Additionally, scientific evaluation of evolution, using probability math, shows that evolution is completely impossible. Cause and effect show that there is no random effect, randomness that would be necessary for mutations to exist as evolution. Irreducible complexity shows that critical stages of the evolution idea are missing, thereby moving evolution into the realm of never being able to be proven.
you really need to
1. educate yourself beyond your bubble of pious biblical fairy tale nonsense
2. read up on some real evolutionary science. your above statement shows your complete and utter ignorance of it.
but no surprise there.
and 3. jeezus dude...take a break from these troll fest threads once in awhile.
unless that is you don't mind being seen as rather obsessed
You sound kinda dense. In what way? Newton's 3rd Law is still a law. Just because there has been a bunch of theory that scientists try to use to destroy Newton's 3rd Law, doesn't mean they have succeeded at all.
Talk about educating one's self, you need to educate yourself that Newton's 3rd law upholds cause and effect, and that cause and effect exists in everything, and that there is not even one example of true randomness because of cause and effect, and that mutations are programmed into the universe because of this, and that there is not even one for-a-fact example of a beneficial mutation.
Regarding the idea of a living cell coming into being by the odds of nature simply falling into place in ways that make life, consider a simple, 200 element/molecule cell. What are the odds that these parts are going to fall into place in just the right way so that they would exist where they would have to exist for the cell to be alive. The odds are tremendously high against... so high that it impossible for it to happen.
But if it happened once, then the parts would have to be kicked into motion in just the right way for the cell to become alive. Another impossibility by the odds.
Even if this happened, the surrounding nature would destroy the life as instantly as the life appeared.
Now, if you want to get away from this idea by saying that evolution doesn't include abiogenesis, great. But, it is more improbable that a living cell, or other forms of life can gain atoms and molecules in the correct places so that they could change, simply by randomness. It simply isn't in the odds according to any probability math that we have that matches nature.
Besides. Even if we were talking about non-abiogenesis evolution, abiogenesis is so extremely impossible that it couldn't happen under any circumstances that we can almost imagine. See for starters. Then research it, and you will find that I am right.
You have been played, son... you and all the people who think that evolution is possible or real. You've been suckered into an evolution religion. Scientists are getting rich off you jokers by getting grant money to continue experimenting, or by teaching evolution foolishness in universities. And you support it with your taxes.
Oh Puddleduck...... you silly sausage.
You claim Newtons third law (cause and effect) upholds your evidence of a god........ however, you fail to answer who made your god?
You have never been able to answer this using the same laws with which you claim proves your own god, but instead apply your own assumptions. That is where you fail.
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