can i get a bump please people.
I'm sorry to say, but i was disappointed.
I'm saying this genuinely, as a real community member, not as a troll. i've been hodl very very long, thunderclaped, donated, and i'm still here for the long-run.
But imho, the interview was not "prepared" properly. It does not carry a "message". It is not "thrilling".
I's even go as far as saying it further midgets Shadowcash as a niche project that will never go mainstream.
Yes, Bitcoin is the bigger crypto, but so was microsoft until google came, and so was google until facebook came.
And since Shadowcash is tapping into a potentially huge market, namely the first decentralized market with privacy all around (cash, messaging, shops, no middleman escrow/curator, etc.), I expected this interview to leave me with a WOW... but i was left with a "that's it?"
Sorry Rhyno, dasource and fellow members. I have A LOT OF RESPECT to the shadowcash devs and community, but I's rather give my genuine feedback.
Then again, marketing was never a strong side of Shadowcash. Development is.
Waiting for the release