I know your comments are directed to BADecker, but if you don't mind I will share a few thoughts. (And if you do mind you can just ingore me.
Blind faith? I guess you can can see it that way. What is really strange, and even supernatural if you will, is that the Bible says that God will "Open the eyes of the blind." In a way a person cannot see things spiritually until this happens. Many people have said that the Bible made no sense to them until they accepted Christ and then it was like they could "see" things that they never saw before. There have been times in my life where I have "seen" sins that a person is struggling with with the sole purpose of just praying for that person. I have "seen" visions. I have "seen" several people that I recognized were demon possessed just by feeling their presence in the room and then looked that direction and saw that they "saw" me too! A bit creepy but at the same time it just proved to me that I can "see" things in a spiritual way that many cannot. The Bible is even said to be "foolish" to those that do not have the eyes to see. Instead of judging others for not seeing I should be saying that I would not expect anything less.
The placebo effect is a powerful thing. A good analogy is those powerbalance wristbands that say their holograms will make you have better posture, better at sports, etc. They actually are nothing but a piece of foil and some rubber, but the people wearing them believe in it so much that their brains make it true. I'm not sure what you mean by they "saw" you too, but 2 people looking at eachother proves nothing supernatural.
There are some things in science that are 100% fact. Evolution has not been proven as 100% fact. It is taught that way now. This is a huge problem with the scientific community today.
It is hard for me to grasp how something as complex as a human cell could be thought to happen by chance and knowing the complexity of even a single celled organisms structure and ability to work could have just happened from nothing. The odds of even a single cell evolving are beyond belief and could even be said to be mathematically impossible. Order does not come from chaos. This is impossible and has not been observed. It seems that the desire to prove evolution no matter what the evidence shows has blinded most from what I can see.
I didn't say evolution is 100% fact (at least as to where we came from), I was refuting the claim that we know nothing 100%. Some piece of evidence could come along that completely disproves us coming from evolution, but until then the mountains of evidence we have for it completely blows away any other ideas. We can never say for 100% certainty because we weren't there to observe it, but we're pretty damn close (and finding more and more things to support it every day).
However, we do know for a fact that species do evolve. We have made bacteria in labs evolve right before our eyes to use a new food source that they were never able to before
(Source)The odds of us evolving the way we did are pretty irrelevant, as with how large our universe is there are so many places that it could have happened. If you believe in the big bang/big crunch theory then there could have been a bunch of times that no life was formed and the universe was empty, but we weren't there to comment on it those times, only the ones something did happen. As for the no order from chaos, I urge you to watch
This video, as it does a much better and more in-depth job of explaining it than I ever could. I don't understand what you mean by 'no matter what the evidence shows', as all the evidence we've found so far
supports evolution.
Morality should not be based solely on societal norms. Throughout history there have been things that society says is "OK" that changes based on whatever the culture decides is good or bad (for instance, right now our culture is fine with abortion and under God's law that is murder for example) God has given us His laws and these laws are the standards in which we should judge ourselves by. If we have even broken one of His commandments then we are held guilty under those laws and will need to pay the price for breaking those laws. The penalty is eternal punishment. However, God out of His great love and mercy has given us the option of repenting and He even paid the price for our sins (Jesus' death on a cross then resurrection) if we are willing to accept that free gift. However, many do not even think that they need a savior.
Well I personally am fine with abortion, and there really is no way to judge whose idea is right or wrong unless we're going by the bible. The eternal hell isn't a valid argument, just trying to scare people into believing. I don't need a savior, doing just fine, thanks
I guess the thing that I would mention, in regards to your point that the Bible is not true or it is just our "truth" is the question of why are so many people hostile to it? If it wasn't so revolutionary why is it still banned in so many places? Why has the Bible changed people's lives so much? Why have people been willing to give up their lives for the "truth" in it, especially if it was not important? Sure there are other religions that people give their lives for willingly, however, the one thing that separates Christianity from all other religions is that Christianity is the only religion that is not about earning our way to God. In fact, it is all about realizing that there is no possible way to earn salvation at all. It is about realizing that we are in need of help. It takes humility and an open heart that prays and ask God to forgive us and "open our eyes" if you will to see things from God's perspective. Then God, out of His great love, comes in and helps us to see not only ourselves, but others in a different way. He helps us to love ourselves and others. He helps us to forgive, have joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control. He give us the gift of His Spirit in our hearts and then we are able to do good things because of His love, not because we are trying to "earn" our salvation but because we are so thankful for what He has done for us.
People are hostile to any religion other than their's in a lot of cases, or a specific religion because of the one they believe in, culture, etc. In some places any religion except for the one of the state is banned, so does that mean every religion is valid? The bible has changed people because they read it and thought they could be changed, coming back to the placebo effect.