Ime teme : Serbian Forum - Application for Local Board
" - Due to increased Bitcoin popularity, we have huge amount of members joining to our forums, including Serbian topic as well.
With huge members joining every day, our local topic is getting bigger and bigger every day. With a lot of active members, and new members, it is getting rather hard to follow all the topics that are currently happening.
From new people asking general noob questions, up to the dumb and healthy discussions, everything is under one topic, and it becomes rather not possible to follow up all questions/answers and follow what is going on.
So with rather your blessings(admins/moderators). We would like to apply for Local Board part of the forum. And I would like to apply as Forum Moderator of it, due to having a lot of free time on my own. "
Evo ovako. Nesto sam ga skockao, da li ima neko neki predlog, zamerku, ili nesto da doda - pucajte. Dodao sam aplikaciju da se dodam kao Forum Moderator ovog dela, ako je to uopste moguce posto imam pun djavo slobodnog vremena. Mislim da od toga nema nista, ali...its worth of try... Ako neko drugi ima bolji predlog da nekoga stavimo kao moderator. PUCAJTE
Tema jos nije postavljena, posle diskusije cu to da odradim.
Super, hvala na ovome. Imam neke predloge.
Prvo mislim da ne treba da bude aplikacija za to da budes moderator u istom topic-u iz vise razloga.
Jedan od njih je zato sto mislim da trebamo da imamo poll, da ljudi glasaju, da se pokaze podrska, pa necemo da obavezujemo ljude da glasaju i za to da budes moderator zajedno, jer mozda dobijemo manje glasova onda. To cemo mi naknadno da se dogovorimo i neka moderatori sami to odluce donekle.
Inace, znam da je pristojno ovako reci da je poprilicno tesko pratiti, ali msm da mozda nije mudro da biramo reci koje umanjuju problem.
Ja bih radije da pise "hard" nego "rather hard", ali to je samo moje misljenje.
Ustvari uklanjanje svih pominjanja reci "rather" mozda nije najbolje, sta mislis?
Tako da bude nesto ovako:
Due to increased Bitcoin popularity, we have huge amount of members joining our forums, including on our Serbian topic as well.
With huge members joining everyday, our local topic is getting bigger and bigger each day. With a lot of active and new members, it is getting hard to follow all the topics that are currently being discussed there.
From new people asking general noob questions, up to the dumb and healthy discussions, everything is under one topic, and it is becoming rather impossible to follow all questions/answers and follow what is going on.
Medjutim ovo je samo moje misljenje i mislim da treba examplens ovo da postavi.
EDIT: Mislim da bi ovo trebalo da bude poll, tako da treba da bude neko pitanje sa ponudjenim odgovorima.
Recimo "Should Serbian speaking users get it's own local board instead of a topic? 1. Yes 2. No"
EDIT2: Jos malo promenio tekst. Takodje ime teme mozda da bude "Serbian local board application", malo me zbunjuje ovo "Serbian Forum", ali sasvim je ok.