
Topic: Scam Andrej Brda/Wili Clip,Gold Hunt,Fish Hunt,earn free lindens,Second Ads Life - page 6. (Read 59009 times)

Activity: 31
Merit: 0
We know that you've been cooperating tightly with Skip Oceanlane (Carmen Dubaldi in real life who was recently sentenced for theft of 120 000 USD$) in past - delisting your own company listed on Capital Exchange Game yourself silently. This was the main reason why Skip Oceanlane didn't take any actions against you as you were very close to him and Capital Exchange Game regulatory commission (CERC) with your alternative account ( ).
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Funny that you mention karma which is exactly a thing that will hit you when this guy you're defaming over the internet finds out about it. You were led on possibly by Skip Oceanlane himself who has given you wrong info. RL person behind (Carmen Dubaldi) Skip Oceanlane has recently plead guilty to three counts of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree.  

Skip Oceanlane is the person responsible for the downfall of Capital Exchange Game. His theft in RL slowly spilled onto his game and people lost trust in all the shares hence the reason why he disabled all the FORUMS on the game and made excuses that it would take further investments to set simple forum (basically he just had to enable the forums that were already on website). The stock prices on the game continue to be tanked by CEF (Consolidated Equity Fund) established by Skip Oceanlane ( by violating his own Capex Game rules: evident in and managed by CEF game CEO Troy Tomasso.

You better check the person you're doing the lip service for... as sooner or later its going to bite you back hard Peter Caruana.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Skip Oceanlane (Carmen Dubaldi) owner of Capital Stock Exchange Game Simulation was caught breaking rules of his own game on reclaiming shares from inactive accounts.

More about how this sell off scheme that hurts all the stocks on the exchange game (and with that the whole capex game) while the fund (CEF) CEO Troy Tomasso (who was set up by Skip Oceanlane) is collecting currently 46.2% of dividends on shares sell off that by the rules of CAPEX should have been originally transferred to CEO's so that they could ether destroy them or make an IPO (this way stock value would be retained). Instead by doing sell off through CEF (Capital Exchange Fund) they are destroying the share value and tanking all the companies still remaining listed on Capital Exchange Game.


Today, 14:57 System Announcement
by Skip Oceanlane
Game Company Dividend Performance 2015/2016 - Great News!
Dear CapEx Members:

Since the August 2015 relaunch of Capital Exchange in which the game officially separated from Second Life, there have been many CEO's that have abandoned their companies unfortunately. In spite of these neglectful CEO's, many have overlooked the fact that there are game companies still paying a fantastic regular or semi-regular game dividend. I have compiled a list for everyone to view on game dividends paid since August of 2015.

To date at the time of this News Story from August of 2015, game companies have paid CD$4,076,593.94 to CapEx shareholders! This amount includes final dividends paid out to delisting companies, or CD$ provided for free by myself. This is still a significant number, and I believe this amount will rise in the future with new companies coming on board to join the remaining great companies still listed within the game.

Here is an interesting fact - two of the biggest game dividend payers, Troy Tomasso of CEF and LeaPatrizia Zemach of DMWA did no Initial Public Offering (IPO) of game stock. They took over assets abandoned by others, and "made something from nothing." Everyone should thank these two CEO's especially for their tremendous dedication to their shareholders for paying a combined CD$1,100,000.00+ since the relaunch.

Here is the list from highest to lowest in total dividends paid to shareholders from August 2015 to April 2016. Companies currently halted for non-compliance are not included in this list.

Company and Ticker Symbol/Dividends Paid In CD$ (Since Aug 2015)

Consolidated Equity Fund (CEF) $566,543.08
Dead Men Walk Again (DMWA) $552,962.47
CapEx Stock Fund (CSF) $274,995.98
Oceanlane Enterprises (CAPX) $185,000.00
Edmose Group (EDMO) $157,499.48
Dover Business Exchange (DBX)   $82,415.64
Dragon Holdings (STAR)   $45,750.10
Verballis Translations Serv. (VBL)   $22,500.10
EVO Breeding Co. (EVO)   $8,088.99
AP Holdings (APH)   $7,500.06
Virtual Tallinn Merch (VTM)   $3,404.55
Pradeep Planer's Holdings (PPH)   $2,502.52
Redux Technologies (RDX)   $2,500.08
Virtual Retailers (VRS)   $2,500.00
Hostcrate (HCS)   $2,499.95

Thank you to all the CEO's who have paid a dividend recently, and thanks for being a part of Capital Exchange.

Skip Oceanlane, CEO
Capital Exchange

How is paying $CD left from inactive accounts combined in CEF fund creating something from nothing? Why is share price tanking despite hefty dividends?

Troy Tomasso (CEO of CEF):
I presume (and hope) that these are rhetorical questions. For those who cannot see the obvious, the ratio of received to paid out dividend was less than 20%, in other words CEF paid out more than 5x it received in dividends. CEF never received cash or other assets from defunct companies other than stock that was in the portfolios of those defunct companies. So I sold off some of the stock to pay to shareholders the dividends I promised, and in addition CD$ were purchased with proceeds of Troy Tomasso Marketing. The drop in share price is the result of the overvaluation of the assets per share value at the time of the launch, the large number of shares (17 million plus) and the reduction in CEF assets over time.


From the CEF prospectus written by Skip Oceanlane:

Welcome to CEF: Welcome to the New Consolidated Equity Fund (CEF). This game fund was created using reclaimed assets from inactive accounts, as well as assets of its current CEO, Troy Tomasso. Let me explain the history behind this new game company.

Skip Oceanlane never disclosed stock names nor the quantity of specific stocks that were in those "reclaimed assets from inactive accounts". So unfortunately it is not possible to verify any stements. In the name of transparency Skip Oceanlane can still create a report and define what exactly is/was in those "reclaimed assets" and how many inactive accounts there were exactly.

Troy if what you are saying is true then CEF has only received the different stocks from inactive accounts.Correct? Can you disclose what shares exactly has CEF received? With most of the companies that had normal to high trade liquidity (populated limit orders by shareholders) being gone from (due delisting for inactivity or delisting by force by Skip) what shares exactly are you selling on Capital Stock Exchange Game. And if you are really doing that isn't your selling off those different shares (the suppply/sell pressure) responsible for tanking their shares prices? Is this the reason why we see all those companies who still remain listed on capex game in red all the time? If you are really doing that then you're actually doing a major sell off.

All companies marked yellow are on trading halt due price fluctuation (on 1 day halt because price / share value is going down too fast, a sign of massive sell off).

On one side you're paying dividends from sell off those assets/shares (ofcourse retaining your share currently 46.2% of dividends for your personal profit) on other side by doing that you're actually depleting all the share prices on Capital Exchange Game and making profit of that. Which could be also seen as killing the game slowly.
Quote from: @troy" source="/post/132/thread" timestamp="1460473417
...The drop in share price is the result of the overvaluation of the assets per share value at the time of the launch, the large number of shares (17 million plus) and the reduction in CEF assets over time.

Should not the CEF share value grow in expectation of such hefty dividends in future?

From the CEF prospectus written by Skip Oceanlane:

The amount of start assets brought in was about CD$4,000,000. Combine Mr. Tomasso's assets of just under CD$2,000,000, and CEF has a solid start. I based stock value on the original IPO price for each delisted company. I thought about doing it at the 90-day closing price average, but some company's stock had become so devalued from absent CEO's that their shares would almost be worthless at those prices.

Again Skip Oceanlane didn't define what exactly the "assets brought in" transferred from inactive accounts consists of. Thank you for filling in a blank Troy (so now we know it was only shares from inactive accounts).

However by doing that Skip Oceanlane has been actually breaking the rules of (his own game) Capital Exchange Game which say that reclaimed shares form inactive accounts go to company CEO's who operate the shareholding company and not any 3rd party fund:

Capital Exchange Game ( RULES:
2) Reclaiming of Shares

Once an account is determined to be Inactive:

A) Shares held in a particular company are returned to the game company for holding. This is called "reclaiming of shares" or "share reclamation." These shares will be considered "Treasury/Company Shares" and will be locked for a period of 6 months.

B) An account holder has 6 months from the date of share reclamation to request a reinstatement of shares.

C) If the owner of the inactive account does not return to reclaim the shares within 6 months, they will be considered fully Company Owned shares. CapEx recommends these shares be held in a company alt Game Alias account. If no company Game Alias account exists, then the CEO will hold the shares in his/her Game Alias account as locked Treasury/Company Shares, and the number of Treasury/Company Shares will be denoted on the Prospectus/Company Page. These shares may become unlocked if the company already meets the 50% plus 1 threshold for locked Company Shares.

Quote from: @troy" source="/post/132/thread" timestamp="1460473417
I presume (and hope) that these are rhetorical questions. For those who cannot see the obvious, the ratio of received to paid out dividend was less than 20%, in other words CEF paid out more than 5x it received in dividends. CEF never received cash or other assets from defunct companies other than stock that was in the portfolios of those defunct companies. So I sold off some of the stock to pay to shareholders the dividends I promised, and in addition CD$ were purchased with proceeds of Troy Tomasso Marketing. The drop in share price is the result of the overvaluation of the assets per share value at the time of the launch, the large number of shares (17 million plus) and the reduction in CEF assets over time.


So if your CEF fund receieved all the stocks (which was a direct violation of Capex rules by his own owner Skip Oceanlane) what exactly has happened with the $CD funds from those accounts?

We know that about 2 months ago he sent $CD 2000 to every company still listed on Capex to pay it as dividends to their shareholders. But with currently 18 listed companies on Capex this is 18 * 2000 = 36 000 $CD  (very small amount)

Even if since 2 months ago additional + 5 / 10 companies were listed this is still very small amounts of funds that inactive accounts supposedly has in their accounts all together totally.
It is very hard to know the truth behind recent actions of mr. Skip Oceanlane as he has been doing things out of any controls in shade with no transparency that was once known for. For example for every and any major decision in capex game whole team of CERC (commission members) held meetings and took decision together.  

If he was breaking Capex Game rules about inactive accounts so ignorantly what other rules has he broke? (this is a question that we know noone will answer).
Troy we would like to thank you for sharing some information on this forum and shining a bit of light on things. In spirit of transparency of CEF that you are currently manager of maybe you could provide a report of what assets exactly (share names and amounts) did your CEF fund receive (even though this was a violation of capex game rules as shown above).  

Thank you for being part of this forum and for providing the answers. Hope you can answer our question above (create report) to enable transparency on this matter and also we're interested to see your view on all this. We believe that wide public and all the participants (ex and current) of Capital Exchange Game are interested to find out what exactly are you paying the dividends on.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250

We have completely lost trust in Skip Oceanlane and are very disappointed of his nature the kind of man we learned that he is.

Brda, the scammer and the liar, decided to create a third account to post here his usual pathetic whinings of "innocence".

He had been making a violent effort (because it goes against his nature, to be publicly attacked, without attempting to use all stupid possible excuses and lies to "defend" himself) to ignore us (he has been repeating to himself, "just ignore them, just ignore them, they will go away, they will go away").

But he was asking too much of himself. He couldn't resist post here also his "defense" and, as usual, presenting himself as the victim.

He is "sad" and "very disappointed" that ADS and SNUF were delisted from Capex. What a pity... what an injustice... how could the world do that to him...

Look like he denies "It is not true that we cut back on our game involvement and amount of dividends paid to shareholders in recent years", but then only talks about his game involvement.

Not even he dared trying to elaborate on how and why he stop paying real dividends, in fact stealing ADS from his other owners.

Tranquilo has logs of IMs where Brda said several times that he was going to ask Capex to remove Tranquilo and Cash Yiyuan from ADS' list of recipients of dividends.

Of course, Capex's CEO is telling the truth and Brda is (what a surprise!) lying.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Activity: 31
Merit: 0

We are very sad that today Skip Oceanlane (RL: Carmen Dubaldi) has decided to disable our account on his game Capital Exchange (

8th of April, 09:45 System Announcement
by Skip Oceanlane
Trading Halted For Second Ads (ADS) and Snuffles (SNUF)
Dear CapEx Members:

I am halting trading for Second Ads (ADS) and Snuffles (SNUF) until further notice. I apologize for not taking this action after the CEO's post on March 29, but due to personal reasons I was not online much these past few weeks. I'm catching up with many things now.

Trading is halted due to multiple violations in Capital Exchange's Terms of Service and game rules. I have reached out to ADS/SNUF CEO Wili Clip to see if these matters can be resolved to keep the game companies listed. I will advise everyone of any progress made. Thank you.

Skip Oceanlane, CEO
Capital Exchange

ADS Management response:
8th of April, 17:30 ADS Second Ads
by ADS Management
Regarding Trading Halt Of Second Ads (ADS)
At ADS Management we have received Skip Oceanlane's email with questions. We have replied to all of them.
We feel that there wasn't any ground for halting the trading for (ADS) and (SNUF) and strongly object against this action.

At ADS Management we haven't violated any Capital Exchange's Terms of Service and game rules. We've replied to Skip's email with all the concerns in points he made.

1) We haven't been attacking other CEO's on Capital Exchange Game.
If Skip is referring to reply ADS made to Lindsay Dover. It was Lindsay Dover (DBX Dover Business Exchange) who attacked ADS and at ADS management we merely posted a response to her accusations / attack.

Was DBX Dover Business Exchange Trading halted because she was attacking other CEO's on Capital Exchange too?

2) ADS management did not suspend dividend payments until Forums on are active again. We have never made any such statement.

We have based our temporary pause on ADS and SNUF dividends policy on Capital Exchange March 2016 update:
Where Skip Oceanlane made a statement that trading activity in Capital Exchange game is suffering badly.
At ADS we have been doing in-depth statistical analysis of ADS trading activity and active ADS shareholders. What we found out was that not many player play the game any longer (many divested and left) when Capital Exchange closed before departing from Second Life. In March 2016 update Skip explained that he is doing a restructuring of game. We have decided that until the Skip Oceanlane finishes with restructuring of the game so that it can start growing again we'll pause dividends and meanwhile we will dedicate our efforts to increase the trading activity of ADS shares and restore the player base / ADS shareholders.

Our dividends policy decision is certainly not made to blackmail Skip Oceanlane as he has wrongly perceived and explained in the mail.

Capital Exchange Game rules and TOS says following about dividends ( ):
"Game dividends are paid at the sole discretion of a game player playing as a company CEO. Game dividends are not guaranteed to be paid on any frequency, and in some cases none could be paid at all."

We are very surprised that Skip Oceanlane has decided to base his halting on ADS dividends policy... We can't get rid of a feeling that some other reasons are behind his decision which we at ADS Management believe was a poor one to make.

3) ADS is not giving any preferential treatment to ADS shareholders who are active on forum.

The rewards that we have recently decided to share in ADS Management we will pay in bits (bitcoin) are only small symbolic (but enough to increase ADS trading activity) and are meant as an incentive for our ADS shareholders to join the forum so that in the future we'll be able to conduct shareholders votes on important decisions regarding ADS. All important decisions regarding ADS company have always been made in transparent and democratic way through shareholders voting. This is very important for us as it enables transparency and democracy.

Beside... Rewards are not paid by ADS company. Those rewards are paid from personal pockets of ADS Management members. Again they're small but even small rewards that are then used by players to buy more ADS shares are enough to kick-start the trading activity. Why are we being attacked for trying to increase trading activity after it has been dead because of what has been and what still is happening with Capital Exchange Game?

ADS listed company on capex wants to be connected with its shareholders. We don't force any of our shareholders into anything. At ADS we never expected that we will need to fight for the right to provide a medium for our shareholders through which they can stay informed and have an ability to have a voice.

We will always stand by interests of our ADS shareholders and we want that they have an online medium that gives them ability to reach us and ask us questions, share ideas and especially for shareholders voting for which we believed was an integral part of such a game of Capital Exchange - shares and shareholding simulation.

We expect that Skip Oceanlane will allow us to stay connected with our ADS shareholders so that we can conduct shareholders voting with them. We are sad and surprised an issue is being made out of this matter.

3) In past Skip has made an issue out of ADS Management decision to share ADS shareholders list publicly on forum. At the time we did not know that is against the rules of Capital Exchange Game because it wasn't anywhere in the rules.... Skip Oceanlane said that it will be added in the rules in future and we've accepted that. It is after all his game platform and he makes rules.

At ADS Management since then we no longer post that info to public (the forum topic with ADS shareholders list is locked and can only be accessed by members of ADS management).

4) Skip is accusing us at ADS Management for giving him false data on identity behind ADS CEO in 2011 - even made an accusation of identity theft. He even stated that he was lied to. We have explained to him that ADS has always been a multi - person operation and that some of the members of ADS management are no longer with us.

Ever since Carmen Dubaldi first raised this issue with us we have explained to him that at ADS Management we are not prepared to share our real life identities with him and players community as we value our privacy very highly. We'd never share our RL identity with him especially when everyone can see how Tranquilo Holgado and Cash Yiyuan would abuse our real life information to spread lies, libel and frame up stories of scam.

Actions are what matters. ADS is here and we are very active in trying to build back our shareholders community and trading activity (we are working on establishing a trust with our shareholders despite the very bad environment on Capital Exchange Game as so many CEO's are disappearing with their shareholders money / investment). What is important is that at ADS Management we are always going to honor our agreement we made with our shareholders in this game one way or another. We run many successful systems and none of them could be successful if they weren't based on trust and that trust exists with us and our games players for many years.

At this point we are afraid that Skip Oceanlane could ban us ADS Management from being able to post ADS Announcement here. Using his ownership GOD - POWER ability he could defame us on points described above and force his own view and simply delist us. We hope and trust in his decency.

We sure hope this announcement won't be deleted.

To protect from possible tirany and potential forcing of 1 side view only. And especially because 2 players of Capital Exchange who are evidently very high in hierarchy (possibly ex. CERC members and co-owners of this game platform) were trying to re-create the past events with ADS and replace it with lies and created false stories of scam with heavy forum trolling on some 3rd party forum that is highly ranked on google search. Their sole purpose is to connect words scam and many lies to real life identity. Luckily we haven't shared our own RL identities and we can all see what would happen if we would. Hopefully the guy they are after will notice his name on internet and file charges against the actors. Despite that we are not prepared to let anyone spread lies and defame our successful game systems and brands.

We noticed that those 2 guys are trying to frame us ADS Management and everyone else in our organization with dirty things...

Because of all that at ADS Management we have created a forum to share facts and explain events exactly as they happened using the web archive (internet history that enables us historical and factual insight into matters). We are using the forum for purpose of re-collecting the shareholders community and to kick-start the game again based on full disclosure and transparency.

We haven't created this forum to destroy Skip Oceanlane's Capital Exchange Game platform if he is thinking that (because in his email to us he said that we are destroying the game - we fail to see how because there are many others who did actual damage to game). We have been accused of scam and a lot of lies are being spread by 2 members of Capital Exchange Game and Skip Oceanlane hasn't done anything against their violations of Capital Exchange Rules. We have all the rights to ensure full transparency and have all facts posted on an online forum so that bad actors can't create any lies against our brands.

We have asked Skip Oceanlane to restore trading activity for ADS / SNUF and explained to him that he is doing damage to players invested in ADS game listed on his Capital Exchange Game.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Terry Davidd = Macedonia Devin ( one of the biggest Griefer in the game).. this person has a shit load of alts ( has broken all the game rules blatantly . The master of Double Standards)
A lot of players and landowners left the game because of this person. Quite a few landowners and players also muted her for good
She is not Wilis girlfriend that much i can tell.. (in the earlier days of the game wili even banned her from business park due to some fight with another player they spat at each other in open chat someone might still have the logs)

it was often mentioned in open chat wili was from Slovenia in the earlier days of the game

if you had a way to contact ex and some current players in world you will get more information i guess a lot have stopped playing SL including me.

i was a player and a landowner before i stopped playing SL spent close to 250k L$ on fish hunt and gold hunt in a two year period

Gold hunt & Fish Hunt was flourishing players could easily earn 250 L$-350 L$ daily from just fishing that was before wili decided to become greedy in a nut shell the downfall of this Goldtokens games is that wili stopped listening to the players.

(Rise Star gaming) were all ex goldtokens staffers who started the new game ( unfortunately they closed)
(Thesecondfarm) were ex goldtokens players (they did not succeed coz english wasnt thier first language so there was a big language barrier to the players
( this game did the most damage to goldtokens as alot of players and landowners shifted to the new game
(this link might be of some help to your cause) not sure if its already posted in your thread cant go
through all 13 pages)

Another scam was the mega fish pot scam where a 1 day old player won the jackpot 50kL$ ( Long time players and supporters of wili were really pissed of at this ... alot of people back then believed it was one of wili's Alts)

thats all i remember for now might add more at a later date

sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Yes, nothing like having our own records.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Brda's companies ended up being delisted from Capex accordingly to what was expected to happen, taken in account the scammer and criminal that he is.

The reasons stated from the Capex CEO are relevant and he stood behind his principles, including defending the rights of shareholders involved on this campaign.

However, regrettably as is to assert it, in the end, he washed the hands from the issue. He could just break personal relations with Brda, but keep the companies listed.

With them more companies were delisted and more putted on hold. This is ruining Capex.

sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
I don't think he has a house like that.

He is opening his house to foreigner strangers in order to after also go to their house and save 100 bucks (we posted about that on this thread). And the only thing he can offer them is his living room coach.

So, he has a small house. Maybe even just rented.

Being a scammer is a low paid job, especially if the scammer is not very good at it.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
You got it buddies.  All I know is at this point it will take court orders to get information that is of any quality.  If he allegedly has a $600,000 plus house, like I've heard, then I don't see why he needs to keep it.  :=)   
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
We have the same goal. If we can help with any information, just say so.

We´ll be here for a long time, warning people about Brda and implementing more ways to make him pay; if not what he owes us, at least with some of his personal things, like reputation and freedom.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Thanks everyone.  I thought for the longest time, I was just imagining things.  I see now that this man has no ethical and/or moral guidelines;  neither does Sting.  If my lawyer continues to see the big picture, there will eventually be some accounting that will take place and sadly SL may be culpable too.  The fact that my lawyer has not booted me to the curb is reassuring.  This person could have done so long ago.  In fact, has has an avatar herself/himself and has been snooping around and has had one for some time.  Life will get even more interesting soon.  I got mad when my friends were being mistreated.  Then I decided to do some digging.  The forum has been a God-send is all I can say.  I'll keep you posted if a class action lawsuit is warranted.  I'm hoping my lawyer will consider this process.   
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
ADS & SNUF are halted on Capex.

As we posted above, to ruin ADS, Andrej Brda just needs to be what he is, a scammer and a criminal.

His own personal defects will ruin him.

The two CEOs that are posting against Brda have full reasons to do that:

But they are not addressing the main points.

Andrej Brda is a scammer not mainly for requiring shareholders to register on his forum or suspend the ridiculous dividends he was paying, but because he presents fake profit reports and steal all the profits to himself.

On the Capex owner reaction of suspending trading on ADS and SNUF (Brda's companies), he is again shooting himself on the feet.

Every time he suspends trading and then delists another company, he is attacking shareholders rights and removing the issue from his own shoulders.

He can write that CEOs still owe to the shareholders, but for all purposes he is washing his hands of the matter and leaving shareholders alone on the cold. He even creates trouble for shareholders to access evidence of CEOs guilt by removing information on the delisted companies.

Brda is not going to be glad if his companies are delisted, since for all purposes Capex will be publicly calling him a scammer. Well, Brda is a scammer, but he hates that people publicly call him that.

However, from his scamming perspective, that will be another ground (besides his scamming greed) to think that he really doesn't have to pay anything, because he will say to himself "it wasn't his fault".

Every time another company is delisted from Capex, shareholder ask themselves, who is going to be next? Isn't better to sell everything and avoid this delisting risk?

Capex should post an ad on the company trading page warning that the CEO has been disrespecting Capex TOS, but let shareholders decide if they want to buy or sell shares.

If he keeps delisting companies we'll see what is going to happen...

And the disclaimer on the bottom of Capex pages saying "Buying stock in a company on this website gives a buyer no legal rights nor a share in any legal company" will also help a lot shareholders deciding if they are going to stay at Capex.

He wants to do more IPOs, better change his practices while he still can.

sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
P.S. I forgot to mention that again, 46,310 number makes no sense that they are not group members.  As a group member you have access to chat and announced rushes.  Need I say more?  

Thanks for your information.

If that Terry is american, indeed, she can't be Andrej Brda's girlfriend.

Unfortunately, we don't have real life information on Brda's main accomplices, besides his girlfriend.

But we can ruin Brda by complaining to the american authorities. It's that the plan with the complaint to the FBI.

a) By going after its american controlled websites. It's the american company VeriSign that manages several high top domains, including .com, .net, .org, .biz, and in the past those sites were seized even if the site was registered by foreign companies ( An american court can always seize ADS com and .net sites and even sell them to try to pay a small compensation.

b) A court order can force Linden Lab (since it's an american company) to close ADS activities in Second Life, ruining everything for Brda.

c) Slovenia probably won't deliver him to the american authorities on criminal charges, but Brda can also end up with an international warrant against him. That would make him an inmate on his own country.

d) That would also put pressure on the slovenian authorities to charge him.

e) Since we burned his reputation, if he loses ADS, he won't be able to find any job. No potential employer hires someone before goggling his name.

Brda can read this, he won't be able to do nothing. In the middle time, knowing this will take him some more sleep time: his stress levels for the last months have been probably very high. Most of his posts show high levels of fear. The lasts ones not that much, so its time to increase them again.

Activity: 9
Merit: 0
P.S. I forgot to mention that again, 46,310 number makes no sense that they are not group members.  As a group member you have access to chat and announced rushes.  Need I say more? 
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Wow is all I can say.  I do hope someone can tell me who the LGH hierarchy folks are other than Brda.  Again, Sting clearly has an unremarkable but perfect American accent.  If my lawyer is as aggressive as I believe this person to be, any information would be appreciated.  It may be difficult to go after Brda if he resides in Slovenia, which is what I currently understand, but if she is part of the company and is indeed American, this will be a God-send.  The hierarchy includes, at least what is listed currently, the LGH game master (7 avatars), the LGH administrator (3 avatars), the LGH elder (5 avatars), the game lord (5 avatars), the senior LGH elder (1 avatar), the senior LGH game masters (5 avatars), and the smartbot bots (3 avatars) according to the group profile for LGH on Firestorm. By the way, remember the once 125,000 "plus" members (a few months ago) and the current 47,810 members?  It seemed to change overnight, but I suspected it was still over-inflated.  Indeed, if you go to group profile, it officially lists only 1500 members.  Granted some people who hunt may not be "group" members, but could the number be as high as 46,310 of them not being group members?  Also, why do we have to sign in every two months other than for someone to have access to our IP's?  The fact that there is an external ATM may also grant access to IP's, which is definitely against LL TOS.  The rationale for the sign-in every two months was to keep track of how many group members there were.  in that record keeping of numbers (which was the rationale given) does not seem to be accurate, one must assume that this was a smoke-screen for the sign-in process. I also believe (but again, can't prove yet) that some players have been given special privileges.  Players and owners know who these people are.  This mystery keeps deepening every time you turn around is all I can say. 
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
I don't know if TerryDavidd is a girlfriend of Brda, but she is high up in the hierarchy.  Evidence of nationality?  I can say this with 100% surety (from a source I absolutely completely trust) that she has a "perfect" American accent--not a Southern accent or an unusual accent where you might be able to identify the person such as someone from the Bronx,  Philadelphia, or Wisconsin or something like that.  At least this friend heard her speak once.  I think she left voice chat open accidentally.  There were children in the background.  Someone I know thinks she is from Houston, TX.  I have no evidence to support that though.  She appears to have children.  Sadly, she can be condescending in in her interactions, dominating, and quite disrespectful.  In chat, I can almost tell when she's going to explode.  I know we're getting close when she asks something like, "What exactly do you mean by that?"  She often assumes a parent persona and treats people like children versus the adults that we all are.  When people challenge her, she tries to reason with them, but her reasoning is circumstantial and sometimes quite perplexing because it does not make sense if you are really listening.  I think she either does not know how to answer questions in clear and concise ways or is purposefully playing dumb at times.  Yes, she writes poorly.  I don't know if that is intentional or if she is simply not a good writer.  Someone said she has chronic pain issues which she blamed the poor writing on.  If Brda has a Slovenian girlfriend, then this American tie is quite interesting.  How are they associated, I am not sure to be honest. 

I estimate that if people have been in the game for a year or more (as an owner) their losses might be in the hundreds of U.S. dollars.  That is, if they have regular rushes.  Of course, they charge 50% tax.  I suspect (can't prove, but strongly suspect) that LGH and their friends swoop in to capture as much of the other 50% of coins/gems that they can.  Like I said earlier, sometimes when you show up at a rush, the same people have beat you there.  That seems a bit coincidental to me.  Also, some folks are on ALL of the time. 

I do know that JR, a previous owner, once said he was spending $40,000L a month on the game.  He did share that with me personally when I was using one of my alts before he exited the game.  He exited when they decided to create the rule that you can't have a "no steal" SIM, which chased a few people out of the game.  Ironically I believe one SIM has no stealing now.  Of course the TOS never changed in this domain.  It does "not" say (as an owner that you must allow stealing) unless they changed it recently. Thus, I think they prune people out of the game, players or owners, if there are personal issues. Regardless, there is a new coin game in town.  Again, I suspect some people will defect--PLAYERS and OWNERS.  It will be interesting to see what happens is all I can say. 
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
she is American from what I can tell.  

 We are talking about "International" fraud

Do you have any evidence on the nationality of that Terry? Above, another gamer posted saying she was Brda's girl friend. We have full data on Brda's girl friend and she is slovenian. She was underemployed some months ago, so it makes all sense that she helps Brda, since I doubt they have any other relevant source of income. She wrote some posts on the Internet it may be possible to check if she is a native English speaker.

On the fraud, have you calculated any figure about the cheating the rules scam?

We have, in the last part of the open post, some quotes from court decisions on criminal responsibility for acts on internet games.

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