This was an interesting pits Putin vs Obama, continually showing biblical verses that relate.
Video discussing the similarities of Babylon in the bible, to the United States(at the end there's an ad to buy stuff to learn how to be a survivalist, you can stop watching at that pt.)
Is the USA the Babylon of Revelation 18?[Go to the site above for the links/verses.]Is the USA the “Babylon” of Revelation 18, marked for destruction?
Revelation 18 talks of a country the Bible calls “Babylon” that is destroyed by fire in “one hour” and plagued with “death, mourning and famine”. Revelation 18:8
Could this “Babylon” be the USA? Does it fit?
Revelation 18 describes the following about the Babylon mentioned:
(As always on this site, if you hover over Scripture verses they will POP UP.)
1. It is a literal place, with lots of wealth and products to sell. Rev. 18:12-13
2. It is a wealthy country that even sells its money (gold & silver). Rev. 18:11-12
3. It is a country that deceives all other countries. Rev. 18:23
4. It spreads its sexual immorality to other countries. Rev. 18:3
5. It lives in luxury. Rev. 18:7
6. It helps others get rich. Rev. 18:19, Rev. 18:3
7. It is ‘married’ to another country. Rev. 18:7
8. It is suddenly and utterly destroyed by fire. Rev. 18:8, Rev. 18:9-10, Rev. 18:17-18
9. It is responsible for many deaths. Rev. 18:24
Does the USA fit? Let’s go down the list one at a time.
It is a literal place with lots of wealth and products to sell. Rev. 18:12-13
Unlike the desert city of Babylon, Iraq, (map) which hasn’t sold much of anything, the USA has been a major producer. Until recently, its products were sold all over the world.
It is a wealthy country that even sells its money. Rev. 18:11-12, Rev. 18:3
The USA’s paper “Dollar” has been the world’s currency since the end of World War 2. Global trade is mostly done in “dollars”. Until recently, countries have bought lots of “dollars”. China owns about a trillion of them. LINK (That is changing. Satan’s new gold backed currency is fast approaching.)
It is a country that deceives all other countries. Rev. 18:23
Most in the USA think of ourselves as the ‘good guys’. After all, the USA is for “Liberty and Justice for all!”, right?
Maybe not. Let’s review USA history:
1. The early American Indians received little “liberty and justice”. LINK
2. So did lots of folks with dark skin. LINK
3. The Southerners learned of USA liberty when they chose to constitutionally withdraw from the Union because of unfair taxation. LINK The “Civil War” wasn’t mainly about slavery. LINK
4. In the early 1900’s Germany was becoming a world power to rival Great Britain and the USA. Two “great” wars beat them back down. LINK
5. The Korean War was all about global (United Nations) dominance. LINK
6. So was the Vietnam disaster. LINK
7. Iraq, Afghanistan, perhaps soon Pakistan and all of these Middle East “uprisings” are about money and control by the global banking elite. LINK
It spreads its sexual immorality to other countries. Rev. 18:3
Rather obvious. One word: “Hollywood”.
It lives in luxury. Rev. 18:7
The USA has been a very wealthy country indeed!
It is now experiencing increasing poverty as criminal bankers foreclose on the planet. For a heartbreaking example here is a link to a 60 Minutes piece about banker foreclosure fraud. LINK
It helps others get rich. Rev. 18:19, Rev. 18:3
Examples of this abound. One of the most obvious is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. King Abdullah’s oil fields were not developed by the Bedouin, but by Rockefeller’s Exxon Mobile and Rothschild’s Royal Dutch Shell.
It is a country that is tied to another country. Rev. 18:7
The USA is tied to England. 1776 was a family squabble. Just follow the money:
1. The world’s “dollar” monetary system is controlled by the New York Federal Reserve Bank. LINK
2. The Federal Reserve is privately owned by global bankers with names like Rothschild, and others. LINK
3. Rothschild also controls the Bank of England. LINK (Bank of International Settlements, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, etc.)
Ergo, the USA is, economically speaking, England’s “Queen”; and not a “widow”. Rev. 18:7
It is suddenly and utterly destroyed by fire. Rev. 18:8, Rev. 18:9-10, Rev. 18:17-18
Obviously this has not happened yet. How could it?
One possible answer: Yellowstone. It is one of the world’s greatest calderas; a cauldron into the belly of the earth that is capable of producing a monster volcano. LINK
It could cause the whole of North America to be covered by a devastating cloud of ash.
It’s been discovered that earthquakes, 2000 miles away, off the North West coast, are linked to geyser increases in Yellowstone! LINK
It is a country responsible for many deaths. Rev. 18:24
This subject is horrible to contemplate. Examples: Hiroshima LINK, Agent Orange LINK. War’s cost in misery and death is incalculable.
True statement: Wars are deliberately planned by Satan and his global rulers for profit and control, always leading us closer to his coming world government.
Example A) Here is the real reason why The USA is currently leading the charge in the Middle East. LINK
Example B) The USA government finally admitted the Vietnam War began with a lie. Vid LINK
Example C) Here is obvious evidence that the endless, so called “War on Terror” sadly began by using professional demolition experts on 911. LINK Hundreds of thousands of folks have been hurt or killed ever since.
Other countries are forced to get into debt and trade in USA paper “dollars” or else! If you don’t want to participate in the “dollar” denominated banking system you can find yourself at the wrong end of a very big gun. (Video LINK: Economic Hit Man.)
The USA has lots of guns. The USA Military is currently stationed in 150 of the 194 countries of the world. LINK & LINK