Then just mine & destroy the first few million easy coins in a way which can be publically proven & seen to have taken place.
After that, release it to the public.
Or start at a higher difficulty right away.
Oh, MMFG! Does anybody else realized what could have been released here? Nothing would stop an individual from doing what Jack of Diamonds just divulged. Somewhere down the road there possibly could be an all out virtual currency war--one chain (rhymes with gang) taking out another chain, all in the name of increasing its worth.
This just in here at CNNNN&N! Although full details are not yet available, sources from the net confirm that users of BieberCoin have destroyed another million Bitcoin. Bitcoin, the granddaddy of virtual currency, is currently fighting a 17 front war. As you recall, yesterday we reported that it was way to quiet over at the Bieber camp, and that an attack seemed imminent. Today, our suspicion proved correct. We're joined now with Hash Newman, over at the AnonLulzCoin camp. Howdy, Hash. Nice outfit you're wearing. You seem to blend right in...