1% of the total population is gay.
33% of the abuse is same-sex abuse.
Now we have 1% of the population creating 33% of the sexual abuses, and the remaining 99% creating another 67%. Got my point?
I get your point. You are using made up numbers to support your bias.
The number of people that admit to being gay is closer to 10% and that's ignoring those who are closeted/bisexual.
You're also ignoring the fact that out gay people are not the child abusers. Child abusers (gay/bi/straight) hide this from everyone.
Besides. If you're worried your child might be bit by a dog, doesn't it make more sense to teach your child about dogs that to try and eliminate every dog in the world?
Another point to consider - gay people don't make gay people - Straight people do. For every child you have there is a one in ten chance he or she will be gay.
I don't care who decides to fuck who. I have relatives and friends that are gay and couldn't give a damn. It's not my cup of tea and not something I will ever be able to really understand, but I don't understand either the discrimination against these groups.
That said, that 10% number is not accurate. It was a number put out by the LGBT community to bolster their numbers to influence public opinion and has been largely debunked.
The numbers are ~3.4% of the American population, according to the demographics. what it is in other countries I don't know, but I imagine it's relatively similar.