This coin might want to consider losing the "Anonymous" imagery.
1. It's old, and cliche.
2. It's now associated with rioting and economic destruction.
3. The people who would actually use it for illegal transactions don't want to see this. All they want is privacy. Anything that attracts attention, makes a political statement, invites controversy isn't fun for someone who really does risk going to prison or worse for his activities. Under the radar is the way they go.
So you think anonymous is going to attract more heat then illegal transactions used by terrorists and drug cartels.
I encourage you to look deeper into what a zero knowledge proof can do for business and the way we interact in a world of potential scammers in general. And possibly try broadening your scope instead of assigning it "ilegal" status because the transactions are anonymous.
Anonymous idea is, at its core, activism.
Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, or direct social, political, economic, or environmental change, or stasis
It attracts unnecessary heat. The people who are in such businesses already know what zk and fully anonymous transactions can do for them, no need to belabor the point. And I agree that such use will be necessary for the success of the coin, at least for a while. The financial safety aspects of it are very desirable, but how does an image associated with hacking represent financial safety?
And after that, it would be nice to walk into Walmart one day and have the cashier ask me "Debit, credit, or Shadowcash?" and that's not going to happen if the public face of the coin is some jackoff in a Guy Fawkes mask who likes breaking store windows.
Bitcoin is used for terroisim, drugs, guns, hacked paypal and credit card sales. so is the dollar, euro, ect ect but you see websites and stores accepting it. If its useful tech people will use it. I'm not willing to compromise freedom for convenience in this case and agree that anonymous imaginary will severely impact what may become a dark market tool, initially, anyways. We don't know whats down the track and right now people understand anonymous. Bitcoin is cutting the path to mainstream not us, we just need to let it do that and continue building the tech. Basically the consumer and community will take it where it wants to. If that is away from anonymous imagery then so be it. There is 100 things i can think of that will get in Shadows way and anonymous imagery is not one of them.