Does it still sound like a conspiracy theory?
Privacy will be gone completely in a few years. We will be sharing our cars and homes with strangers. I already share my country with millions of illegals thanks to the US politics in the Middle East. Make a google search and see which country hosts the most refugees(!).
The US has been taking thousands from the Mexican border.
These things happen because of the evil globalist fucks like Klaus Schwab.
Only gullible people believe this is a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. Most likely triple jabbed ones.
They want to bring Techno-Communism:'s a prerequisite to bring UBI + CBDC.
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Does it still sound like a conspiracy theory?
Privacy will be gone completely in a few years. We will be sharing our cars and homes with strangers. I already share my country with millions of illegals thanks to the US politics in the Middle East. Make a google search and see which country hosts the most refugees(!).
The US has been taking thousands from the Mexican border.
These things happen because of the evil globalist fucks like Klaus Schwab.
Well as someone with a family full of conspiracy theorists who somehow came to the conclusion that covid was created by WEF, this is actually a very real and serious threat to Bitcoin, what they are doing right now. And I'm sure that there are some WEF-affiliated people in governments, the IMF, World Bank and others and also rich people who attend Davos meetings who give donations to said people.
I'm sure you remember when they tried to outlaw strong encryption and then people were printing the PGP source code on t-shirts, mugs and so on.
We need to channel that resistance because ultimately, code is free speech protected by the first amendment. You can't be held criminally liable just for writing it.
Maybe your family is onto something: didn't create COVID (a variant of flu) per se, but they did orchestrate the COVID hysteria (mass media fearmongering,
social media censoring of dissenting voices, lockdowns that destroyed our economy by increasing inflation,
forced experimental vaccinations etc).
I was very sad to see Bitcoiners support all this anti-freedom measures back in 2020-2021, but I'll let it slide for a second.
And now they're attacking people's privacy...These guys control almost all governments (not just the West, but
even Russia/BRICs is a controlled opposition),
they're not our friends.
The road to hell is always paved with good ("humanitarian") intentions.