All you need are the betting addresses. Send an amount to an address and wait for a return transaction. The only problem for you is knowing the betting addresses since you can't get on the site. One way of finding them is to look in the most popular address section of,, most of the addresses are there (note that there are similar services like betcoin but there is doubt whether or not they are trustworthy).
I suggest you look up the addresses yourself so you don't have to trust me but here are the addresses I have for sdice:
win chance / address
97% 1dice9wVtrKZTBbAZqz1XiTmboYyvpD3t
91% 1diceDCd27Cc22HV3qPNZKwGnZ8QwhLTc
85% 1dicegEArYHgbwQZhvr5G9Ah2s7SFuW1y
79% 1dicec9k7KpmQaA8Uc8aCCxfWnwEWzpXE
73% 1dice9wcMu5hLF4g81u8nioL5mmSHTApw
50% 1dice97ECuByXAvqXpaYzSaQuPVvrtmz6
48% 1dice8EMZmqKvrGE4Qc9bUFf9PX3xaYDp
36% 1dice7W2AicHosf5EL3GFDUVga7TgtPFn
24% 1dice7fUkz5h4z2wPc1wLMPWgB5mDwKDx
18% 1dice7EYzJag7SxkdKXLr8Jn14WUb3Cf1
12% 1dice6YgEVBf88erBFra9BHf6ZMoyvG88
9% 1dice6wBxymYi3t94heUAG6MpG5eceLG1
6% 1dice6GV5Rz2iaifPvX7RMjfhaNPC8SXH
4% 1dice6gJgPDYz8PLQyJb8cgPBnmWqCSuF
3% 1dice6DPtUMBpWgv8i4pG8HMjXv9qDJWN
2% 1dice61SNWEKWdA8LN6G44ewsiQfuCvge
1.5% 1dice5wwEZT2u6ESAdUGG6MHgCpbQqZiy
0.78% 1dice4J1mFEvVuFqD14HzdViHFGi9h4Pp
0.39% 1dice3jkpTvevsohA4Np1yP4uKzG1SRLv
0.19% 1dice37EemX64oHssTreXEFT3DXtZxVXK
0.09% 1dice2zdoxQHpGRNaAWiqbK82FQhr4fb5
0.04% 1dice2xkjAAiphomEJA5NoowpuJ18HT1s
0.02% 1dice2WmRTLf1dEk4HH3Xs8LDuXzaHEQU
0.01% 1dice2vQoUkQwDMbfDACM1xz6svEXdhYb
0.006% 1dice2pxmRZrtqBVzixvWnxsMa7wN2GCK
0.003% 1dice1Qf4Br5EYjj9rnHWqgMVYnQWehYG
0.0015% 1dice1e6pdhLzzWQq7yMidf6j8eAg7pkY