
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 58. (Read 121543 times)

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At Anti-Bullying Conference, Middle Schoolers Learn About Lesbian Strap-On Anal Sex, Fake Testicles

"In rural, small-town Iowa, a group of parents and community leaders is seeking to prevent students from the local taxpayer-funded middle school and high school from attending future versions of an anti–bullying conference for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender teens."

"Among the nearly two dozen speakers, “only two” addressed bullying, one attendee estimated, according to

The rest of the sessions involved issues such as “how to pleasure their gay partners.”

Middle school girls from Humboldt (pop.: 4,690) had the opportunity to learn “how to sew fake testicles into their underwear in order to pass themselves off as boys.”

One speaker wore a dress made out of condoms to which could be “used as needed.” Another speaker raised the important middle-school issue of using the Internet to locate an orgy.

A father from Des Moines whose daughter attended the conference described the girl’s experience.

“She thought she was attending this conference to learn how students can be supportive of their homosexual peers,” he explained, according to EAGnews.

“When she got there, it wasn’t really on bullying; it was basically a sexual education class for same-sex couples,” the mad dad said. “It was crude. One presenter told students who asked whether anal sex hurt that, as a lesbian, it really depended on how big the device is that their partner straps on.”

The main, featured speaker, drag performer Miss Coco Peru, cussed a lot and encouraged attendees to vandalize the property of critics.

Peru also sang a song. It went: “People suck. They don’t give a 5u&k about you. People thrive on smashing our pride to the ground. People that suck, 5u&k you.”

Still another speaker discussed “how pleasurable it is for gay couples to eat each other’s behinds” and how using flavored oils can improve the taste, notes EAGnews.

Thousands of middle schoolers and high schoolers from the region attended the April event"

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Fukushima/3 of the 4 Cores Now in Contact with Ground Water

July 20th, 2015 - Nuclear Expert: We should be very worried about ongoing catastrophe at Fukushima… “Complete failure” of ice wall built to contain extremely radioactive water… Plutonium is flowing into Pacific, will for many years to come — Strontium in ocean hits record level, huge increase reported since April

"Excerpts from presentation by Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Chief Engineer, Jul 16, 2015 (emphasis added):

    Are the meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi over?… This catastrophe is not over… We should continue to be very worried.
    3 of the nuclear cores at Fukushima Daiichi are in direct contact with groundwater.  Nuclear power designers and engineers never anticipated that possibility.
    Fukushima Daiichi Units No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 were destroyed… allowing holes and cracks to form… We know for sure that the Fukushima Daiichi containments are full of holes that allow groundwater to come in direct contact with each nuclear core.
    Groundwater is still leaking in and leaking out, at a rate of at least 300 tons per day… more than 1,500 days have passed… 23,000-tanker truckloads of radioactive water have already leaked into the Pacific Ocean. Worse yet, there is no end in sight.
    As Fairewinds anticipated, the ‘ice wall’ is a complete failure.
    Cesium, strontium and plutonium from Fukushima Daiichi will continue to bleed into the Pacific Ocean for decades because the groundwater flow is unmitigated.
    Japan’s press looks on silently due to the real threat and constraints of the government’s secrecy act… The true human, financial, and environmental costs of this nuclear power catastrophe are not publicized and discussed."

From 2013 - 3 Fukushima reactor cores melted into earth during accident, still missing – 4th could explode
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
If you're interesting in CERN, this is a pretty technical article that came out yesterday: Some first results from the new, higher-energy Large Hadron Collider

"....The new collisions are at a higher energy - 13 TeV¹ compared to the previous record of 8 TeV. Since we are bumping up against the speed-of-light barrier, this means the speed of the protons increases from 299 792 449 metres per second to 299 792 454 m/s (the speed of light is 299 792 458 m/s). An increase of only 5 m/s, which doesn’t sound terribly important. But speed is the wrong way to judge the significance of the increase. The main point of high energies in particle colliders is that they allow us to see into the heart of atoms and study the structure of matter at tiny distance scales; in a way the LHC is like a giant microscope. Turning up the energy is like turning up the power of the microscope, and we are eager to see what that might reveal...."

From the same site, June 27th: Something to watch for in the new data from the Large Hadron Collider

Remember CERN is dealing with antimatter or dark matter, and some have said this antimatter acts like a demonic spirit would. This was from a previous post:

Great video on Cern and antimatter - mentions that everyone is affected by antimatter, it seems to be the spiritual sense we all have. Around 22:40, it sounds like, the more antimatter you have in your body, the more likely you are going to be affected by demonic forces. The less anti-matter, is the less likely you will be affected.

The 'impossible' EmDrive could reach Pluto in 18 months

"Tajmar has looked at the possibility of space propulsion using "negative matter" from a theoretical perspective -- theoretical because of the difficulty of producing such a substance, which is not as easy as simple antimatter. More practically he has investigated claims of "electrostatic torque," a twisting force meant to occur between charged spheres, and found the supposed anomaly was due to a slight asymmetry in the experimental setup. His work on claims of gravitational shielding with spinning superconductors had led to a better understanding of sources of error in high-precision gyroscope measurements. These are cases where an apparatus apparently producing small anomalous forces needed to be examined closely.

The same applies to the EmDrive. The obvious sources of error -- air currents, leaking microwaves, ionisation -- have long ago been ruled out. But this is the first time that someone with a well-equipped lab and a strong background in tracking experimental error has been involved, rather than engineers who may be unconsciously influenced by a desire to see it work.

Tajmar will be presenting his results at the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics' Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition in Orlando on 27 July, in a paper called "Direct Thrust Measurements of an EmDrive and Evaluation of Possible Side-Effects". By side-effects, he is referring to the electric and magnetic fields that may cause false readings."

No Warp Drive Here: NASA Downplays 'Impossible' EM Drive Space Engine

Weather is still bad...

Flooding In Pasco County, Florida Threatens Homes And Businesses

Wildfires are popping up regularly on the west of the country. Active Fire Mapping Program - Current Large Incidents

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
You know who believes in demons more than Christians?

Satanists. Because they can see or deal with the demons to make things happen.

Here are a couple of good videos from ex-Satanists to give a little perspective. They explain how they got into it, and what they got out of it, how they left it, and the second link (though longer) is great because it explains symbolism and how everyday items may have satanic symbolism in them and you might not know it.

Confessions Of An Ex-Satanist!

Former Satanist shows everyday occultism.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Fake Doctor Arrested For Prescribing Bags of Dirt as Cancer Treatment

"Vincent Gammill, a 69-year-old “doctor,” has been arrested in California for allegedly prescribing bullshit cancer treatments and practicing medicine without a license. One of his cancer-fighting drugs was little more than a “baggie of dirt.”...."

State forbids pastors calling homosexuality 'sinful'

"The state of Kentucky has begun imposing a religious test on volunteer pastor counselors in its youth division, insisting that they refrain from calling homosexuality “sinful” and dismissing those who cannot bend their religious faith to accommodate the state requirements..."

You know it's time to quit when you're hired as a pastor and told you can't discuss the bible. He was told he cannot read a verse about homosexuality being a sin in the presence of these inmates. He can give them the verse for them to look up later though.

So, the pastor was let go, and this was filed.

Why even have pastors for these children? Was he helping? Yes? Then, let him do his job. Otherwise, it's time for the pastors to stop working with these people who would enforce such rules.

Video discussing the article: You Wont Believe What Kentucky Just Forced Pastors To Do! I Warned You This Was Coming
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
This video goes through the following link, if you want to listen to it in the background.

11 Signs That America Has Already Gone Down The Toilet
By Michael Snyder, on July 21st, 2015
(there is way more info on the link, I'll cut it down here)

#1 All over the United States, the body parts of aborted babies are being bought and sold, and the U.S. government gives the organization at the heart of this sick “industry” hundreds of millions of dollars a year. 

#2 Just a few days ago, we learned that hackers had stolen personal information from 37 million users on an adultery website known as Ashley Madison…The big story here is not the hacking. Rather, the big story is the fact that 37 million of us have signed up to participate on a website that facilitates adultery.

#3 Rates of violent crime are increasing by double digit percentages in many major U.S. cities in 2015, and some of the crimes being committed are almost too horrible to talk about....Incredibly, these gang rapes barely made a blip on the news here in the United States.  There are so many similar crimes taking place all around us that there is nothing really “unusual” about these horrific rapes.

#4 Under the Obama administration, our federal government has become absolutely obsessed with political correctness and is spending money in some of the most bizarre ways imaginable.  For instance, the feds recently spent $125,000 “to study adjectives that could be perceived as sexist or racist“.

#5 Speaking of pouring money down the toilet, the Obamaphone program is a perfect example.  It turns out that all you have to do to get a free cellphone from the federal government is to show them someone else’s food stamp card…

#6 Meanwhile, the government doesn’t even want to talk to normal, hard working citizens that just need a few questions answered.  According to a report that was just released, the IRS hung up on 8.8 million taxpayers that called in looking for help during this most recent tax season.

#7 The federal government has made it exceedingly difficult for law-abiding people to immigrate to this nation legally, but meanwhile they have left our borders completely wide open and have actively encouraged people to immigrate illegally.  As a result, large numbers of criminals, drug dealers, gang members and welfare parasites have come pouring in.  According to one recent report, 2.5 million illegal immigrants have entered this country while Barack Obama has been in the White House…And honestly, that 2.5 million number is probably on the low side.  These illegal immigrants are committing some of the most horrible crimes imaginable, and if you doubt this, just read this article.

#8 Our society is being transformed into what I like to call “a Big Brother police state control grid”.  Just a few days ago, we learned of another example of this phenomenon.  The following comes from the New York Post…What is truly sad is that so few Americans are actually upset that virtually everything we do is being watched, tracked and monitored.  For much more on all of this, please see this article.

#9 Just recently, I authored a piece which railed about the fact that the average American citizen spends more than 10 hours a day plugged in to some form of media.  Many of us become extremely anxious if something is not playing at least in the background.  We spend endless hours watching television, listening to the radio, going to the movies, playing video games, messing with our smartphones and surfing the Internet.  Sadly, what most people don’t realize is that more than 90 percent of the “programming” that is being continually pumped into our brains through these various media outlets is controlled by just six absolutely enormous media corporations.

#10 At the same time that the elite are endlessly pumping their twisted messages into all of our minds, they are becoming increasingly obsessed with controlling what the rest of us say.  In one recent article, I explained how support for “hate speech laws” in America is rapidly growing.  Today, 51 percent of all Democrats support these kinds of laws, and it is only a matter of time before liberal politicians start pushing really hard for the same kind of hate speech laws that have already been implemented in Europe and Canada.

#11 On top of everything else, we have been stealing more than 100 million dollars an hour from future generations of Americans since Barack Obama entered the White House.

Let that sink in for a moment.

If someone were to write a movie script about the theft of 100 million dollars from a major financial institution, nobody would ever actually want to make that movie because such an amount would be too hard to believe.

But this has actually been happening every single hour of every single day while Obama has been in power.

In a frenzy of insatiable greed, we have been taking trillions of dollars that belong to our children and our grandchildren and spending it ourselves.  When you break it down, it comes to more than 100 million dollars every single hour of every single day.  This is a crime of unimaginable proportions, and if we lived in a just society a whole bunch of our “top politicians” would be going to prison for this.

11 Signs That America Has Already Gone Down The Toilet
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Photoshopping of News Images

Aren't you getting sick of having your news photoshopped?

Original Images:

3 images in 1

Bedroom with a flag with pole

You can go to and input any image, and see where changes have been made. They usually show up as very bright. You can look up how to tell the difference and start checking out photos yourself.

Notice there is no pole in the mirror?

Looks like the whole flag in the middle picture was probably added, but at least the fire part.

If you watch this video of his arrest, you can see the cops weren't too concerned with him being a threat when they got him.

The Very, Very, Very Odd Arrest of Dylann Roof

There's also speculation into whether this picture was taken of Sandra on the ground, instead of up against a wall, noticing her hair falls back, not down.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
I already discussed why I think there is something wrong with the Pope.

If I haven't said this before, I was born Catholic. Even through college, I said I was Christian, because I didn't know much about Catholicism, even though I spent a few years in Catholic school, it all occurred before 3rd or 4th grade. I've gone back and forth of doing various Catholic practices. I am trying to break myself of some of these things.

I was told that Christians were the bride of Christ, but I watched a video that opened my eyes, and it seems that the bride of Christ is the new Jerusalem. "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."

So, I'm listening to this video and it is damning to the Catholic Church. Dark secrets of the Catholic Church; Ex nun Confesses - She disappeared completely 2 years after explaining these horrible things. And it's no wonder the Catholic Church would not want this out.

When you come to the conclusion that the bride of Christ is a city, you see that it is wrong for a woman to go through a ceremony to marry Jesus. They do this in a white veil ceremony and a black veil ceremony. They taught her that if she was a nun, then her whole family would be saved, which is so wrong. They would all be judged individually. You cannot just go about sinning and ignoring Jesus and still be saved.

She even talks about the priest having sex with the women when they go through the black veil ceremony. They kept them locked up. They chained her up, and made her crawl like a dog to eat/drink after starving her.

My eyes have been opened and I strongly believe the Catholic church to be satanic. Evil will disguise itself as something good.

2 Corinthians 11:14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

The Horrific Story of a Roman Catholic Cloistered Nun–Sister Charletta and The Black Veil

A Nun's Story: From Convent Bondage (Sexual Desire, Dating Priests, Rituals, No Bible) to Jesus

Catholicism Exposed - PDF of other Catholic stuff
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Trouble on the Temple Mount./9th of AV

"Jewish Protesters are scheduled to march on the Temple Mount on Sunday to demand the Third Temple be built. Here is the link to the 3 webcams at the Wailing Wall.
Our Website, http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com

So the stuff from the previous quote is likely happening tomorrow, and so is the stuff from the next quote....might be something to check out tomorrow.

Group To Unveil Satan Statue In Detroit During ‘Largest Public Satanic Ceremony In History’

"....Photography is strictly prohibited at the 18-and-older event unless, of course, you’re a $75 VIP ticket holder. Those partygoers will have an exclusive opportunity to be photographed seated on the Baphomet monument.

The event originally was to take place at a Detroit restaurant, but the venue’s owner said he canceled it after learning of the statue’s unveiling and of the Satanic Temple’s involvement. The group said they were very transparent, though, signing the contract as the “Satanic Temple.”

Many wonder how Christians will respond to the ceremony. Minister Todd Sanders, of Strictly Biblical Bible Teaching Ministries in Detroit, says this is a great opportunity for the church.

“The church can benefit from this because we can view this as an opportunity to get at the truth in terms of what the Satanic Temple believes,” Sanders said. “I don’t think it’s anything we should be afraid of at all, we don’t need to cower in fear — we have the truth on our side as Christians.”

Sanders said that this satanic unveiling is indicative of the end times spoken of in the Bible...."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Trouble on the Temple Mount./9th of AV

"Jewish Protesters are scheduled to march on the Temple Mount on Sunday to demand the Third Temple be built. Here is the link to the 3 webcams at the Wailing Wall.
Our Website, http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Joint Assistant for Development and Execution (JADE) is a U.S. military system used for planning the deployment of military forces in crisis situations.

The U.S. military developed this automated planning software system in order to expedite the creation of the detailed planning needed to deploy military forces for a military operation. JADE uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology combining user input, a knowledge base of stored plans, and suggestions by the system to provide the ability to develop large-scale and complex plans in minimal time.

I am eternally grateful for your link. I missed the following story, and from my previous post, it seems to all be fitting together. There was an incident the day JADE HELM started where planes were distracted by a laser. Now there are more!

Four more flights lit by lasers over New York, New Jersey

They seem like they are going to do something with lasers in the air, lasers planes can see, and those on the planes would see, and they are attempting to knock out the passengers on the planes, so they have no witnesses. This is probably Project Blue Beam getting ready.

What do you guys think?
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
One thing I'm noticing while looking into all these strange events occurring recently is the up-tick in flat-earthers. Things like the UN having a flat-earth map in it's logo is weird.

Anyway, one of the things talked about in the flat-earth videos is plane routes. I'll leave that bit from the other thread in the bottom of this post.

But putting on my tinfoil hat, I find it incredibly interesting......well, remember the lack of air on the other flight I posted about the other day, you know the one that people passed out and threw up on?

I think they are attempting to get people to SLEEP ON PLANES FORCIBLY, through lack of oxygen.

Now consider what's in the news on Yahoo today: 9 Foods That Will Help You Sleep on a Long Flight - They go on and on about how you should sleep on a long flight. They want people asleep on planes!

Now at first I thought it was just so that they would not start taking video of the plane routes on the ground, or pay attention that way, however I'll get into a new theory on the next post, because I want to quote notbatman.

The Earth is FLAT ~The planes help to prove the plane - Video that shows how far flights should be according to Google Maps, and then tries to book flights. Also shows the flight paths, that look odd on a globe, but make sense on a flat earth map.

Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
Joint Assistant for Development and Execution (JADE) is a U.S. military system used for planning the deployment of military forces in crisis situations.

The U.S. military developed this automated planning software system in order to expedite the creation of the detailed planning needed to deploy military forces for a military operation. JADE uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology combining user input, a knowledge base of stored plans, and suggestions by the system to provide the ability to develop large-scale and complex plans in minimal time.

Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
This post brought to you by Tor, DNS nuked while searching this on Google.

Industral Light & Magic  "to strive, to apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere"

Project Blue Beam -->

I clicked on that link and it had an extended version here:

I watched about half and it's really cool, but it was actually giving me a headache.

I found the video here:
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Activity: 504
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This post brought to you by Tor, DNS nuked while searching this on Google.

Industral Light & Magic  "to strive, to apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere"

Project Blue Beam -->

I clicked on that link and it had an extended version here:

I watched about half and it's really cool, but it was actually giving me a headache.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
This post brought to you by Tor, DNS nuked while searching this on Google.

Industral Light & Magic  "to strive, to apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere"

Project Blue Beam -->
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Tribulation Signs (Animals That Attack People)

Signs of the End Times: Animals start turning on humans! Seriously!

Large alligator hangs out in dugout before minor league game

I was going to have another section on idiots who try to take stupid selfie pics, but guess what? They were attacked by animals, so I guess it all falls into the same post:

Guy's Attempt To Take Rattlesnake Selfie Ends With $153,000 Bill

"A San Diego-area man ssssent (OK, we'll stop) KGTV footage of himself lying in a hospital bed after he said he tried to take a selfie with a rattlesnake."

Bison Selfie Turned Into Mississippi Woman's 'Most Frightening Experience'

"The Flora, Mississippi, resident was flipped and tossed by a bison at Yellowstone National Park Tuesday after posing for a selfie in front of the animal with her daughter."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500

To go along with the "conspiracy".... The mysterious death of a doctor who peddled autism ‘cures’ to thousands - this article makes him out to be a quack.

This man had an autistic child. Do you think he would be smuggling in the GcMAF illegally and giving it to others if he didn't believe in it?

I know you can't just take my word for it. I'm just going to say, I have no doubt at all, that he did find out the truth, that's why he was murdered, and that's why people he knows and talked to are missing. There are things I'll say I could be wrong about, but I feel very, very strongly about this one. I would not let my child (if I had one) get a vaccine. I feel so bad for those with autistic children who would use this GcMAF but can't because it's illegal here.

Were Dr. Lisa Riley, Dr. Baron Holt And Dr. Ronald Schwartz Murdered Too? (Holistic Medicine)

"Published on Jul 25, 2015

Holistic medicine is seen as a direct threat by mainstream medical institutions, which is a modern day war that has been fought for nearly two hundred years. And just like in the past, many American alternative medicine doctors face stiff resistance by organizations and figures who intend to dismiss and silence their invaluable work of promoting human wellness. Along these lines are the recent deaths of (at the time this video is being filmed) seven holistic doctors in and around the State of Florida, three of whom I have covered in a recent video on this YouTube channel (which can be found via link #1 in the show notes below). Since that video was published on July 2nd, 2015 there have been an additional four “mysterious deaths” of practicing alternative medicine doctors, three of whom I would like to specifically address in this video, Dr. Lisa Riley, Dr. Baron Holt and Dr. Ronald Swartz. It is also important to state that the deaths of these seven doctors have all occurred within thirty days and there are also an additional five alternative medicine practitioners who are still “missing”, which could bring the total number of mysterious deaths to 12 in less than a month.

The first mysterious death of a holistic medicine doctor is that of Dr. Lisa Riley who (according to was found with a single gunshot wound to her head which was said to have come from her husband, a figure known as Terrible Thomas, a champion boxer. Additionally warrants were issued by the State of Georgia for the arrest of Dr. Lisa Riley’s husband whose actual name is Yathomas Riley, who now resides in a Lee County Jail since his arrest on July 10th, 2015. The second suspicious death of an alternative medicine doctor is that of Dr. Baron Holt who (at the young age of 33) was found dead on the East coast of Florida on June 21st, 2015 or Father's Day, the same day that another alternative medicine doctor was found dead in Florida, Dr. Bruce Hedendal. It is critical to point out that (as is mentioned on that Dr. Baron Holt was in good health and optimistic spirits when he suddenly passed away, an event that his family describes as shocking and whom are waiting patiently for the results of his autopsy for more information. And the third odd death of a holistic medicine practitioner is that of Dr. Ronald Schwartz who (according to was found shot to death in his private residence, which is similar to how Dr. Teresa Sievers was found dead. A noteworthy side mention is that the media coverage surrounding this man’s death has been (in my observations) intentionally controversial with much interest being paid to his personal life instead of the facts related to his murder (a wonderful example of which can be found via link #5 in the show notes below).

The deaths of these three doctors (as well as the four others known of) have many suspecting there is a patterns within these crimes, that something or someone(s) are seeking to unnerve and upend the holistic medicine community in and around Florida, which is a State known for its haphazard policing and vigilante justice system. I personally suspect the death of Dr. Lisa Riley as being an “isolated incident” in the context of these seven deaths (however I could be mistaken) with the others being highly likely connected to each other, if only by chance. All of which makes me (as well as any other decent human being) pause and wonder, what in the world is actually happening and why such a media blackout relating to these homicides? So as more information about any of the doctors discussed here or elsewhere as well as new information emerges, I will continue to share what I find via new videos on this YouTube channel."
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