It can not be proved at all. You may believe in whatever you want to believe in, but claiming it is the truth and one must not offend your god, for example, changes the situation. In that case, it needs proof. Since religion claims its story to be true and their God to be the ruler, then they must prove it or begone.
Proof and scientific proof that God exists is found right here:
Complete bullshit. This is not proof, this is a joke this monkey keeps repeating hoping someone might actually believe that shit. Next!
Look at how much smarter whatever made nature is than humans. Nature does the below all day, everyday, billions of times over throughout the earth. Humans are only trying to copy nature enough that they can do it one time.
Firestorm brewing as scientists work to create synthetic human DNA
To the meeting organizers, last year's secretive measures were, counterintuitively, to make sure as many people heard about the project as possible. They were submitting a paper about the project to a scientific journal and were discouraged from sharing the information publicly before it was published.
But there's another reason why this group of scientists, while encouraging debate and public involvement, would be wary of attracting too much attention. Their project is an effort to synthesize DNA, including human DNA. Researchers will start with simpler organisms, such as microbes and plants, but hope to ultimately create strands of human genetic code. One of the group's organizers, Jef Boeke, director of the Institute for Systems Genetics at NYU School of Medicine, told CNBC that incorporating synthesized DNA into mammalian (or even human) cells could happen in four to five years.
P.S. You selectively answered my replies. You chose the one tht did not put you in difficulty. Bitch.
You poor, little thing you. Did Mommy treat you so harshly when you were little? Do you actually think that nature might be a human being? Are you trying to tell us you were there at the beginning, so you saw how nature was made? Do you lack simple science understanding so that you don't even know the simple basics of science? Has your religion dragged you so far down the scale of intelligence that you think dogs are smarter than people?
That's okay, little fella. There are lots of folks out there who will be more than glad to help you with your problems. Then, after you get the help you so badly need, you can start studying up on science so that you can finally learn how things really work... how the universe was created by God... and the scientific proof of it.
I feel so sad for you
My heart breaks for you and your problems
I'll even pray for you
P.S. I have no issue, I usually do not use offensive language, but in your case, the words that I am using actually resemble your characteristics. None of those words are inappropriate for your characterisation. If they seem offensive, it is because you with your whole mentality and presence here are offensive. That is why I've told you and I will keep telling you to fuck off. You are so dumb it is actually an insult for life on earth in 2017. Isis is less insulting than you are and they kill people.
The God particle is called a Higgs boson. The 'God' thing is a nickname that physicists dislike (Higgs himself dislikes it) and it was given to the particle in a book. It's all about the interpretation of someone, nothing to do with the proof of a God.
And, the term is not really appropriate. Why not? God is far greater and more fundamental than the Higgs boson.
God is proven:
Thanks for all your talk against me. God has seen it, and will bless me extra because of it. You still have a chance to change. Do so, before it is too late for you.
God hardens the hearts of people into the way that they want to be. If you don't change soon, He will harden your heart into being against Him in a way that you won't be able to get out of once you realize He exists.
Let me get this right.....
* you claim your god is real
* your god represents your religion
* you claim when something is not known to be truth or fact this creates religion.......
Yep, you are delusional.