Awesome to hear!
Update on Deposits/WithdrawlsSo is back online (Right?)
Once all the deposits and withdrawls that went through during their downtime are processed, Scc is moving to a local wallet solution. No more depending on's api and online wallet.
I'm sure Admin appreciates the patience and understanding that's been displayed and I am too.
Updates on DDOSThe Beta site is still under heavy DDOS attacks and getting through can be tough once in a while. So when you go to create your free account
Scrypt.CC?ref=baagt, be sure to give it a minute or two and try again if the cloudflare notice pops up.
The chat is almost non-functional during heavy times, duplicating messages and dropping messages. Admin has announced they'll be putting a commercial chat solution in for the new site. Yaaaay!
For now, please hop onto there are about 20+ of us there now, usually someone on at any time of the day now that can help with questions and such.
Profits are still rolling in, regardless of the attacks. Personally I just find it a bit annoying and once the new site-face is up with auto-reinvest, there's no reason for me to stay connected all the time.
Additional ddos mitigation will be in place soon(tm).
See you in Chat!
Keep it Clean! Admin is online and has started processing withdrawls manually.You can watch here... the first few slow to make sure and then the rest will flood through.
(Edit: Deposits started working as well, so Blockchain must be getting there as well. Yaaay!)
Appreciate your patience folks...
Keep it Clean!
Finally today I received in my BTC wallet the withdraw I made on march 17th... In spite of failure.
Thank you TheCleanGame and dyask. Your efforts have been very reassuring and made up for the lack of reponse from the site.
I understand that every new project is not free of problems and setbacks so I guess we'll have to be patient.