
Topic: Scam Andrej Brda/Wili Clip,Gold Hunt,Fish Hunt,earn free lindens,Second Ads Life - page 10. (Read 59009 times)

sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250

So together ADS IPO+SPO raised L$5160300

Anyway, Brda confessed to all world and posterity (and to the police) that he received 5,160,300 lindens in the IPO and SPO.

In reality, since the Capex fees are not included and they were paid with shareholders money, he received, at least, as a minimum, 5,280,000 lindens (if the SPO was really for 500,000 shares, number that is not supported by the prospectus published by Brda that says 1,500,000 shares). That is, at 251L per USD, 21,035 USD.

To this amount we have to add all the dividends he stole during all these years. A superficial calculation points to at least 5,400,000 L. The total is 10,680,000 lindens. That is, 42,549 USD.

But we'll do the math better before presenting the formal complaint to the slovenian police. We are just waiting for what the slovenian newspapers we contacted are going to do.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
And it's irrelevant if some of the initial shareholders sold their shares with profit. They sold to other shareholders that bought the shares and are losing heavily because they believed in all his lies and frauds. He owes not only to his original shareholders but to all shareholders that bought shares as rights over ADS.

Are there real life owners of ADS that bought all or part of ADS from Brda? That looks like another major lie from Brda.

But if Brda did that, he sold them something he only owned at less than 50%. So, they were scammed too, because he sold what he couldn't sell. The sale is null and void on the percentage that goes beyond the less than 50% that Brda had of ADS.

Are they losing money because of all the bad publicity that the scammer Brda is getting because of his scams? Well, if they really exist, they have to join us complaining to the authorities. Even so, they are losing much less than Capex shareholders.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
After all our protests, Brda this month had the nerve to pay a dividend of 2,600 Lindens. Actually, of 1,300 L, since the rest was paid to himself. So, after stealing during 5 years, at least, 42,500 USD, he paid 5 USD to shareholders.

And he writes that he is doing the right thing?!

Brda was warned several times. Therefore, he has been gambling with his freedom. Someone who steals from others, gambles that nothing will happen to him and comes here writing "What ya goin to do anyway?", deserves to go to jail.

If he thinks that coming here saying that others steal too, will save him... he has to try telling that to the judge.

And if he thinks that stealing 66,450 USD or 42,500 USD makes much difference to the judge... There are people in jail for stealing a few USDs. He is still a major criminal.

Activity: 17
Merit: 0
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Brda is a criminal and, consequently, his reputation deserves little respect. But we want to excel on our numbers and we will prove we are doing no defamation. So, we are here wasting more time (he will pay for that too) in order to justify our accusations and numbers.

Brda says that from the 1,200,000 shares to be sold at the IPO at 2 lindens each he didn't sold 60,000, but only 1,140,000 and that "only" received 2,280,000L.

The only evidence presented for these unsold 60,000 shares is a so-called email from the owner of Capex. A simple copy that can be fabricated easily. Besides, after this long, even the owner might be mistaken.

Moreover, he says he gave that shares to his employees. That is, he used them as mean of payment at the expenses of all shareholders.

But even if we accepted that, we wrote he made 2,400,000 from the IPO and he is saying he "only" made 2,280,000L. Clearly, he won't escape to the accusation that he is a liar and a criminal because of this small difference.

Then he converts the lindens amount to USD at a rate of 261 per USD. That is not the current rate. The current official rate is about 251 ( He received lindens, he has to pay them back now and their value most be determined at current rates. So, the math can't be done at 261, but at 251 per USD.

But he claims much more about the SPO.

He omits completely that the SPO was made at 6L per share and that the amount of shares for sale were 1,500,000 ( ; )

To make that round amount, it looks like the SPO sold out. But to receive only 3,000,000 lindens, the amount of shares sold had to be only 500,000 (x 6L=3 Mil). But his own prospect says the amount to sell was 1500,000 shares, not 500,000.

And by the way, we don't care about the Capex fees. Brda paid those fees with shareholder money. Money he received from them. He has to answer for all the money he received from shareholders, the expenses are his problem.

Faced with the prospectus, the declaration of Capex's owner isn't evidence enough. We would like to see a copy of some document saying that the original amount of 1,500,000 shares to be sold at the SPO was reduced to 500,000. We are not scammers and liars like him. If he presents evidence, will change this number immediately.

We presented his own declarations, as Wili Clip, and his own prospectus (no use to delete it, we have a copy) as evidence for our numbers.

But even if he received only the amounts he claims, even so, he would had received 5,280,000L. But he only paid back in dividends 5,252,364L (including 2600 this month, since 2500 were from Capex) and about half of them went directly to his pockets! So, he only paid to the shareholders that financed him about 2,625,000 lindens.

And let's not forget all the stolen dividends. He should paid them every month. Let's accept as good the middle amount he paid each month in 2011, even if since that he expanded business, with more games and customers. He paid during 2011 in dividends about 2,742,000L in round numbers. Divided for the 9 months where he paid dividends, we get a middle amount of 304,666L per month. Let's make it 300,000.

Well, he didn't pay dividends or paid ridiculous amounts in about 36 months (it's more than that, but to make it simple). So, he didn't pay in dividends 10,800,000L that he had a duty to pay. Half of that belongs to the other shareholders. Therefore, he stole more 5,400,000L in dividends. That is, 21,513 USD.

He received at least 2,280,000L in the IPO (if we buy the story of the unsold 60,000 shares) and, accordingly to his own prospectus and declarations about the price, he received more 9,000,000L in the SPO. And stole 5,400,000L in dividends. That is 16,680,000; or 66,454 USDs.

But even if the amount 3,000,000L received by the SPO is true, even so, he would have stolen 2,280,00 (IPO)+3,000,000 (SPO)+5,400,000 (dividends)=10,680,000 lindens. That is, 42549 USD. Therefore, our current amount of about 45,000 USD stolen is more or less correct, in ANY CASE.

In any case, this makes Andrej Brda a liar, a scammer and a criminal!

Activity: 17
Merit: 0
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
Only a scammer writes about the scams of others and lies about his own scams.

He paid 104,3% of shareholder money back in dividends (see

He received 45,600 USD from the IPO+SPO from the other shareholders, but only paid about 10,500 USD to them. The rest of the dividends went directly to his pockets. And after almost 5 years, he wants to pay 10 USD per month. And 5 USD return to him. Even if he wasn't stealing the dividends, he would take 583 years to pay all back.

I've been told that this information is totally incorrect. IPO + SPO  number 45,600 USD is a fabricated number. Invented by professional forum trolls who want to plant fake scam claims against business owners behind ADS due to their failed extortion attempt.

I have been given verifiable information to share here and show that Cash Yiyuan and Tranquilo Holgado both posting here are falsifying data and sharing nonfactual information with sole intention to try to frame business and business owners behind ADS as a scam.

I've been shown proofs and have been asked to share here in public forum to uncover malicious intentions of this topic creator with total 1 to 2 active posters (Cash Yiyuan and Tranquilo Holgado). Both are ADS virtual game shareholders on Stock Exchange Game slcapex (now who tried to extort a payout for their own shares of ADS only after it became evident that Virtual Stock Exchange game may not survive due loss of trust of players shareholders in Capital Stock Exchange Game mainly because they lost too much of their money as too many virtual game companies listed on who have raised substantial amounts of L$ have been liquidated with their CEO's disappearing into unknown and leaving players behind with nothing.

After slcapex came back after nearly a year now under new domain with forums disabled and the shareholders who lost their investments can not actively communicate while the search function for old forum posts and shareholders communications is borked with much of the content missing. Due to liquidations of many companies where shareholders had their virtual investments Capital Stock Exchange game has generated a lot of disappointment. There is lack of trust in the Stock Exchange Game platform and the Game platform owner. It is really hard now when (now has just made a comeback after being in legal limbo with Linden Lab for whole of 2015. Trading was disabled and many players / virtual shareholders have divested in time or lost interest and trust. Everyone among shareholders who was informed on upcoming Linden Lab Terms of Service change and that then (now might not be allowed to register as game of skill within Second Life sold out and left.

ADS as listed game on Capital Exchange Game is now one of few that are still actively playing by the rules and the owners behind ADS have decided that despite the loss of trust on Capital Exchange Game they will try to slowly restore their own shareholders community. They are doing and are going to continue doing that actively as long as it will be possible on and in case if closes down they'll find an alternative venue where they will be able to restore virtual game assets for their shareholders and restore trust, transparency and achieve increased share trading and share price).

It has become obvious now that few individuals are going to try to re-create history by posting false information and data on online forums like this one. That is why a new independent forum for Capital Stock Exchange was created by shareholders who ensure full transparency of the events with Capital Stock Exchange Game:

Forum is being populated with facts scraped from website history from archives ( ).

I have been told by Wili Clip that back in 2011 he and his business partners in SL have managed to raise exactly L$2,280,000.00 (value: $8733) with an initial IPO. He said that not all shares have been sold so Skip Oceanlane owner of CAPEX (then - Capital Stock Exchange Game) has put 60 000 of ADS shares that were not sold (together valued at 120 000 L$) on ADS company avatar.

L$2,280,000 raised in IPO with the Capital Exchange Game then in Second Life is an exact amount and it is a fact proved with internet history (web archive) log of slcapex forum that he shared with me: 
- proof of ADS IPO.
A print screen of slcapex forum post by web archive:  - click on image to open

Excerpt from the proof:
Feb 21st 2011, 07:37
Skip Oceanlane
The Second Ads IPO has officially started on Monday, February 21, 2011, at 7 AM SL Time.

Here are the details for the IPO of stock:

Total Company Shares: 3,000,000
Total IPO Shares: 1,200,000
IPO price Per Share: L$2.00

2 * 1,200,000 = 2,400,000 L$ 

With 60 000 ADS IPO shares (valued 120 000 L$) that could not be sold until end of IPO: 2,400,000 - 120,000 = L$2,280,000.00 (This matches exactly with Wili Clip's statement).

  • Wili Clip has told me that all of these 60 000 ADS shares were shared with ADS development team in SL who have contributed to development of virtual products in SL.
  • From total amount raised 3.99% IPO fee was collected by (Capital Stock Exchange Game) owner Skip Oceanlane. According to his TOS/rules on he collects 3.99% fees on all IPO's and SPO's

Proof that ADS IPO was completed on Mar 20th 2011, 05:24 for L$2,280,000 with 140 virtual players investors of Capital Stock Exchange Game (number of investors 140 provided by game stock exchange platform owner Skip Oceanlane):
Web archive forum link:

A print screen of slcapex forum post by web archive: - click on image to open

SPO (secondary public offering of virtual shares):
Wili Clip has disclosed the content of email correspondence between him and Capex Stock Exchange game Skip Oceanlane. In that email Skip Oceanlane answered Wili's question about total funds in L$ raised by ADS through IPO + SPO (this is an excerpt from an email; some text was removed for privacy reasons):

[email protected]
Feb 5, 2016

Mr. Clip:
The amounts you raised at Capital Exchange through your IPO and SPO were L$2,280,000.00. and L$2,880,300.00 respectfully.


Proof from forum for 3 000 000 L$ (after platform owners fee 2 880 300 L$ value: $11033) (now web archive (SPO successfully closed).  - click on image to open

From proofs above it is clearly evident that amount reported by Skip Oceanlane through his email correspondence with Wili Clip matches the amount of 3 000 000 L$ raised with SPO in 2011 and after Skip Oceanlane's fee deduction making it total 2 880 300 L$.

So together ADS IPO+SPO raised L$5160300 (value: $19767). It is not $60 000 and it is not $45 600 as 2 authors of this forum topic are trying to frame-up ADS.
(a frame-up (frameup) or setup is the act of framing someone, that is, providing false evidence or false testimony in order to falsely prove someone guilty of a crime. Sometimes, the person who is framing someone else is the actual perpetrator of the crime).

All virtual shareholders who joined the game of Capital Stock Exchange have constantly been made aware and there was always a full legal disclosure that with owning virtual shares and making investments on that platform they do not own and never will own any rights to any possible underlying business assets. So those 2 ADS shareholders now trying to FRAME ADS with scam. Both of them managed to substantially increase their ADS shareholding while everyone else was selling out of the whole game and investors were dumping shares at any price anyone was willing to buy. Yes price of all such listed companies on Capital Stock Exchange Game really did tank and investors ran out in panic due to events that ADS can not be blamed for because it was out of the ability of ADS owners to do anything about it.

They are not aware or do not want to accept the fact that there are more business owners behind ADS and that with their actions they're hurting the game and all the virtual shareholders who did not sell out and are waiting to see if the virtual asset prices on exchange will get restored as some of the shareholders come back when they see that some game companies have stayed and retained their credibility and are prepared to stay active in game. In most multiplier online games such actors usually get thrown out to protect the game community interest.

I've been asked to explain that ADS virtual shareholding game company listed on - Capital Stock Exchange Game platform (now has provided a 300% growth in virtual shares price (in virtual currency L$) within first 4 months of being listed and many of initial 140 virtual investors managed to realize nice virtual capital gains. Reason why the team of virtual business developers decided to get listed on capex Virtual Capital Stock Exchange platform and raise funds back in 2011 was to grow a community for their products. All the splits and reverse splits ADS did were done with an agreement of the shareholders community. They've been done with majority support while the CEO abstained from voting with his own majority shares (There are still records on internet archive of those forum votes on

Recently after close inspection of ADS shareholders list owners have realized that not even 10% of all the virtual shareholders who used to actively trade ADS shares are no longer active. At ADS they are prepared to actively work to restore the virtual shareholders community. Recently ADS has requested owner Skip Oceanlane to restore the forums with full history or implement new forum platform and keep the old one enabled for transparency purposes. Unfortunately the owner of the platform Skip Oceanlane made a public announcement that forums are not a priority for him. He is keeping them disabled and we have decided to create a temporary forum solution for all the virtual shareholders in an attempt to try to restore shattered virtual investment community:

Business owners behind ADS would like to emphasize that they don't hide anything and that it is in their interest to keep everything transparent. If possible they'd like to restore the virtual investors / players community as due to nature of their business they are aware that value is in the community. Sadly the truth is that many people abused (Capital Exchange - Stock Market Simulation) virtual investment community to steal a lot of money from them. But they stole from them by not honouring their promises they made to their virtual investors when they were fundraising through IPO. They delisted and disappeared - that is a calculated scam. ADS didn't do that, ADS is kept listed and is trying to salvage what is possible of the investment community and the concept of virtual shareholding game that is entirely based on trust and the trust need to be earned in increments with actions.   

For any inquiries please join as a member and you can send a personal message to forum admin. Truth, credibility and archives of forum web history are on side of owners of ADS.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
But this thread having 15,000 views isn't the main problem. The big problem is that it will have more than 100,000 in one year and who knows how many in 15 years.

And, soon or later, everyone which is important in Brda's life will read this, even his kids, if he managed to have any.

Hello reader! Is there already 2030? How time flies... Are you Brda's son? Sorry to tell you, but your father is a criminal. Of course, he will tell you all sort of lies to justify this thread. He'll tell you that we are liars and blackmailers, that he paid all back and even more (104,3% or even 300%). But just read all the thread with attention and you'll discover the truth. Now you also know why you just saw him for the first time when you had 7 or 8 years old. He was in jail and didn't want you to find out. It's a pity that you also had to pay for his crimes.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250

No one wants to visit your scamming forum.

He tried to ban TOR IPs to avoid us, but he couldn't. There are too much of them. The people he would like to have on his empty forum, don't even care to go look. The ones he would like to avoid there, still get in and laugh out of all the lack of interest on it.

We have more than 15,000 views here. He has little more than 15 there.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Only a scammer writes about the scams of others and lies about his own scams.

A few days ago, Brda wrote he paid 104,3% of shareholder money back in dividends (see

He received 45,600 USD from the IPO+SPO from the other shareholders, but only paid about 10,500 USD to them. The rest of the dividends went directly to his pockets. And after almost 5 years, he wants to pay 10 USD per month. And 5 USD return to him. Even if he wasn't stealing the dividends, he would take 583 years to pay all back.
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
A forum was created (where he can control who and what is written) that has been completely ignored by shareholders.

All the information shared on the new OnlineCapex forum to ensure transparency are facts gathered from the internet history of Everything posted on the forum is verified.

Facts are facts and forum trolling is forum trolling....

Now have a go and enjoy more of your forum trolling...
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Good posts on twitter and Facebook. A search in Google reveals several posts and reposts.

And many websites are independently already reposting this.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
For any shareholder thinking it's time to move on immediately to the police, I'm posting here all contacts:


Prešernova cesta 18
1001 Ljubljana

tel +386 1 361 02 00
fax +386 1 361 03 63

e-mail [email protected]

Representatives for Public Relations:

e-mail Maja CIPERLE ADLEŠIC [email protected]

e-mail Nataša PUCKO [email protected]

More contacts here for local police stations:

These are the contacts of the main police station on the area of MURSKA SOBOTA, that comprehends Landova, residence of his parents.


Arhitekta Novaka 5
9000 Murska Sobota

tel +386 2 522 42 00
fax +386 2 522 43 63

e-mail [email protected]

Representative for Public Relations: [email protected]

Since Brda seems to be living in LJUBLJANA (at least, it was the case 4 months ago), the first contacts are the right ones.

It makes sense to first ask to a Representatives for Public Relations what is the right address to send the complaint.

There is also the National Bureau of Investigation (NACIONALNI PREISKOVALNI URAD) that also deals with the most serious cyber crimes. It might be the case.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Brda created a forum (where he can control who and what is written) that has been completely ignored by shareholders.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
On the top of the same with the real profile of Wili Clip, where it says photobucket, there is a link to

This page redirects to
And this last page says:

Step One - Your info, friend of Andrei

Therefore, the profile of Wili Clip, saying he lives in Ljubljana, has a link for people to became friends of him, calling him Andrei.

Moreover, his recently deleted twitter page of Wili Clip, still accessible on has a link to his blog still available at

But this blog has several links to his page (still available at

Well, bbrda comes from Brda and he has an ad here, with his phone (the same used to register initially Second Ads websites: 040 601 934) and another one of his emails: .

But it's so evident that Wili Clip is Andrej Brda that is boring to even present more evidences.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
He can delete whatever he likes, he left traces all over the Internet.

 Wili Clip
"Just do what you like most and enjoy "
21 years old

Last Login: 8/23/2009

Race:    Middle Eastern
Body Type:    Athletic
Marital Status:    Single
Children:    None yet
Sexual Orientation:    Straight
Smoker:    No
Drinker:    No
Education:    High School
Occupation:    Student
Income:    Less than $30,000
Ekonomska Fakulteta
Location:   Ljubljana, ALL
Status:   Currently Attending

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sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
He can't run or hide. Brda is Wili Clip.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
The time given ended.

This story was already sent to the slovenian press.

We crossed now clearly the point of no return. Any proposal over the table to end this mess is no longer available. Any intention on making Brda change his dividend policy ended.

The only goal is now teaching Brda a serious lesson. This is now exclusively personal, there is no longer any business intention.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
Now, Brda and all his slovenian fellow citizens can enjoy our tribute to posterity about his crimes in their mother language. The OP has a second part in slovenian.

It's just a software translation, but soon it will be also in google for all slovenians to read.
sr. member
Activity: 247
Merit: 250
The clock is ticking...
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