This kind of people should be banned on playing in any casino or gambling platform. This brings more trouble than profit to the gambling industry. Not only they are blaming Casinos for the losses, they even put a lot of effort in defaming the platform where they got their huge losses. We have seen several cases like this in the forum, even filing a scam complaint on the casino platform which at the end is futile because they have no evidence in hand, and the thread is created due to hate and unacceptance of losses.
Today, most gamblers now do their gambling online, and since the losers can not find the casino to rob, they resort to baseless accusations, image defamation and other vices through which they try to cause fud against the casino, well, I am not surprised though, this is some kind of attack I personally think every online casino should prepare themselves for, cus its gonna come from time to time.
I have read one of two complaints from gamblers who blame casinos for their losses and that sounds awkward to me and as a matter of fact, I don't take them seriously at all and at any point where I have the opportunity to advise such players, I always try to suggest to them to take a break from gambling to avoid getting deeply addicted.
As I have said before, if you can't accept losing your money in gambling then don't gamble, this is to save yourself from headaches and stress.