The thing that's probably most perplexing for me in this whole murder-a-journalist-you-don't-like story is the pretzel logic of some Republicans trying to justify any stupid shit coming out of Trump's mouth.
If you try long enough to unroll the pretzel you will end up going insane LOL. Trying to understand an egotistical megalomaniac is like trying to understand flat earth logic! Baffle em with Bullshit and play the victim card that is Trump.
What actually perplexes me is that the rest of the free world is laughing at how Americans who used to be the shinning light on the hill could elect a person so transparent, so absolutely fucking stupid. The only foreign powers that LOVE trump are dictators haha and yet the right is not only ignoring it but think its the opposite somehow. The rest of the world laughs at how half the US citizens can deny the reality that the GRU fucked with your precious elections and HELPED DECIDE WHO YOUR LEADER WOULD BE.
It simply astounds me to not see the Americans, all of them demanding to know the motherfucking truth about their pussy grabber LOL and his connection to the fucking GRU and many other ethical problems. A foreign HOSTILE government MAY have tainted the single most precious American ideal and half of the country says, well he denies it so it's a witch hunt. Guess what GOP the search for truth is NEVER a witch hunt. Claiming witch hunt is another dictator 101 tactic. The whole world is asking why half the country doesn't care about the truth...
I can't wait for the Mulluer report, the GOP is in for some serious ass kicking when it hits. Another Saturday night massacre would be sweet, I wasn't alive for the first one!!!!!!!!!!
I also can't wait for the dems to take the House, the amount of entertaining reading material the investigations produce will be so fucking awesome. A big fatty and a coffee and I could read that shit for hours, till I fall asleep on my dog sled!
whatever hippies do up there.
You tend to see a lot of the older folks going from Igloo to Igloo on their dog sled as a lot of us old Hippies prefer a more traditional mode of transportation.