How can it be possible that people are still stuck between religion and science? If there was a proof of it, everybody would be religious right? You can not find any scientific answer about religion. It is funny to searching for such a thing.
Why is it funny to look for evidence? I have sought to answer the GOD question for a long time and the evidence convinced me that humanism is false, this changes the game for the GOD question.
Survival of the personality is borne out by physical evidence, but atheists rarely know very much about this evidence. In my posts I have presented over 100 pieces of evidence that suggest survival, to start with, the skeptic can investigate the top 20 spirit-contact cases and the top 20 reincarnation cases: there is 20 more reincarnation cases, from one researcher: CAN COMPREHEND THE PROOF VERY SIMPLY:
All rational atheists are humanists since what else could they be?
There are only 2 possible answers to the god(s) question (yes or no--theism or atheism).
Humanism is strictly opposed to the survival hypothesis, but the evidence strongly suggests survival and therefore theism.