunition in the past. If you had never looked at porn, those images couldn't pop into your head.
Besides the demon angle, it's mind control in the way that the powers that be are sexuallizing unnatural women (actresses playing a role, and photoshopped women in magazines), but they also sexualize dolls and dildos. There are men who cannot get it up for a real woman and instead use dolls. This is brainwashing, mind control. The type of porn you watch controls what you sexualize.
They are also making rough sex a larger trend, and it's going mainstream. They want women to be hurt and humiliated during sex. Because they hate women in particular. Probably because in Genesis 3:15 the curse for the serpent would be that women "shalt bruise his heel".
The porn is aimed at steering people into getting people into transgenders, hurting others, going for younger women (why men have gotten women to shave down there), yadda yadda yadda. Transgender porn is being watched by way more people than consider themselves trans. Seriously. Why? Because the evil spirits want this in people's minds. They want us to stop having sex with the opposite gender, instead have sex with the same gender and start having sex with younger children, all for the goal of using us to make the Lord mad and also to stop reproducing. When you look at what the outcomes are, you'll find it very easy to see that's the goal. So what do you do? Get rid of the porn, block the porn sites, and repent (turn away from in your mind). Hate the sin as the Lord hates the sin, and ask the Holy Spirit to wash your mind of the images you've placed there in your sin. I believe He can do that if you ask for forgiveness and repent. Taking away the demons ammunition to tempt you is a huge step in recovering.