I think we got off on the wrong foot, and I'd like to have a serious discussion, but you are in complete denial of everything I have typed, so there is really no point in speaking to you. Perhaps I should post the proof that freemasonry held the first rites of initiation in the great pyramid 64.000 years ago? That their God's name is indeed Ja-Baal-On? That the Ja is yahweh? Are you even aware your god's name is yahweh? I actually learnt this when studying rosslin chapel, and was the one who actually discovered the steps leading beneath the building. At least publically, for there were obviously those who knew of this before I told someone else what I believed I found.. What, dont like the fact I have shown, that yahweh is but one god? Of many?
You absolutely must be a fickle woman. Why? Because a few posts ago you were telling me to get off this thread. Now you like to argue with me.
Actually, you really are not fickle... at least not in this way. Can you help it if a little of the order of God shines through me to enlighten and brighten your day? Of course you can't. You only move in the ways your base emotions move you.
I'm not surprised that your boss, Satan, continues to let you talk with me some. His hope is that he somehow will get me just like he has you.
Well, he won't. Why not? Jesus promises to keep me now that He has me.
How long do you think it will take Satan to withdraw you before he loses you entirely, like he almost did the last time?
Back to the governmental confuse and lose the public with your biblical bullshit huh? Cant see the wood for the tree's huh? Your one branch short of a bush, cant even admit your god is YAHWEH, a jewish creation in the guise of FREEMASONRY's god JA-BAAL-ON, designed to prevent YOU from reaching the promised land (salvation) by making you believe there is only ONE god, but as I said, by giving GOD a name, even that of GOD, you kill him. People move on. God's names change. People get fed up with Yaweh, maybe move back onto BAAL, (since he has been the most productive miracle worker, even if it was by taking the kids of egypt, and then parting the red sea in return.)
By giving god a name you give him a death sentence you muppet, for all things created by man, will be destroyed by man. ALL things.
And when we evolve to never needing a tongue, or ears, god will be pretty much useless, because his word will be as pointless as it is today.. just ask the homeless man you starved to death.
Tsk. Tsk. Such vile language you use.
Relax, man. I'm not against you. Actually, I have hopes for you. Outside of a very few who are spiritually very strong, the only time a person is locked into the destruction of Hell and hellfire is when he dies. So, there is hope for you yet.