
Topic: Scam Andrej Brda/Wili Clip,Gold Hunt,Fish Hunt,earn free lindens,Second Ads Life - page 7. (Read 59009 times)

Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Well, all I can say is given what I have found, TerryDavidd lied when she says she is not being compensated for her time, at least if the the Market Place advertisement can be taken at face value.  It may be that since Brda is Slovenian he is protected from some criminal prosecution in some jurisdictions, but she is American from what I can tell.  She is his voice, and appears to be compensated in some way.  Regardless, Sting is legally responsible in the jurisdiction in which she resides (she is culpable just as surely anyone in the game is if they have "insider" information).  This is even more true if can be demonstrated that Sting holds an investment in the company in that she has lied in this situation.  We are talking about "International" fraud so I am actually excited about what I heard from my lawyer this morning.  My lawyer is still "very" interested in this case because this individual (I am not identifying the gender of my lawyer) sees a big picture, especially if 1000s of lands were swindled over time and LL has done "nothing" to curtail the fraud (perhaps what might also even be considered money laundering) if some articles about Second Life can be believed. Their disinterest in curtailing the fraud (Linden Labs) is disconcerting.  How I view it is that LL is basically creating a climate where fraud can actually freely occur. 

The fact that TerryDavidd creates rules of her own regarding the game, underscores how high up she is in the hierarchy.  It also demonstrates how culpable she is in this process especially since these rules are not reiterated in the official LGH TOS. She and others in the LGH hierarchy should be treated as culpable for their actions.  My guess is that if these individuals are not alts of Sting or Wili, then legal actions against them could be highly fruitful.   

Regardless, even though Sting (AKA TerryDavidd) has noted several times that gems rezz 12 to 48 hours, I have documented evidence (that legally cannot be contested) that some gems have rezzed sooner than 12 hours (10-11 hours).  Especially then you know that for some time rubies were rezzing at the same rate as silvers.  All it would take is a subpoena to gather the names of the main owners of the game and their alts as well as information regarding rezz times and collections by these same players.  Many of the same players get the high ticket gems.  It would take another subpoena to force Brda to produce an accounting of his income since the game's inception (2011).  If shareholders join with hunters and landowners, this would be one heck of a class action lawsuit. 

Regarding the LGH hierarchy and their alts going after their own coins/gems. In the Second Life world, we have no assurance (because frankly there is no transparency—no records to examine) that insider liberties are “not” taking place.  Thus, we can only assume that GM’s are “not” using insider knowledge when they hunt (which I am sure they are on record as stating).  However, the reality is is that we cannot support that supposition without independent evidence.  According to a UCLA Law Review, the author notes that insider trading law is basically “the use of an entrusted position for self-regarding gain” (Kim, S. H., 2014). This is found at:  Insider trading is reported as private corruption and one can certainly relate this construct to this game (Kim, S. H., 2014, para. 1). There, appears to be, at least to me, a game-related conflict of interest.  It is my professional opinion that GM’s should not participate in the games themselves in order to avoid any appearance of what might be construed as corruption.  They should be paid for their time and adequately paid, which is again implied in the Market Place advertisement.  If playing the game is too exciting, then a commitment to being a GM should not be made.  However, even if this organization were to create a rule that GM’s can no longer hunt, without transparency, we would not know if this rule was being respected.  I have a number of other concerns, but for now I will leave it at that.     

sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Good investigation and information.

Yes, Andrej Brda reads this thread, he even posted here using two different accounts. He removed the ones he made using the wiliclip account, but the others are still on the thread posted under his chilixy account:

Feel free to give him negative feedback on both accounts:;u=307001;u=756961

Actually, the fact that he reads this thread is one of the reasons we post here, to mock and annoy him, besides informing all people about the scammer he is.

Our complaints to the police are advancing, the case is under investigation. We still don't know if they are going to move on against Brda. But we are preparing another criminal complaint.

We'll appreciate any information about the progress of your complaints.

We also sent several reports against him to Linden Lab, but, as usual, they didn't answer back about what they did, if anything.

We are not going anywhere, this is just starting. Brda is paying with his reputation (just google andrej brda, wili clip or scam gold hunt), but we'll do our best in order for him to pay with his freedom too.

Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Okay, here is a just tidbit of what I know.  I suspect Brda is monitoring this chat forum so it will be interesting to see if the advertisement changes on the MarketPlace (MP) in the next few days.  It makes no difference.  I will record this conversation (in a way that cannot be legally contested) which includes the date/time as I have done over the last couple of years with LGH MP advertisements.  In fact, I also recorded the current MP advertisement (dated today--April 6, 2016).  You folks should do the same.  This is documentation I have been storing for a rainy day in addition to fraud reports to LL regarding this issue, which have resulted in no changes to date. 

First, the MP advertisement states there are over 125,000 players.  On the Goldtokens website, it reports over 47,000 players.  This is false advertisement.  On the MP, coin/gem package ads list the following rezz times for coins/gems: scraps (every 15 minutes), irons (every 1 hr) bronzes (every 3 hrs), silvers (every 9 hours), golds (every 15 hrs) and emeralds/rubies/diamonds (every 24 hrs). Here it is as listed on the website as of today (April 6, 2016).

► 20 x Scrap Coins (0.05L$ reward - 30s wait time to claim — 15 minutes delay between appearances)
► 20 x Iron Coins (0.1L$ reward - 60s wait time to claim — 1hr delay between appearances)
► 20 x Bronze Coins (0.2L$ reward 120s wait time to claim — 3hr delay between appearances)
► 20 x Silver Coins (0.5L$ reward - 240s wait time to claim — 9hr delay between appearances)
► 20 x Gold Coins (1L$ reward - 300s wait time to claim — 15hr delay between appearances)
► 20 x Emerald Gems (2L$ reward - 300s wait time to claim — 1 day delay between appearances)
► 20 x Ruby Gems (5L$ reward - 300s wait time to claim — 1 day delay between appearances)
► 20 x Diamond Gems (10L$ reward - 300s wait time to claim — 1 day delay between appearances)

The reality is that all is good until we reach the silvers. The fact is is that silvers rezz every 6 hrs, golds every 12 hrs, and gems every 12 hrs mostly (although they formally state in chat that the time can vary from 12 to 48 hrs).  Again, this is advertising that is formally misrepresenting its claims. 

Again, when people "buy" these packages, they are buying a package which contains false misrepresentation.  Now you can say Brda is either hampered by memory loss or low intelligence because the MP ad and reality do not line up or you can say he intentionally misrepresents the information on the MP ad.  Personally, I like the latter interpretation.  Regardless, anyone who purchases the coin/gem package is definitely not getting what is advertised.  As hunters we know this process all so well, and as I noted earlier, I see the same people again and again so my personal belief is that the number of players are seriously over-inflated.  By the way, when I said shareholders (earlier) may be hunting as well, I meant the LGH hierarchy not you folks.

There are a lot of alts in this game, but again, I suspect these are LGH hierarchy alts and/or their friends.  Also, there was a period of time when rubies (which should rezz every 24 hrs according to the MP ad) was rezzing like silvers (every 6 hrs), which they attributed to a "programming error." Finally, as noted earlier, people who "man" chat, hunt their own game. They say they can do that because they do not get paid.  However, this is found on the MP ad:

✔ Your taxes fund our servers, customer support staff and development team for new improvements.

● 50% tax when paying into your items. Amount after fee is added to item's balance.
● Accounting is stored on an independent web server giving you 100% security of your funds.
● Money is paid to our bank avatar that holds your funds safely for you.

Note that it says by the check mark that taxes serve, among other things, "customer support staff."  So they do get compensated in some way.  It says so in the MarketPlace advertisement.  Plus, they are the ones that fix problems with coins/gems so one has to assume they have access to information that the normal hunter does not.  You would have to be an idiot to not believe that they do not have access to additional resources (at the minimum Sting, AKA TerryDavidd and her numerous alts).   

Finally, they know our IP's because they have an ATM (external servers).  Plus, as a member, you have to sign in every two months to their external website.  Again, everyone knows they have our IP's which is in direct violation of LL TOS.  Anyway, all of you shareholders, look at the MP ad NOW.  See if it changes in the next few days.  Then you know Brda is monitoring this forum, which you probably already know.  However, what he cannot do is change the evidence I have gathered thus far.  I have also recorded the rezz times of coins/gems in a way that cannot be contested legally.  I have contacted a litigation lawyer and provided the evidence to this individual.  I have reported Brda to LL.  I have reported Brda to the Department of Justice for fraud.  I have reported him to the Federal Bureau of Investigation--Internet Crime Complaint Center for fraud.  I have asked CNN Money Investigations to examine the parent company of SecondAds and all its games in conjunction with Second Life.  Now let's see what happens to that advertisement.  Today is April 6, 2016.     
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
You probably read similar reports published on this thread, accusing employees and moderators of cheating the game's rules with Andrej Brda support:

We are interested in any information you have about abusive behavior from Andrej Brda/Wili Clip or any other person connected to him or his companies.

You may post here anything you think is relevant or send a private message using the bitcointalk system.

We already presented complaints to the australian and slovenian polices and the FBI, but we are open to other alternatives.

Activity: 9
Merit: 0
I came upon this website some time ago but was surprised that it keeps growing significantly.  As a former Linden Gold Hunter, I consistently noticed that no matter how fast I arrived at gold rushes, others had beat me there.  It seemed to be the same avatars on a consistent basis.  I know the line that is often given is that Internet connection speed, LL issues, a weak graphics card or graphics card issue, a full cache, etc. may be creating problems.  However, I often wondered, "Are delays built in so that Linden Gold hunt hierarchy (people who help out in chat to include Sting/TerryDavidd and their alts can arrive and clean up the high ticket gems)?"  P.S. my Internet connection speed is extremely fast at 300 Mbs and my graphics card has been a new nVidia GTX 970.  There are other questions.  At one time there were over 120,000 players in the Goldtokens community.  As I am looking now, there are over 47,000 people in this community, yet, "Why do I see the same people again and again at the hunts?" That is, why are hunts NOT "sold out" as they say on a regular basis--that is, "Why aren't the SIMS holding capacity--100 people when a rush is called?"  Why does Business Park, at times, have only a handful of people there when there are over 47,000 players?  The only conclusion that I can draw is that the community number is significantly over-inflated and/or LGH hierarchy (alts and their associates/friends) are not only charging outrageous taxes to landowners but they are also swooping in to take the rest of the money.  Over time, I talked to landowners past and present who were willing to share their concerns with me.  Those who did share, shared some very interesting things and not a few feel there is significant fraud occurring in this game.  Let me say that LOTS of concerns emerged but I will only note a few here.  "Why are LGH hierarchy (especially those who are involved with chat) allowed to hunt their own coins/gems?"  Anyone in the legal profession understands that this is a glaring conflict of interest.  The hierarchy freely admits that they hunt as themselves or with their alts.  However, they report that this is valid because they are not paid. However, who would man a chat room for 12 hours straight (day in and day out) without some form of compensation?  Would you?  I sure would not.  If they are not paid for their time, then what is in it for them?  Are they closely tied to Brda, perhaps family members?  Are they shareholders?  Who knows?  Anyway, I have been snooping around . . . I have amassed a significant amount of information.  Rules are seemingly made on the fly and players and landowners must accept these rules, even though they are not in the TOS, or risk being banned from the game.  Based on the information I've accumulated, let's just say that I firmly believe that the game is riddled with fraud.  I also believe that TerryDavidd is just as culpable as Wili Clip in this game.  I believe there is cause to consider a class action lawsuit.  Anyone interested in the information that I have amassed over the years, please contact me.  Someone might ask, "Why the interest?"  Number one, I love mysteries.  Number two, some friends of mine have not only been hurt but mistreated by these people.  Number three, I do believe in holding people accountable for their actions.  I may not have all the information you folks have amassed over time, but I may have unique information.  If someone contacts me, I will put out on this forum the name(s) of the contact and ask whether the group feels it is a trusted contact.  I hate to be so paranoid, but given what I know about LGH, there is reason to be paranoid.  P.S.  Keep up all the good work folks.  P.S.S. Another gold hunt entity is now in town in SL.  I imagine that a number of folks (players and owners) will be defecting soon.       
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250

definitely deserves what is coming...

They are clearly playing with fire.

I suspect Brda wrote much of his pathetic defenses against our campaign in order to play the "innocent party" and avoid ruining this deal that was being negotiated for "months".

Since the deal is made, he doesn't have to keep faking that he pays dividends or presents reports.

But we still have some surprises waiting for him.

sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250

It's staggering that someone has done a deal with a scammer like Brda, who most certainly planned the SPO (if not also the IPO) with intention to scam shareholders (he intended to end up with only 35% of the shares), who cheated shareholders with exaggerated profit reports in order to induce them to buy ADS shares and then with ridiculous low profit reports to buy their shares cheap making them lose almost all the capital invested, who steals all the profits, who doesn't know what is honoring his word, who (according to reports) treats many of his customers like garbage and lets his employees play his games cheating his own rules, etc.

But the results of the deal soon or later will be evident to everyone. Deal with scammers and, what a surprise!, you will end up scammed.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
oh for sure
 Wili.Clip and his and accomplice TerryDavidd aka sting (many many alts )  treated me as a lesser person because i was their customer

If you give Brda a helping hand, he will try to steal any ring you are wearing. It's what he did to shareholders.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
If he isn't having fun, he seems to be the only one.

He can print the picture and give it to all his friends... we are more generous than him, we won't collect any copyright. Or maybe will be his friends that will give it to him. Soon, the picture will be in google, as are all the others. He should search andrej brda and then click on images.  Grin

The fact that he now has the company of Borodkin won't divert our attention: trashing Brda is a great hobby, source of great fun. It's a pity if he doesn't agree.

sr. member
Activity: 481
Merit: 268

I'm still laughing.

Thanks Andrej you made my day. I'm hoping you laughed as much as I'm laughing but somehow I doubt that hehehe.

A friend smarter than andrej asks him: I saw a pic of you on the net! How did you escape mother bear?
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
aka Cash Yiyuan here - sent report to LL
oh for sure
i had been a gamer in sl for many years when i came across this one particular fast moving ad business,
 but the CEO Wili.Clip and his and accomplice TerryDavidd aka sting (many many alts )  treated me as a lesser person because i was their customer as if bound to their gaming laws regarding of Linden Lab
he was here to over charge for rods , worms , water , and zero (or minor ) returns when producing his farming materials biowaste, ingredients and recipes, all sales via his fishut stand at 50 to eighty percent rendering us gamers with zero profit
people buy into feeding schemes were you have to spend spend linden  for no return then he changes the system slightly and calls it another project
an  Bot avatar is placed on business park that causes lagg for undesirables  whom had criticised worm sales . prices , gold  coin rush fees , high rod bouy prices ,  etc
 Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
STOP PRESS! Andrej Brda's scam news story on capex ( I have screen shot b4 you delete!)

Lies I never got contacted.

Any shareholder participating in this campaign is ipso facto persona non grata, banned or ignored for this simple reason.

It must be too hard for Brda to pay dividends to someone who is trashing his body and soul ("memory").

By the way, Tranquilo sent a message saying thanks to anyone concerned by the dividends on Snuffles.  Grin

Brda wrote that no shareholder answered his IMs in world... The scammer thought shareholders would engage in amenable conversation with him... if we know him, Brda was expecting some words of support against our campaign of "lies and defamation". What a pity... shareholders are so ungrateful, after all the things he done for them...

Well, jokes aside:

Again, the scammer uses the Capex excuse to stop paying his ridiculous "dividends".

Of course, the reason is different, beside being annoyed with our campaign (perhaps he didn't enjoy his new picture with the bear Grin). Not really because of the 4 USDs (not even that scammer is so cheap; but, on second guess, of course, it counted too, for Brda, any shareholders' money is money to steal and keep), but he is hoping that by stopping paying "dividends", shareholders will dump faster his shares to his cheap buy orders.

Well, they might even do that, but the scammer can rest assure he will pay dearly for being what he is and confirming what was expected from him: that he is a liar and a man without any honor or word.

Brda might be wise to pocket those miserable 4 usds, he will need them, after ADS business is ruined.

Of course, since he is stealing ADS from us, we will help actively on that, but he will help even more, by just being what he is...

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
he had a lot of trouble all of a sudden with competitors who were griefed gamers of LGH (linden gold hunt ) they formed Rise gaming
 now deleted
with Warden Stillwater as games leader, Emerald25 as games mod,
all very honest open and based on similar as gold coin hunt but them shields that were placed as advertising material round sims of owners purchasing the shields just as the  GH coin packages , and same principle as the bouys , now many gamers used both games formats to earn linden so there was no big rivalry but Wili Clip would instant ban people for asking about Rise etc
 botts appeared in dozens , from a balkan state or so, with vague profiles , accessing as many coins as possible but lagging terrible
no regards to any games rules and etiquettes , bizarre ,
 i had them on file and passed them on as thanks you i was accused of stealing a  ' deluxe fishing rod  '
 which were a transfer item ,  Angry  made by wili clip , which he had forgotten he passed on to my real SL husband as a prize in a quest....
 he never apologised , just thanked me for meticulously reporting any griefing bit avatars that were pushing players off coins and gems etc
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Initially (2010-2011), Brda didn't care much to hide his identity, so the older ADS employees knew he was slovenian and that his first name was Andrej. He even published his picture on ADS site (here a member of ADS "community" commented on his picture:; his comment is published here:

But after, according to his original plan, he started stealing the major profits to himself, he had to change his open policy. It's not a surprise that he tried to use his third language to fake he was Hungarian.

About the scamming on Capex, this time, there will be some justice. At least, some scammers won't end up laughing. Brda is the first one, Oleg Borodkin (Олег Бородкин), from Earn2life and Smartbots, will be the second. But the list might get bigger. Even if they escape prison, his reputation will be burned here for good.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1288
Now i remember better why i sold shares.

Since companies in second life have no regulations. In reality, there is Supervisory Board that hire or sack CEO if he dont do his job.  If there in no Supervisory Board, CEO can just spend all income on his salary.

This makes stock exchange in secondlife pointless. Having Supervisory Board should be mandatory to be listed on exchange.  So this is not really ADS fault,but that dont make them any less scamming as they are.

Oh and about Wili, i remember him once speaking Hungarian.  Lendava is close to Hungarian border and there is Hungarian minority, so he could know to speak Hungarian. Altho his first and last name dont sound ti have such roots.

sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
It was him who wrote in the info about ADS that he is from Slovakia, we just posted the scan of what he wrote.

He wrote that for the same reason he didn't answer you: he wanted to disguise his nationality. Especially, after he started scamming.

Pointless effort, he left traces of his identity all over the Internet. He couldn't resist showing everybody who he was. Human vanity ruined him.

Well, the Ljubljanian police already is informed of his deeds. We sent a complaint to them.

Feel free to post any impression, positive or negative, you got from ADS or from Brda. In the end, he also scammed or, at least, tried to scam you.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1288
lol You are doing great.

I also bought some shares of ADS few years ago. After few months i realized he is just making expenses so high, there was no profit and nothing to give to shareholders. This was way before 2015 as you claim was last dividends sent.   I of course just sold them, since saw i cant force him to start playing game fair.  Chat moderators get almost nothing. I was also part of community for few months so knew all well. I doubt today is any different.

I am from Slovenia, not sure how i found out he is also Slovenian  and that his name is Andrej. So your datas are most possibly correct ( altho i saw in OP you mixed slovenia and slovakia). But once i tried to talk to him in slovenian language he did not reply.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
If Brda thinks this campaign is going to go away on itself like a child desease, he is very wrong. This will be much more like AIDS. It will ruin him for as long as he is alive and will still haunt his memory after. 

As long as ADS is doing business (and we are its shareholders) or Brda is still out of jail, this is going to go on, and on, and on...

And on...
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