How do you guys think about what they did and should or shouldn't they belong in prison?
I don't think Ross Ulbricht will ever be released, and I wouldn't be surprised to see SBF released or someone to ''suicide'' him in prison like Epstein.
I certainly don't think Ross Ulbricht deserves multiple lifetime sentences for creating a website, we know corrupt government officials stole BTC in that case, and Ross was framed for many things.
Never trust anything government or msm is telling you about Ross Ulbricht case or with anything else, they always have some hidden motives or they want to give an example to people.
What can I say about big nose SBF, he is a punk junky who openly worked with politicians and government, but I really can't compare this two cases.
They cannot be compared, but its illogical one is in prison and one is free... If Ross payed for killing, then he should be in prison... for the rest I can see something which started with a good idea, with a lot of freedom etc ....
SBF is a scam from the start and we will never know what exactly happened with politicians etc but for sure a lot happened which hurt lots of people