Were they all sequestered in rooms discussing what's best for Bitcoin the bank emancipator or what's best for the individual business interests that attended?
I have attended many conferences because they were held in my region. The disappointing aspect of every single one was the lack of interest in the concept of relieving people from the need for a trusted third party. In fact, many of the businessmen in attendance were counting on becoming the necessary link between the user and their money. The whole concept of bastardizing the basic tenet of Bitcoin is so repulsive it makes me want to abandon bitcoin altogether.
honestly, i have no clue what you're on about.
that has nothing to do with any bitcoin conference or meet up. and nothing to do with the roundtable either.
the people who attend these types of events do so because they want to see bitcoin succeed and feel that meeting other like minded people can help them do that and smooth the rough edges to help make it happen. decentralisation is the key word. it was mentioned so often that you almost wish they'd find another word. very few people in attendance even mentioned their own businesses or what they do in the bitcoin space. almost all of the conversations are about how to take bitcoin forward - in a general way - so that more people will have the ability to use it, in new and exciting ways. not only the unbanked.. but also the banked. fully inclusive. not even excluding the bankers. everyone should have access to it.
you make it sound like you dont want money to be used for its primary purpose. you sound anti business. money allows people to buy and sell goods and services. you sound like youre against commerce. anyone who can help onboard more people into bitcoin is a good thing. do you think most of the world is going to start using it because its there? most will need encouragement via goods and services that are easier and cheaper to use than what they use at present. that requires innovation of new bitcoin businesses for us to on-board the next few million bitcoin users. and will need some established and successful businesses to be able to on-board the next billion!
if that sickens you, i think you should take up a hobby that doesn't involve 'digital money' because money is mainly used for commerce/business. get used to it, or find something else to do. you cant be pro bitcoin and anti business. makes no sense.
What a load of crap. I can't tell if you're bullshitting me or yourself. They couldn't really give a shit about Bitcoin. Hell, I doubt half of them have even read the whitepaper. The people I see in videos and meet in person believe in success - they're own success. That success has nothing to do with slowly developing a working system and delivering it freely to all takers. VC money doesn't chase humanitarian goals or work toward unseating the current corrupt system. VC money embraces Wall Street and crawls in bed with bankers. The major players in Bitcoin currently look as if all they care about is creating a system that can generate profits as quickly as possible.
for you is only about commerce and profit, just as it is for Wall Street. Yes, I am anti-business-as-usual. I don't want a new system if it empowers and enriches the few. I don't agree with a system that needs closed door collusion to make decisions. Try taking some of the wealth of the investors involved and create a no fee, free to use electronic exchange that allows individuals worldwide to free themselves from banks instead of, as you say, including bankers. You sound as if you simply expect Bitcoin to be nothing more than a trendy, edgy, cool alternative to PayPal minus the fraud protection for consumers.