What is the sentiment about POS here?
Personally i think POS is deeply flawed and its just a matter of time (and money) until they all get washed away (because of the "nothing at stake"-problem and the logic flaw: "you cannot lock something with itself".
But i am very curious to here your opinions!
PoW transitioning into PoS slowly over a number of years(or something similar to PoS) is the best Imo, it ensures a good distribution.
I'm not a fan of 100% PoS coins from the start at all....I'm also very worried over what exactly "backs" PoS coins. I've heard answers such as the network backs the value of PoS coins and such, but that doesnt fit well. PoW coins are backed by the resources(energy, time) required to make coins(excluding demand,supply etc)
With a transation from PoW to PoS you could get a good distribution, but would not solve my security concerns (which i consider unsolveable, because it is not possible to fix a bug which is in ground-logic on layers you put on top. i think(!) the logic-bug in PoS is: secure something with itself.)
what could work is a hybrid: 1day PoW block with full balances and with 1min PoS blocks inbetween (this could also solve the blockchain bloat problem).
@illodinBut: thanks for the link. i'll dive into and see what to get out of it.
EDIT: i've read the paper and i am not convinced. where does time come from is still an open question which is not answered in the paper (image a attacker with a million vps all promoting false time). i still consider it insecure... if someone is willing to give me 51% of all existing BC i'd try ;p