I have a question if I want the multiplier I'm chasing to be 80 I tried this
function dobet()
if win then
if currentstreak== -preroll then
if currentstreak < -preroll then
After I change the 2 to an 80 it still closes at 2.
On this where it says Multiplier and Times Multiplier By? whats the difference also what's the bet amount in this one, for instance bet on win and bet on lose
https://bot.seuntjie.com/preroll.pngI want to bet a smaller amount than 1 since I'm using Ethos and not whole Ethereums
You're confusing terminology/verbage.
The Multiplier in the bot is what your bet gets multiplied with by the bot for the next bet. IE if your multiplier is 2, and you lose a bet (assuming martingale), your next bet will be 4. If it is a loss again, it will be 8 etc.
What you're referring to as multiplier is Payout in terms of dice games. IE if you win at 49.5% chance to win, the site pays out 2x what you bet. (assuming 1% house edge).
"Times multiplyer by" does exactly what it says. IF you have a multiplier mode that enables it (ie change once or variable) it times your multiplier with that value after the set amount of bets.
For example if you have a multiplier of 2, times multiplier of 3 after every 3 bets and a multiplier mode of variable.:
Assumig all bets are losses, your betting pattern and multiplier (not payout) would be:
1 2
2 2
4 2->changes to 6 now (*3)
24 6
144 6
864 6->changes to 18 now (*3)
15552 18
If you're using a script, ALWAYS look at the context of where and how a variable is used.
Your multiplier gets defined on 2, then line 15 it is used to calculate your next betting amount by multiplying your previous bet with your multiplier.
You can bet any amount up to 8 decimals. The smallest amount the bot allows you to bet is 0 (if the site allows it) or 0.00000001. The programmer mode might allow smaller bets if the sites API allows it.
Since you're so new to the bot, it might be a good idea to just read through the settings and try to understand what they do. Some controls have tooltips if you hover over the control or the label that gives a short explanation of what they do.
If you intend on using the programmer mode, it is important to understand how the programmer mode works and what variables do what. See the tutorials on
https://bot.seuntjie.com/ProgrammerMode.aspx for more information on the programmer mode.