I think anyone who values privacy wont be using Windows 10.
I haven't looked to much into it, but from what I understand MS will be logging everything.
MS gonna crash & burn after this crap. Bye bye consumers, bye bye enterprise, hello pathetic Google wannabe.
I have not tested 10 (why would I?) but from what Ive heard its the most godawful piece of crap ever.
Anybody wanna short MS stock? LOL
What the fuck is the point of Snowden if nobody cares about their privacy? Oh wait… maybe that is EXACTLY THE POINT of Snowden > Give up, no point trying, the NSA have godlike power, Game Over man! Game over.
No, says I. Game on.
btw speaking of Snowden/NSA… wheres's Ryno? in the trunk of a black SUV on his way to Gitmo? Yo Rambo, wagwan bro?
the point of snowden is the same reason you drop a frog into cold water and slowly turn the heat up.
he trickles information out to assimilate the populous to the spy grid, he is a fucking traitor to humanity not a hero.
fuck him.
and guess what, the bloke who is making OB worked for the same company as snowden..what a coincidence.
Real whistlblowers are either killed before they become too big, or if they are too big before discovered completely ignored and more then not discredited or blackmailed.
not put all over the news hahaha makes me laugh happy your onto it CH smart man
lol what.
Snowden is a fucking hero for going out on a limb and exposing himself. He lost his job and his country and I applaud him for doing what is right by letting people know exactly what and how deep the surveillance goes.
I've argued with friends on this one. It's highly controversial and off-topic so Ill be brief:
1) No resignations after the "leaks"
2) Increased NSA budget following the "leaks"
3) People believe the NSA has godlike powers (even more than they did before imo).
4) The slow trickle of info now results in some people (an increasing number imo) being bored by "privacy"
5) No significant policy shift post-Snowden.
Has anything really changed for the better I ask? (rhetorically I suppose since it's off-topic)
p.s. what if his last slide tells us all how Bitcoin is a Govt project to testbed the ushering in of the digital currency era, now all govs are bankrupt? What will people say then? Even better a "transparent" blockchain… doesnt sound private at all. This term pseudo-anonymous is a red herring. Either your financials are private or not, I've never heard the term "semi-private".
Seems to me people believe everything Snowden says. This is fucking dangerous.
p.p.s No worries Snowden fans. Before too long he'll return to the US and be celebrated as a hero. Mark my words.